Global Advent: Apocalyptic Desert Island Game

Chapter 221 Hoarding Nuclear Bomb Project

The violent explosion reverberated in the sky.

The splendid fireworks illuminate the night sky of the desert island.

With the rockets given by Meng Hao, Meng Ke descended like a god.

Rockets with tail flames roared out and exploded continuously among the zombies.

Regardless of Tier 3 or Tier 4 zombies, as long as they are hit by rockets, all zombies within a radius of more than ten meters will be broken.

Even the Tier 5 wind system zombies are absolutely uncomfortable at this time.

At that time, it was flying into the sky with four zombies, and suddenly, a terrible aura locked itself.

Sure enough, it saw a rocket with a long tail flame bursting towards it.

With its powerful spiritual sense, it sensed a fatal threat on it.

The fifth-order wind system zombies felt bad, and immediately fled towards the distance.

But I didn't expect that the rocket had eyes long, and it kept chasing after it.

After escaping more than 2,000 meters, the Tier 5 wind system zombies still failed to escape the chase of the rockets, and finally bombarded it accurately.

At this moment, half of the fifth-order wind element zombies were blown up, leaving only a layer of skin and flesh still connected.

What is incredible is that it is not dead.

That's right, its blood tank is empty, but there is still a little bit of health.

As long as this point of health is still there, it can continue to survive.

The Tier 5 wind system zombies that were hit hard realized the terrible rockets, and at this time they didn't dare to show up, and began to hide among the zombies to launch a sneak attack.

Although his health is low, his attack power is still there.

Especially the offensive magic it is best at is still as sharp and terrifying as before.

"call out!"

The Tier 5 wind system zombies stretched out their black claws and snapped them in the direction of Meng Ke.

Suddenly, five wind blades appeared out of thin air.

There are black lights around the wind blade, blending with the night, and it is almost difficult to distinguish.

Meng Ke is constantly launching rockets here, and he is hitting righteously.

Suddenly felt the attack came, and it was too late to escape.


Meng Ke staggered backwards two steps, five sharp scratches were caught on the clothes beside him, and the clothes were all torn.

Along with the attack of the wind blade, a layer of blazing sparks appeared on its shoulders, making a piercing sound of golden and iron humming.

"My clothes, Damn it!"

Meng Ke was very angry. Her favorite clothes were caught by that Damn it's Tier 5 wind zombie.

Behind the torn clothes, a set of sharp armor was revealed.

Assault Battle Armor!

This is the super defensive battle armor that Meng Hao obtained before, a gold-level item.

Among all the defensive armors, except for Meng Hao's resurrection armor, this was the assault armor.

Tier 5 zombies can't break through the defense of this suit at all.

In addition, the blade armor Meng Hao gave to his mother could rank third.

Blade armor can rebound twice as much damage, and it is more aggressive. In terms of defensive power, it is still not as good as a strong attack armor.

Meng Ke was angrily, and basically locked the hiding place of the Tier 5 wind system zombies based on the location of the attack just now.

"Do you like sneak attacks? Do you like hiding? I will let you hide enough!"

Meng Kejiao yelled, and immediately turned the launching direction of the rocket, blasting towards the suspicious area.

Suddenly, the fire was everywhere, the sound of cannons was thunderous, and the zombies in that area were poured with blood mold, and nothing was done, they had been blown to pieces.Seeing that there were fewer and fewer zombies around, the Tier 5 Wind Element zombies knew that they couldn't hide here, so they flew up on the tip of the wind and ran away alone.

Meng Ke laughed on the spot when he saw this scene.

Don’t you think it’s too late to escape now?

Meng Ke snorted coldly, and the rocket shot immediately aimed at the Tier 5 wind system zombies, and immediately pulled the trigger.


There was a loud noise, and the fifth-order wind system zombies were blown up to pieces and died on the spot.

Meng Ke finally let out a sigh of relief, and this battle is considered stable.

Due to the prowess of the rockets, a large number of zombies were bombarded into dregs, and Meng Ke's troops quickly broke out and began to counter-encircle the zombies group.

There is no need to worry about the next thing Meng Ke, the remaining zombies are not to be feared, the arms can be handled easily.

She looked at the rocket launcher which was still carrying the hot heat, thought a little bit in her heart, and looked at the vast sea with clear eyes.

"Brother, when can I find you, I'm really lonely by myself."

When the novelty disappears, all that remains is exhaustion.

Meng Ke was a little tired. She really wanted to find Big Brother and be a stupid Little Sister who didn't do anything from now on. She didn't want to do this kind of thing about going to a deserted island alone.

On the base island, Meng Hao learned that Little Sister had successfully survived the zombie island crisis, and finally let go of his hanging heart.

This matter is Meng Hao's inconsideration.

He knew the difficulty of the desert island world was escalating, but he didn't help everyone update their equipment in time.

Meng Hao was quite content with this matter.

Meng Hao contacted his father and mother again.

Fortunately, all that Dad and Mom encountered were small zombie islands, relying on the strength of the troops, they easily broke through.

Just in case, Meng Hao sent one hundred rocket launchers and five hundred rockets to his father and mother.

At the same time, Meng Hao supplemented everyone with 100 missile launchers and 500 long-range missiles.

In this way, both close combat and long-range power are guaranteed.

However, the price Meng Hao paid for this was that he had to go to the trading channel for a wave of praise.

Suddenly, Meng Hao was alert.

As the difficulty of the desert island game is upgraded, the number of players is getting less and less. If there is no player in the future, how can I get good reviews?

"Fuck, it seems that the card BUG has to be as early as possible, there will be no players in the future, it is estimated that this BUG will be automatically fixed!"

Meng Hao thought a little bit in his heart. He felt that the higher-value things should be bugged several times, and more good ones should be kept for later use.

"Time is almost up, I should go to Zombie Island to collect crystal coins."

Meng Hao murmured, ready to act.

Blowing the whistle lightly, the Skywrath Goshawk quickly lifted into the air from the pasture, and then appeared in front of Meng Hao like a black lightning.

With a light leap, Meng Hao stepped on the back of the Skywrath Goshawk and galloped towards the Zombie Island.

Crystal coins are still very useful. Now the system mall has been opened, and 1 crystal coin is 100 yuan. Then you can purchase real-world items through the mall.

Meng Hao intends to save money frantically, and then buy a nuclear bomb through the system mall.

Then use the system BUG to break down and build a nuclear bomb.

At that time, I will hoard billions of nuclear bombs. If the black hand behind the scenes wants to wipe out myself, then they will have a deadly net.

It's a big deal to lift the table, who is afraid of who.

Meng Hao knew that the power behind the game was terrifying. Even if he finally won the game, he would be nothing more than a guinea pig who won in the opponent's laboratory.

If he wants to gain the right to speak, he must have the power to destroy the world.

Only in this way can he straighten his waist.

Don’t those people like to play games?

Meng Hao planned to play with them.

Play until the world collapses!

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