The world arena, the battle power rankings have changed.

The first place is no longer Meng Hao, but a player named Big Fei.

In the past, Haoye, Deye, Beiye, Chenye, Gute and others were all competing for hegemony with each other. The top five in the rankings were fiercely contested.

Meng Hao had long expected that his number one ranking would definitely be blown by others.

He has always thought that Blasting Own should be Lord Bei or Lord Chen.

But I didn't expect that Big Fei suddenly came out. At this time, he was at the top of the battle list, and he dominated the list.

"What's the origin of this big brother?"

Meng Hao was a little curious in his heart and began to study Da Fei's record.

Before the war between the two sides, there is not much useful information that can be obtained.

Meng Hao could only see that the opponent had fought fiercely more than 380 consecutive games, with a record of complete victory and no defeat.

Seeing the opponent's battles, Meng Hao couldn't help but be surprised.

You know, just a few days after the desert island battle list opened, the opponent fought so many times in such a short period of time, Meng Hao really suspected that the opponent was living in the arena.

"Is this a lunatic?"

There are many factors that need to be considered comprehensively in the ranking of the battle power list. Among them, the winning streak is the most critical link.

The more consecutive victories, the more rewards for combat power points.

Like Da Fei Ge's current state, every time he wins a game, his combat power points will double.

"It's time to bring his winning streak to an end!"

Meng Hao said coldly.

Seeing the opponent's record, Meng Hao made the decision immediately.

Nothing is the fastest to get points than a challenge.

If you succeed in the challenge, the points earned by the opponent will become own.

Thinking of this, Meng Hao showed a sneer at the corner of his mouth.

He seemed to think of his previous encounter with Bei Ye again.

At the same time, Master Bei, Yiqi Juechen, left all the players behind.

However, as soon as he made his move, he easily killed the opponent and took away everything that the opponent had.

He feels that history is always surprisingly similar, and now he wants to crush others to the top.


Meng Hao chose Big Fei and started the challenge mode.

He is a seventh-order magician, even if he closes his eyes, he can easily kill the opponent.

In his eyes, the players in the desert island world are now children.

He didn't have the slightest psychological pressure.

Regardless of whether the opponent is strong or not, he is not strong anyway.

[Da Fei Ge rejected your challenge application. 】

The system prompt appeared suddenly, and Meng Hao was taken aback.


"The number one person, just so courageous?"

Meng Hao was speechless.

He considered a variety of situations, but he didn't expect that the other party would directly reject him.

It seems that this player named Big Fei has a very calm personality.

Meng Hao didn't believe in evil, so he tried again.

In his opinion, people in the top ranks are generally very flirty and should not be afraid of challenges.

Maybe the other party made the wrong point just now.

[Da Fei Ge rejected your challenge application. 】

Rejecting himself again, Meng Hao suddenly felt like a concubine.

Well, this big brother is smarter than others, just not fooled.

"Hey, the opponent has won so many games in a row. If you want to catch up with him, I am afraid that normal means will not be able to catch up."Dafei has too many consecutive wins. If he refuses to accept the challenge, then Meng Hao must catch up with him, and the number of consecutive wins must surpass him.

Meng Hao felt that there was no problem in winning so many games in a row.

The point is, I don't have so much time to play so many games.

Maybe Big Fei had set this point, no matter who challenged him, he would not accept it, and just walk forward steadily, no one can catch up.

Meng Hao took a look at own ranking, which was now sixth.

In addition to Big Fei, there are four people in front of Bei Ye, Chen Ye, Gut, and De Ye.

Previously, Meng Hao's combat power score was ranked first, but because of not landing in the arena for a long time, the ranking has gradually fallen behind.

"Old rules, let's challenge others!"

Meng Hao glanced at the battle list, and then selected Lord Bei.


[Bei Ye rejected your challenge application. 】

Meng Hao: "..."

Seeing that Lord Bei had been beaten by Meng Hao, he directly refused the challenge.

In desperation, Meng Hao chose Chen Ye, who was ranked second.


[Chen Ye rejected your challenge application. 】

The corner of Meng Hao's mouth twitched, and he fixed his gaze on Gut.

Gut has a good relationship with Meng Hao. Before, the two sides were allies, and they had a ring battle with Bei Ye and others.

However, now and then, everyone is trying to earn points, and fighting with each other is inevitable.

However, when Meng Hao challenged Gut, the other party quickly rejected him.

At this moment, Meng Hao's expression became completely embarrassed.

What kind of plane?

Is this all discussed?

Finally, Meng Hao fixed his gaze on De Ye.

This is the last player he can challenge.

The challenge rule is very simple, that is, compare the player with higher score to initiate a challenge, and cannot challenge the player whose combat power score is behind him.

In other words, if De Ye refuses Meng Hao again, his purpose of carrying out the challenge will be defeated.


Seeing Master De, Meng Hao suddenly remembered one thing.

In order to avenge his revenge, Master De had once sniped himself countless times, but in the end he was actually ranked by him.

Suddenly, Meng Hao's inspiration flashed. They can snipe himself, so can he snipe them too?

As a result, Meng Hao hurriedly opened the top five players in the rankings and found that they were all engaged in team battles.

Prolonged single-player combat makes people look numb, just like a beast, and makes people easy to fall into depression.

In order to alleviate this kind of problem, team battle is a good choice.

As long as the own team is strong enough, the battle cannot be defeated.

Moreover, they can chat and joke with each other without causing depression.

Meng Hao glanced at the information of the top five teams, and couldn't help but look weird.

"What's so special, you are actually a team?"

Meng Hao was surprised to find that Big Fei and Bei Ye had actually gotten together and formed a team.

And Big Fei is the captain of this team.

This bunch of bastards are really not wanting face. The five strongest people form a team. Who can play other players?

"The tiger is out of the mountain, and the monkey is the king. It seems that I am too late for Master Hao!"

Meng Hao was cold in front of him, gritted his teeth.

He felt that he had been targeted by these bastards.

If he guessed correctly, when he challenged everyone just now, they must laugh at himself together.

"Why? If you dare to play yin with daddy, then I'm sorry!"

Meng Hao let out a cold snort, and immediately entered the world arena team competition mode, staring at the five-person team information.

Meng Hao has decided that he wants to attack the black team alone, and the strongest team in the sniper battle list!

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