On the battlefield, the temperature soared.

With Meng Hao's fireball technique, Big Fei's poisonous smoke was resolved, and the strong leader Deye was eliminated.

At this moment, everyone was shocked.

Everyone knows that Meng Hao's magic power is very strong, but it is still very shocking to be so strong.

Those who know Meng Hao know that one day ago, the other side was clearly a Tier 4 magician.

But the strength shown by the opponent is definitely far greater than the Tier 4 magician.

As for the specific level, no one can guess.

Because the strength is too strong, they can't sense it at all.

Brother Da Fei looked solemn, and a hint of resentment flashed in his eyes.

At the same time, a vicious sneer appeared in his heart.

"Do you think my title of No. 1 Poison on the deserted island is a false name?"

"Those who look down on me will suffer a lot!"

Brother Da Fei was panicked, but there was still a glimmer of hope.

Where Meng Hao stood, he had already cast the poison of talent.

This toxin is extremely virulent, and ordinary people will be infected as long as they get a little bit of it.

Not to mention a weak magician, even a warrior can't resist this toxin.

The characteristics of this toxin are very strange, it does not cause people to get sick, but it is the power that can contaminate the player.

Whether it is a warrior or a magician, as long as it is stained with this toxin, all the power will be quickly infested and will become disobedient to the player's command.

What would happen to a warrior or magician if the power in his body didn't let it go?

Of course it is no different from a mortal.

If it is a fighter, at any rate, there is still a tyrannical physique left.

If it's a magician, it's over, there is nothing left.

In Big Fei's eyes, Meng Hao is a magician.

As long as he contaminates his magic power, then he will be a lamb to be slaughtered.

Meng Hao stepped forward, his eyes trembling as he approached the remaining players.

He intends to start with Master Bei, and after he is killed, he will be liquidated with others one by one.

After all, in the entire team, he also had the greatest grudge against De Ye and Bei Ye.

It is a normal competitive relationship with Chen Ye, but there is not much grudge.

As for Gut, Meng Hao had previously joined forces with the opponent, and now the confrontation is also a result that neither side wants to see.

As for Big Fei, to be honest, Meng Hao didn't have much feeling for him.

Whether the opponent is sinister or vicious, it has nothing to do with him.

Everyone has their own way of playing, and Meng Hao doesn't bother to care about them, let alone talk about Righteous & Evil.

Just when Meng Hao was about to move the target, the mechanical system prompt sounded suddenly.

[Warning, you have been attacked by an unknown toxin, and the physique is activated without invading the poison. 】

[Reminder, the unknown toxin has been eliminated, and the toxin cannot affect your body functions. 】

The sudden system prompt immediately made Meng Hao pause.

Special, poisoned?

Meng Hao remembered that he had burned all the poisonous trees of the other party just now, and even the poisonous smoke in the air had been burned clean.

How on earth was it poisoned?

Meng Hao couldn't help but frowned slightly, and his mood became unbeautiful.

Fortunately, her own hundred poisons are not invading the physique and can resist the opponent's toxins.

If you can't hold it, wouldn't it be a way?

Meng Hao, who had originally planned to shift the target, stopped, he stopped, and looked at Brother Big Fei with unkind eyes.He also thought about not having the same knowledge of this guy who is good at poisoning, but he didn't expect that the other party would actually do it first.

That's no wonder someone else.

Opposite, Big Fei suddenly laughed wildly when he saw Meng Hao's expression change.

"Hahaha, don't worry, everyone, let me take care of this person!"

Big Fei took a step forward, his momentum suddenly became stronger, and his eyes sparkled with arrogant spirits.

"I won't let the deity die in vain, and then I will unscrew the other's head and use it as a urinal for Dee!"

Big Fei rolled up his sleeves, with green poisonous smoke in his hand, and an unknown green object was beating in his palm, which looked extremely mysterious.

Seeing Da Fei Ge's expression, Bei Ye, Chen Ye, Gu Te and others breathed a sigh of relief.

It seems that Big Fei has succeeded.

Even De Ye's "Spirit in the Sky" laughed wildly.

Next, it's time to watch Meng Hao deflate.

Seeing Big Fei's weird behavior, Meng Hao couldn't help being stunned.

Isn't this something wrong with your brain?

Meng Hao's patience has reached its limit. He didn't bother to spend any more words with the other party, and immediately took a step forward, reaching out and grabbing towards Big Fei.

Suddenly, the tyrannical earth force broke out, and a layer of sand condensed into a long dragon, rushing towards Big Fei.

Brother Da Fei was not afraid at all, and sneered: "Don't be bluffing there. I know you have reached the end of the crossbow. The Meridians must be very painful. It's okay. Call out the pain. We won't laugh at you."

Meng Hao was too lazy to talk to each other, the earth element power continued to explode, and the momentum of the sand dragon grew stronger and stronger, and instantly rushed to Big Fei brother.

Brother Da Fei was shocked, and his body hurriedly dodged to the side.

He really didn't expect that the opponent could control the amount of magic power after being poisoned by own.

However, he felt that this should only be temporary, and when the other party's poison broke out, he would soon become powerless to fight back.

At that time, the opponent will become a soft persimmon that anyone can handle.


Brother Da Fei was still thinking, the huge sand dragon directly knocked him to the ground.

Immediately afterwards, the sand wrapped his body and lifted it high into the air.

Big Fei's complexion was pale, and his eyes were full of incredible expressions.

"What's the matter, the toxin hasn't attacked yet?"

Big Fei struggled vigorously a few times, and found that the sand was very powerful, locking his body tightly.

Because of the squeeze too tight, he felt it was difficult to breathe.

Next to him, Bei Ye, Chen Ye, and Gute were all shocked.

Isn't Meng Hao poisoned? Why is the magic still so strong?

Is it reliable?

But soon, Meng Hao gave the answer.

When the sand dragon raised Big Fei into the air, Meng Hao's killing intent had already reached the mechanism.

At this moment, he stretched out his right hand and made a grasping motion with his palm.

Suddenly, the sand in the sky suddenly gathered.


Flesh and flesh flew across, blood splashed, and Brother Big Fei's body was instantly squeezed into a puddle of mud.

The blood dyed the yellow sand into a blood red, a bloody rain fell in the sky, and a strong bloody air rose to the sky.

Everyone was shocked.

Both the enemy players and their teammates were shocked by Meng Hao's overbearing and brutal killing method.

Many people have seen Earth Magicians.

Most magicians' killing methods rely on the sharpness of the ground thorns or the gravity of meteorites.

This is the first time I have seen a method like Meng Hao that directly squeezes people to death.

This is not like a magical killing, it is clearly to pinch the opponent to death with strength.

What a terrifying force!

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