Global Advent: Apocalyptic Desert Island Game

Chapter 229 Undefeated battle body, careless

What is the real strong?

Yang Hongxia didn't know before, but now she knows.

The other parts of the body are not so powerful, she still doesn't know, this heart alone has defeated countless people.

The heart is the motor of the human body and the source of power output.

Meng Hao's heart is so strong, it is no wonder that the combat effectiveness is so strong.

It seems that the opponent's strength is for a reason.

Yang Hongxia carefully helped Meng Hao to unbutton her, and gently opened the other's first book of clothes.

Next, a trace of embarrassment rose on Yang Hongxia's handsome face.

In between, Meng Hao was wearing a golden armor. He didn't know what material it was. He only knew that this armor protected the vitals of the opponent's body.

Yang Hongxia touched her little hand lightly and found that her armor was actually warm.

It's as if there is vitality.

"How to do this?"

Yang Hongxia was a little dumbfounded.

Thousands of counts, she didn't count this far.

I wanted to cook mature rice directly with Meng Hao, but I never thought that the other party was covered in armor and there was no chance at all.

At the same time, Meng Hao lying on the bed was also speechless.

Special, careless!

I had known to put away the resurrection armor in advance.

Will it be too obvious to take off the resurrection armor now?

Meng Hao muttered to himself, feeling that the first experience was not particularly good.

Across the battle armor, he already felt the softness of the opponent's body.

Or pretend to wake up now?

At this moment, Meng Hao's expression moved slightly, and Mental Energy suddenly swayed towards the outside of the attic.

At this moment, there was another beautiful girl who walked towards the attic on a tiptoe.

Meng Hao: "???"

Seeing this scene, Meng Hao suddenly Didn’t know whether to laugh or cry.

Under what circumstances, do everyone think that I am a womanizer, so are you planning to come to me to seduce me?

This is so embarrassing!

It turns out that I have this image in the hearts of beautiful women?

Well, let's take a look at the other party's intentions first.

Meng Hao muttered to himself, dispelling the practice of pretending to wake up, quietly waiting for the other party's arrival.

After a while, Yang Hongxia heard the sound of footsteps in the stairwell, and was immediately taken aback.

She hurriedly picked up her own robe, quickly wrapped it around her body, and then hid under the bed.

There was a blanket on the bed, and Yang Hongxia hid behind the blanket.

"anyone there?"

Suddenly, a clear voice sounded, and the sweet-looking girl had reached the third floor.

She yelled softly and found that no one inside responded, and immediately yelled again.

"Is the master at home?"

The woman shouted again.

Seeing that there was still no response, the woman courageously walked into Meng Hao's bedroom.

When she raised her eyes, the woman saw Meng Hao lying on the bed, and she suddenly showed a look of surprise.

"Oh, master, you are here!"

The woman smiled knowingly, and immediately walked towards Meng Hao's bed.

"Hello master, my name is Yao Wushuang, I am fifteen years old this year, and I have liked you for a long time."

"Master, do you mind if I be your girlfriend?"

"No answer means acquiescence, I know you didn't sleep."

Yao Wushuang chuckled, she quickly took two steps forward and sat down on the bed.

Just about to do something, she made a sudden movement and looked down at the ground incredibly.

Here, there is actually a pair of women's shoes.


Yao Wushuang got up suddenly and looked into the bed with shocked expression on his face.Yang Hongxia is tall, and the blanket can't completely cover it. At this time, a figure can be clearly seen.

Yang Hongxia knew that she couldn't hide, she immediately exposed a head and whispered: "Sorry, you are late, the master is already mine."

Yao Wushuang looked at Yang Hongxia, then at Meng Hao who was sleeping, and immediately retorted: "The master has neat clothes. Obviously you haven't succeeded. Don't lie to me."

"I have lived here for several days, and I come every night. You are really late."

"I do not believe!"

"Really, you see we are all sleeping together."

"I don't believe it. The master hasn't taken off his clothes. You two haven't had a relationship yet. I still have a chance."


Meng Hao's head almost exploded as he listened to the argument between the two women.

It turns out that this is the world of the rich.

Although slightly dirty, it is really fascinating.

Taking advantage of the arguing between the two women, Meng Hao's heart moved and quietly put away the resurrection armor.

As a result, there was only one ordinary piece of clothing left on his body.

Anyway, I have already set the posture, and then you have to work hard.

The newcomer Yao Wushuang is obviously more courageous than Yang Hongxia, she stripped off own clothes in half and half, and then went to strip Meng Hao's clothes.

Next, she hugged Meng Hao directly and took the latter as her own.

Yang Hongxia's eyes widened in disbelief, feeling extremely unreal.

Because she found that the armor on Meng Hao was gone.

Ah, this...

Does the owner like Yao Wushuang this type?

Yao Wushuang is petite, a kind of little beauty like Xiaoniaoyin.

Yang Hongxia, who has long legs, seems to be inferior to her opponent in some respects.

"How about, together?"

In desperation, Yang Hongxia proposed.

Yao Wushuang had been here late, and he readily agreed to this proposal.

Next, the two women looked at each other, as if they had reached a tacit understanding.

The two took turns in battle and began a fierce battle with Meng Hao.

What shocked the two women was that Meng Hao's physique was too strong and seemed to be undefeated forever.

After fighting for more than three hours, the two women finally couldn't support it.

Even if the two cooperated, they failed to achieve the final victory.

"Or, let's go, I'm afraid I won't survive tomorrow morning."

Yao Wushuang retreated.

At this time, her legs were weak and her body collapsed, and it was difficult for her to stand up.

Yang Hongxia nodded in agreement, her pretty face full of exhaustion.

She didn't realize until now how ridiculous the idea of ​​wanting to monopolize Meng Hao.

The body simply can't bear it.

It's only about four o'clock in the morning, and there are still several hours before dawn.

Whenever there is hope, they persevere.

But going back to this kind of thing is really impossible.

"Let's go, find a few more sisters next time, we are not strong enough."

Yang Hongxia said embarrassingly, she immediately wrapped her own robe again and limped towards the door of the room.

Yao Wushuang also smiled bitterly, before leaving, she did not forget to help Meng Hao get dressed again.

It's just that some parts can't be put back.

"Sorry master, we were careless, and we will never make the same mistake again next time. Goodbye, you take care."

Before he finished speaking, Yao Wushuang ran out like running away, but his body was too weak to run.

Seeing the two women leaving, Meng Hao couldn't help sighing.

What a thing this is!

It's quite uncomfortable for me!

Meng Hao lowered his head and glanced at a certain part of own, then shook his head helplessly.

At the same time, Meng Hao picked up the paper and pen on the bedside, wrote a few words, and then ejected towards the dark Wandering Xia like a dart.

Darkness Wandering Xia had just finished one round of practice and was about to continue to practice the next round, when suddenly he received a note from the master.

"I have something, come here!"

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