Global Advent: Apocalyptic Desert Island Game

Chapter 199 Thunder strike, the black hand emerges behind the scenes

The scorched zombie disappeared into Meng Hao's field of vision, and Meng Hao knew that the trouble was serious.

If it is a Tier 4 zombie, the opponent's strength is already very powerful.

On the entire base island, no one is its opponent except for himself.

Tier 4 zombies, even if Meng Hao took the shot himself, he still needed to pay a certain price to kill the opponent.

The world of deserted islands is extremely dangerous, no matter what it is, the higher the level, the more dangerous it is.

Just like the fire escape technique performed by the zombie just now, it was very difficult to see at a glance.

The key is that the opponent has only one fire escape technique, will it have other magic?

Obviously, this is a fire zombie with a strong talent for fighting.

If after Meng Hao went up, he was secretly attacked by the other party, he might capsize in the gutter.

"Don't care about it, and wipe out the other zombies."

Meng Hao groaned, and the 98K sniper rifle turned around and started to snipe other zombies.

Tier 2 zombies don't have the slightest resistance in front of hot weapons, as long as they are hit, they basically hang up on the spot.

The defense of Tier 3 zombies is obviously enhanced, and it is difficult to kill the opponent with one shot.

However, this is not a problem, since one shot can't be done, then two shots.

Within the scope of Tier 3, thermal weapons can still perform well.

However, when the strength of the zombie reaches Tier 4, it will be difficult to handle.

Regardless of the defense, the key is that the opponent's spiritual perception is too strong, and the danger can often be detected in advance.

The bullet has not been out of the chamber, it has sensed it in advance, and is ready to dodge.

Zombies of this level are difficult to destroy even with missiles.

No way, it will escape early.

No matter how powerful the thermal weapon is, the inability to hit the opponent is equal to zero.

Of course, weapons of mass destruction like nuclear bombs are excluded.

That kind of weapon is too powerful, and Tier 4 zombies have not been able to escape beyond the bombing range in a short time.

No one would use nuclear bombs to hit Tier 4 zombies. That is a stupid way of killing one thousand enemies and self-defeating ten thousand.

On the desert island, the smoke of gunpowder has clouded the sky.

After a round of bombing, Tier 2 and Tier 3 zombies have been wiped out.

Even if they escaped the bombardment of heavy artillery, they also died under Meng Hao's sniper.

The soldiers were excited, and of course they were happy to take a deserted island so easily.

However, Meng Hao couldn't be happy.

Because he knew that on the opposite desert island, there was a super terrifying existence: Tier 4 zombies.

According to the game system settings, as long as the player eliminates the crisis on the deserted island, he will receive a message prompt to occupy the deserted island.

Meng Hao did not receive any information, indicating that the truth was the same as the result he had expected.

"Skywrath Goshawk!"

Meng Hao let out a loud roar, and his whole body suddenly soared.

Suddenly, a sharp piercing sound came, and the huge Skywrath Flying Eagle rose into the air from the pasture, and appeared in front of Meng Hao for a few breaths.

Meng Hao put away the 98K sniper rifle, rose into the air, and landed firmly on the back of Skywrath Flying Eagle.

Immediately afterwards, Meng Hao waved his big hand, and the Skywrath Flying Eagle suddenly shot towards the opposite desert island like a black lightning.

Meng Hao held Devil's long spear in his hand, with murderous intent in his eyes.

Tier 4 zombies are very strong, and the fire escape technique is even more subtle.

If it is an ordinary player, it is impossible to find its hiding place.

But unfortunately, Meng Hao has the talent of Sky-Eyed Flying Eagle and can see all invisible things.

Meng Hao clearly saw the hidden location of Tier 4 fire zombies.


Meng Hao roared again, urging the Skywrath Gohawk to continue to accelerate.

The skywrath goshawk was full of black awns blooming, and the speed was fast to the extreme. The sharp wings cut the void and burst directly towards a certain position on the desert island.

There was gunpowder and flames of war.

On the surface, it didn't seem to be any different, but when the angry goshawk passed by that day, Meng Hao's momentum soared in vain, and the Devil spear in his hand was stabbed fiercely.


Devil's spear pierced the pulsating flame with one blow, and with a loud noise, something in the flame seemed to be hit by the spear thrust.

The next moment, a scream sounded, and the scorched Tier 4 zombie was hit by Meng Hao's chest.

It really didn't expect that its body would be seen through by the opponent while it was in the state of fire escape.

Devil's spear is extremely powerful. Under Meng Hao's full burst, coupled with the terrifying impact of the Skywrath Goshawk, this strike caused a lethal lethal force to Tier 4 zombies.The violent power raged wildly, and the chest of the Tier 4 zombie was blown to pieces.

After struggling a few times, Tier 4 zombies died.

If it is head-on, it may lose, but it will never lose so fast.

I thought it would be hidden seamlessly, but when my opponent saw through my figure, I was actually in danger.

Meng Hao didn't expect things to go so smoothly.

It seems that with the help of the Skywrath Goshawk, own combat power is really even more powerful.

At the same time, Desert Island World, Devil Island, Wizards’ Guild.

In a solemn mysterious castle, several old magicians are gathering together.

This is a mysterious Great Hall. There is an altar above the Great Hall. Five old men wearing magic robes are standing on the altar.

The shape of the altar is simple and peculiar, with a total of nine floors, with a blood pool on the top, which is filled with red blood.

At this moment, on the surface of the blood pool, a blurry picture was being staged.

A human young man, holding a spear standing on top of the goshawk, swiftly across the desert island at an extremely fast speed.

Until a certain moment, the young man made a move in vain, and the Tier 4 zombie that turned into flames penetrated his chest with one blow.

The powerful Tier 4 zombies did nothing and died on the spot.

Seeing this scene, the five old men looked extremely ugly, the expressions on the old faces changed, and the psychological fluctuations were extremely violent.

"He solved it again?"

An old man headed said in disbelief.

The other elders shook their heads, unspeakably tired between their eyebrows.

The identities of these five magicians are not simple, they are the highest authority in the magicians' union, behind them there is an extremely terrifying force.

They are responsible for staring at the desert island game to ensure that the goals of the forces behind them are successfully achieved.

Everything was going well until they discovered the human teenager from China.

This was the first day after the end of the novice period. How did he become so strong?

"Lao Di, what do you think?"

The headed old magician asked condensedly, and there was an unconcealable fatigue in his voice.

Di Lao is an Earth Magician, holds the supreme power in the Magician Guild, and is one of the four Elders.

He who called the wind and rain in the desert island world, stood on the altar but sighed again and again.

"Sir Tianhuang, this kid doesn't know where he came from. There are so many good things on his body that I can't tell the origin, and the growth rate of his strength is really too fast.

Although we have tried our best to obstruct it, the effect is not as good as we thought.

It is our highest authority to mobilize Tier 4 zombies to enter the desert island in advance, and now it seems that we have already lost. "

Di Lao sighed while staring at the picture above the blood pool.

Obviously, they did not know the existence of God-level Qi Luck, nor did they know that the opponent had the advantage of a hundredfold increase in reward.

All kinds of talents are actually synthesized by magic, and they are sent to each player with the help of altars, which does not include the talent of hundredfold reward.

Of course, with their strength, they may not be able to do it.

The other three old magicians were silent, and their moods were extremely complicated.

They really don't understand why the other party's resource accumulation speed is so fast because they have distributed so few supplies.

Also, where do those high-level weapons and equipment come from?

Everyone didn't put those things in the treasure chest. How did he get them out?

Is there something wrong with the altar?

What I thought was simple, but I didn't expect it to be so difficult.

"Now, he has the strongest strength, the largest area of ​​the island, the most abundant supplies, the number one combat power, the strongest unit, and there are many items in his hand that we have not seen before.

Now that our authority can no longer contain his development, it seems necessary to report this matter.

Otherwise, he will soon be able to smash through the world of deserted islands, and he will be completely out of control by then. "

The old magician who was called Tianhuang said in a low voice, his face was extremely ugly.

Upon hearing this, the other four magicians shook their heads and sighed.

Huo Lao opened his mouth and said, "It's better not to let the people above know about this matter. If you can't even handle this matter, you should know our fate."

Hearing this, everyone looked startled.

Thinking of the terrorist methods of the above, everyone shuddered.

Feng Lao echoed: "Yes, things have not completely gotten out of control. We still have ten days, ten days, we will do our best to kill him."

"Yes, ten days is enough to kill him. We concentrate all the dangers on him alone. Even if we are tired, we must exhaust him." Shui Lao added.

Hearing everyone's opinions, Tianhuang thought a little bit in his heart.

After pondering for a while, Tianhuang sighed and said, "Well, in that case, let's fight it again!

Immediately adjust the trend of the altar and lead all the behemoths of the deep sea to that guy's base!

Grind him to death! "

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