The sky is lingering, and Sword Qi is in the sky.

With Elena's full explosion, the power of the seventh-order magic soared to the extreme.

After a night of practice, Irina's magic power has also reached the seventh level.

I remember when she first met Meng Hao, she was only a Tier 3 magician.

At that time, her longevity was severely depleted. If she couldn't find high-quality magical ingredients, she would run out of life.

Fortunately, Meng Hao gave her a lot of sea-blue ice hearts, which enabled her to be able to take pictures of her magic power and her strength improved by leaps and bounds.

After a few days, her strength has soared to the seventh rank.

This was something she had never imagined before.

Therefore, she never regretted being loyal to Meng Hao.

She should have died after running out of life, but Meng Hao gave her a chance to rebirth.

Facing the doubts of many magicians, Jelena decisively explained to them with the strongest magic.

Huang Huang Sword Ray, as the sun is in the sky, the clear big lake is rippling with blue waves, and endless energy roars in the lake.

With Elena yelling, Sword Ray slashed down at the magician camp in front of him.

A sharp light lay across the sky, and the horrible whistling sound cut through the void.

Many magicians were frightened. They shouted and cursed while holding up their protective shields to defend.

However, it is so easy for Jelena to fight with all her strength.

With the sound of pouch, the interrupted arms of the sky flew horizontally, the stumps ran wildly, the endless blood surging horizontally and horizontally, and the rain of sharp blades descended on the world.

After this strike, at least hundreds of magicians were killed, and magicians below the seventh level had almost no resistance.

"call out!"

Suddenly, a black shadow suddenly passed, and the Skywrath Gohawk seized the opportunity and rushed directly into the magician camp.

Immediately afterwards, the thousands of wings on his body began to shine with dark awns.

The next moment, the skywrath goshawk flashed black light all over.

Close observation will reveal that those black awns are not just black light, but black feathers.

The surface of these feathers is as black as ink, and the outside is shining with a dazzling cold light, which is sharp and suffocating.


Countless magicians screamed, their bodies were directly pierced by the feathers of the Skywrath Goshawk, and blood shot out from thousands of holes like a torrential rain.

"kill him!"

The continuous damage caused severe damage to the magician camp.

The many guardians who were alive screamed in unison, and at this time they didn't care about any playing styles, and they all attacked the Skywrath Gohawk.

Many magicians of the Law Guardian level are in the eighth rank, and their combat effectiveness should not be underestimated.

With their full force, the sky was full of wind and thunder, and a glow of fire appeared from the void, and the target was directed at the Skywrath Goshawk.

The strength of the Skywrath Goshawk is equivalent to that of a seventh-order warrior, and if it is hit by so many eighth-order magic, it will definitely be hit hard.

Just when Meng Hao wanted to take a shot, an old man with a vicissitudes of face suddenly appeared. He stepped on the six-pointed red star formation under his feet, and the magic wand in his hand suddenly fell.

Suddenly, countless bubbles appeared, exploding in front of all the magicians.

In the blink of an eye, the green mist rushed out of the bubbles, like a poisonous snake, and instantly penetrated into the nostrils of many magicians.

"Not good, poisonous!"

Many magicians were shocked, and at this time they withdrew their attack magic and quickly transformed into defensive magic.

However, these green mists were so fast that many magicians had no time to defend, and their bodies had already been recruited.

Other people started to see this scene, Frost Arrow, Lianzhu Arrow, Rainstorm Blade, Wing Knife...

In the blink of an eye, the magician in the sky has been slaughtered.

Meng Hao stood proudly holding the Devil spear, and smiled with satisfaction when he saw this scene.It seems that in the future such small-scale battles, you don't need to take action personally.

At the same time, the battle on the ice is over.

With Su Cainai and others taking the lead, plus nearly 10,000 troops, it is natural to sweep these low-level magicians.

The battle lasted for more than ten minutes, and when the head of the last magician was cut off, the battle was finally over.

"Clean the battlefield quickly!"

Su Cai Nai gave an order, and many golden soldiers suddenly became busy.

These magicians all come from the magician union, and their strength is above the fifth level.

With their strength, their status on Devil Island should not be too low, and there may be good things on them.

Sure enough, after some searching, Meng Hao obtained a large number of crystal coins and magic rough stones.

"What is this?"

Meng Hao picked up an oval stone and frowned slightly.

With his powerful spiritual sense, he could clearly perceive the abundant magic power contained in this stone.

Meng Hao didn't know the purpose of this magic rough stone, it must be related to some formation.

"Keep it for now, maybe you can use it later."

Only more than two hundred magic rough stones were found on the bodies of more than 4,000 magicians. It seems that this kind of thing is quite precious.

At least it is far inferior to the number of crystal coins.

After some searching by the golden champion, Meng Hao obtained more than four million crystal coins.

It seems that these magicians are relatively wealthy, and they can have about a thousand crystal coins.

Moreover, Meng Hao discovered that the higher the level of the magician, the more crystal coins he has.

This is easy to understand. The wealth of a magician with a high status is naturally higher than that of an ordinary magician.

[Congratulations to the host, get 215 pieces of magic rough stone. 】

【Ding! Trigger God-level Qi Luck and get a hundredfold reward. 】

[Magic rough stone +21500 pieces. 】

[Congratulations to the host, get 4,370,000 crystal coins. 】

【Ding! Trigger God-level Qi Luck and get a hundredfold reward. 】


The sudden system prompt made Meng Hao startled.


Killing the magician can get a hundred times the reward. This is forcing me to kill the magician!

While frightened, Meng Hao secretly counted his own harvest.

The magical rough stone has increased by 21,500, and the crystal coin has increased by 437 million.

This is just a small-scale battle.

If you kill more magicians, won't your own wealth change drastically!

The exchange ratio of crystal coins to renminbi is one to one hundred.

In other words, the end of this war, the wealth of the renminbi alone is equivalent to a skyrocketing of more than 40 billion.

For an instant, Meng Hao seemed to have rekindled hope for buying a nuclear bomb.

Moreover, those magical rough stones of greater value have skyrocketed a hundred times. If possible, Meng Hao has the opportunity to increase the wealth of the entire desert island world by a hundredfold.

It’s better to fight to get money quickly. In the past, it’s not as easy to attack the desert island world as the magician to attack the desert island in the past.

Only less than four thousand magicians were killed this time, if all the billions of magicians on Devil Island were killed.

I drop a good boy!

Action is worse than heart.

In that case, what are you waiting for.

In the direction of Devil Island, attack!

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