In the high altitude, the wind is violent.

As the strongest in the world on the desert island, President Tianhuang's attack power should not be underestimated.

As soon as he shot, the entire magic power between heaven and earth seemed to be mobilized by him, and the endless magic power was all attracted by his wind blade and became part of the wind blade power.

In an instant, the heavens and the earth were eclipsed.

In the horrified eyes of people, a dreadful wind blade ran across the sky, splitting the sky like a sky sword, and slashing towards the human camp.

Seeing this scene, Meng Hao couldn't help but look terrified.

"Is this the power of a Tier 10 magician? It really is so strong!"

Meng Hao let out a cold snort, and his figure suddenly burst.

At this moment, Meng Hao glowed all over, with a dazzling divine light sweeping everything, and the spear in his hand slammed out of the huge wind blade.

Suddenly, a dazzling and blazing spear light rose into the sky, making a roar of the heavens and the earth, and hit the wind blade fiercely.


There was a loud noise, and the gun light and the wind blade violently collided in the high altitude, and a huge energy fluctuation burst out immediately.


The terrifying energy shock wave spread wildly towards the four people at a speed visible to the naked eye.

This was in midair. No one else existed on Meng Hao's side, but the opposite was different.

All the magicians of the wind union came here under the leadership of President Tianhuang, and they are now behind him.

Such a tyrannical shock wave, if no one resisted it, then most of the wind magicians would be affected.

It is conceivable that no magician below the eighth rank can withstand this kind of impact.

Realizing this, President Tianhuang knew that he could not retire.

Once he retreats, all the wind magicians behind will suffer.

"Gangfeng is awe-inspiring!"

President Tian Huang let out a loud roar, and the magic wand in his hand flashed out thousands of brilliance again.

The next moment, a blue light flashed, and a huge wind energy shield was formed, blocking the shock wave.

That is, the moment the protective cover was formed, the terrifying energy shock wave arrived, and it hit the surface of the protective cover without any accident.


President Tianhuang was in a cold sweat, panting like a cow, and the magic power in his body was consumed wildly.

After being repelled three kilometers, he finally blocked the shock wave's attack.

"so close!"

Chairman Tianhuang wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, and his eyes were full of shock when he looked at Meng Hao.

He really did not expect that the earthling in front of him was so strong.

"Army attack!"

President Tianhuang roared again, rushing to the front with his magic wand, and rushed towards Meng Hao.

Of course, Meng Hao is not welcome, and shouted at the soldiers guarding the mountain: "Shoot!"

Suddenly, all kinds of hot weapons roared in unison, and the archer master also broke out unprecedented combat power.

Seeing President Tianhuang rushing down, Meng Hao suddenly jumped, stepping on the tip of the wind and rising into the sky, holding the Devil spear and fighting with the opponent.

President Tianhuang is an old fried dough stick who has lived for many years, and various powerful magics emerge in an endless stream, attacking Meng Hao one after another.

Of course, Meng Hao is not a vegetarian, especially after practicing the Eight or Nine Profound Art, his physical strength has been so powerful to an incredible level.

Even if Meng Hao didn't use the power of the physical body, the increase in magic power by this body alone was enough to crush the opponent.

Sure enough, the two sides almost met each other, and Chairman Tianhuang fell into a disadvantage.

Meng Hao simply put away Devil's spear, took out Shiyuan's scepter, and attacked each other with magical powers.

In the course of the battle, Meng Hao always had spare power, and did not expose all of his own power.Because Meng Hao also had to guard against the daughter of the heaven who was dressed in white.

For Meng Hao, the truly terrifying person hasn't taken any action yet.

His Eight-Nine Profound Art was prepared to deal with that heavenly daughter.

The battle instantly entered a white-hot stage.

The underground magician of the Earth Element is quietly appearing, trying to take part in the battle.

After a tragic attack, the water magician is also trying to organize a counterattack.

The fire magician is violently colliding with the dragon knight and the mountain giant.

The wind magician is bearing the fiercest gunfire on the base island.

The two sides fell into a bitter battle, and all parties suffered losses.

However, this way of fighting was obviously not what Yun Ni wanted.

In Yun Ni's consciousness, the magician against the people on earth is a crushing crush.

Why has it evolved into a stalemate?

"A bunch of trash!"

Yun Ni snorted coldly, showing a trace of impatience on her beautiful face.

She glanced at the battlefield, then lifted her hand slightly, and snapped it in the direction of the human camp.

Suddenly, a bright star fell from the sky, with a fiery light, and violently rubbed against the air, producing a series of fires.

"Star falls!"

All the magicians in the battle were overjoyed.

As members of the Wizards’ Guild, they certainly know what this Star represents.

This is a symbol of strength and status.

Only magicians with a certain level of strength can release magic in the form of stars.

You know, the basic elements that make up the world are earth, water, fire and wind.

When the four basic elements are practiced to the extreme, the magic released at any time will evolve and merge on their own.

For example, the magic that Yun Ni released casually, after evolving and fusing with each other, formed this star.

In theory, this Star has the possibility of evolving into a new world.

As long as the star is given a suitable environment, it may give birth to life.

Of course, Yun Ni has no intention of creating a new world. She just wants to kill those messy and inferior lives and bring back the results of the experiment.

Star descended from the sky, with a strong pressure, and furiously rushed towards the human camp.

As you can imagine, the power of this strike is absolutely tremendous.

Even more terrifying than a nuclear bomb.

This is still the result of her self-repression of strength.

Such a terrifying Star can be condensed only by the tenth-order magic power. If it is restored to the ninety-eighth-order magic power, wouldn't the merged Star be even bigger?

So the question is, if the magician's strength is strong enough, can he create and destroy the world with his hands?

Rebirth and destruction are only between turning hands.

Meng Hao's pupils followed closely, and the light in his eyes was boiling.

At this point, he didn't even care about hiding his strength, he took out Devil's spear and rushed towards the Star.


A spear thrust out, and the sky fell apart.

The eight or nine profound arts quietly operated, and a special mysterious power spread over Meng Hao's limbs and corpses, causing his entire body strength to soar hundreds of millions of times.

Devil's spear accurately bombarded the surface of Star, pungent the star on the spot!

Suddenly, the explosion sounded shocking the sky, and the terrifying energy shock wave reappeared.

This time, don't say that President Tianhuang helped other magicians to resist, he himself was lifted out by the terrifying shock wave.

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