Global Advent: Apocalyptic Desert Island Game

Chapter 270 The Unlucky Giant Deep Sea Turtle

At the bottom of the vast sea, standing on the back of a huge turtle, Meng Hao was filled with infinite joy.

He was wearing flying boots, countless light spots in his heart, it seemed that he could fly away at any time.

However, he did not rush to act.

The appearance of Yun Ni let him learn about the heavens, and Meng Hao worried that there were other heavenly people watching in the desert island world.

In order to avoid exposing himself, Meng Hao did not try the magical effect of the flying boots.

The flying boots are obviously not from the lower realm. Once Meng Hao uses them, it is likely to be noticed by the people in the heavens.

Therefore, Meng Hao temporarily put away the flying boots and quietly placed it in his own storage ring.

Meng Hao has used the storage ring for a long time, and he is handy in using this storage baby, and it is the most convenient to switch items.

Although the space in the jade pendant is almost limitless, Meng Hao is still used to putting useful things in the storage ring for easy use.

After taking off the flying boots, Meng Hao pulled out a pair of phase shoes from the big box.

Items of this grade like phase shoes can be seen almost everywhere in big boxes.

Meng Hao is just getting used to wearing phase shoes.

He has decided that he usually wears phase shoes, and when he needs to run, he will switch to flying boots as soon as possible.

At this moment, Meng Hao's heart trembled, and he was startled by the light in the distance.

"what is that?"

Meng Hao's Mental Energy continued to extend, spreading towards the place where the light shone.

At this moment, Meng Hao saw an extremely gorgeous scene.

In this magical space, there is a corner filled with endless magic.

The origins of various elements are gathered together and intertwined with each other, reflecting endless beautiful phantoms.

From a distance, it looks like an aurora that is unpredictable, gorgeous and boundless.

"This is, magic?"

Meng Hao was stunned on the spot.

During the battle with Yun Ni just now, Meng Hao had already discovered that the other party was quietly mobilizing magic power from this jade pendant.

At that time, Meng Hao didn't know the reason, and thought that this jade pendant could automatically generate magic power.

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be because it was filled with magic.

Meng Hao's eyes condensed, and he looked into the distance with all his might.

He found that this corner of this magical Minor World had been flooded with endless magic power, and he couldn't see the side from afar, and he didn't know how many there were.

With the introduction given by the previous system, Meng Hao can conclude that this is Yun Ni's own magic, which is quietly stored in it.

But now that he has taken the other side's jade pendant, doesn't it mean that her magic power has been forcibly cut, and now only the tenth-order magic power is left?

Thinking of this, Meng Hao couldn't help but smile.

If nothing else, Yun Ni now is just equivalent to a Tier 10 magician.

And Meng Hao himself is a ninth-order magician, and more importantly, after he has practiced eight or nine profound arts, he no longer knows how many tiers of warrior he is.

I dare not say other things, it should be a very simple thing to defeat Yun Ni.

Of course, Yunni possessed numerous taboo magic, and powerful magic appeared in an endless stream.

However, there is a prerequisite for casting these magics, that is, sufficient magic power.

Now, Yunni's magic power has been taken away, and the body only has the magic power of the tenth order.

Even if she can activate taboo magic several times, her own tenth-order magic power will soon be exhausted.When the magician has no magic power, it is a lamb to be slaughtered.

"Can I absorb these magic powers?"

Meng Hao's heart moved, and he had a bold idea.

Since these magical powers are pure elemental magical powers, they can be poured directly into the magician's body.

So, can Meng Hao also be absorbed?

Thinking of this, Meng Hao planned to give it a try.

With a thought, Meng Hao's Mental Energy approached this shining place cautiously.

The magic of the blockbuster seems mild, but in fact it is extremely violent.

Meng Hao stood under this super huge group of magic power, and there was a strong pressure like Mount Tai's top pressure in his heart, and a strong sense of powerlessness.

He felt that if he took a step forward, he might be blasted into pieces by the sea of ​​magic power in An Tuan.

If Mental Energy were torn apart, then even if Meng Hao could survive, the end would be extremely miserable.

Either crazy, stupid, or even a vegetable.

"Forget it, just to be cautious, let's ask the other party for a way to absorb magic power!"

Meng Hao muttered to himself.

Since Yunni can mobilize magic power from the jade pendant, there must be ways to use magic power.

If Meng Hao had obtained this method, all these magic powers would belong to Meng Hao.

In this way, when Meng Hao kills the heavens one day, he will instantly become a rank ninety-eight magician.

"The most urgent thing is to find Yun Ni, detain the other party in this world, and don't let her go back to report!"

Soon, Meng Hao found the crux of the matter, and he decided to put Yun Ni under house arrest.

Now, his Eight-Nine Profound Art has not been cultivated to the extreme. Although the combat power is invincible in the world of desert islands, it is nothing in the eyes of the strong in the heavens.

Therefore, he has to buy time to practice quickly, practice the eight or nine profound arts to the extreme, and at the same time find a way to absorb the magic power in the jade pendant.

The key point of all this lies in Yun Ni's body.

"Where did Yun Ni go?"

Meng Hao's foot lightly stepped on the huge turtle shell, and his figure suddenly shot towards the far sea.

The speed was too fast when he ran away just now, he only knew that Yun Ni was thrown away, and he didn't know where the opponent was currently.

"I knew it, it would be nice to let her catch myself, anyway, she can't beat me now!"

Meng Hao whispered a word, and soon disappeared into the distant sea.

At the same time, the giant sea turtle that had just been stepped on by Meng Hao finally breathed a sigh of relief.

As an eighth-order sea beast, its intelligence is quite high, and it is no longer known how many years it has lived.

Just now, it noticed an extremely terrifying guy stepping on own.

I thought I was going to die, but I didn't expect that the other party didn't have any malice towards me, but just settled on own.

Now that the other party has gone, the hanging heart of the Tier 8 turtle finally let go.

"It's too dangerous outside, I went back to the cave Closed Door Training, and slept for five hundred years!"

The stout limbs of the huge sea turtle are swaying extremely fast, and the huge body is like a hill, swimming towards a trench in the distance.

There is a huge submarine cave where it hides.

After a while, the turtle returned to his own house, but when he first wanted to go in, he was shocked in vain.

It found that there was a human woman who was holding a bubble-like protective cover, flying from the depths of the trench.

Because the speed was too fast, a long vacuum belt was formed behind the foam, and the sea water violently collided and squeezed toward the vacuum area, causing a series of terrifying sound explosions.

"Another human?"

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