Global Advent: Apocalyptic Desert Island Game

Chapter 275 Earth, Water, Fire and Wind, the Secret of the Elements

In the vast expanse of land, countless human beings are busy.

After being satiated with food and drink, people began to get busy with things to settle down.

A strange world, a strange beginning, everything is unknown.

Meng Hao issued an order to build a palace on the top of the Liangjie Mountain, where the people on earth will work there in the future.

In addition, after the locals were driven to remote places, they organized with each other and after discussing together, they decided to surrender to the people on earth.

They knew in their hearts that the reason why the people on earth didn't kill them all was because they hadn't been busy yet.

It is very time-consuming and laborious to clean up such a large continent completely.

Once the earthlings are finished with their work, it is time to clean them up.

Instead of waiting until the other party destroys oneself, it is better to surrender actively.

The locals voluntarily lowered the rank, regard the earthlings as nobles, and ask the earthlings to drop.

They can take out all their belongings in exchange for a chance to survive.

Facing the surrender of the locals, Meng Hao readily accepted.

After all, his original intention was not to come to this world to squeeze the desert island world, he just wanted to live in this game.

Meng Hao handed it over to Own's father to negotiate peace.

For Meng Hao, these are all trivial matters.

The only thing he worries about now is his own strength, Ascension, and the enemy of the heavens.

Yunni comes from the heavens, and his strength is terrifying.

But it is certain that Yun Ni is definitely not the only person in the heavens.

At present, the other party has not discovered the changes in the desert island world.

Once they find that the situation has changed, they will definitely send the strong over.

At that time, with Meng Hao's strength, he might not be able to stop the opponent.

So for human beings, it is a catastrophe of extinction.

"So, the top priority now is to get Yunni's method of absorbing magic power first."

Meng Hao returned to the own mansion with Yun Ni who had fallen into a coma.

He threw Yunni bundled into zongzi on the bed and poured himself a cup of tea.

This is enlightenment tea.

Meng Hao had seen Yun Ni's way of absorbing magic power, but couldn't figure out how to accomplish this move.

So he plans to drink a few cups of enlightenment tea to raise his own ideas.

Meng Hao gently pushed his left hand, and a pure water ball appeared in the void.

At the same time, with a flick of his right hand, a ball of flame appeared out of thin air.

The flame is pure fire element, without any smoke and dust, it just floats under the water mass so gently, continuously burning.

After becoming a magician, you can save even a pot of water.

After a while, the water mass was boiled.

Meng Hao extinguished the flame and controlled this mass of boiling water to gently pour into the teapot.

This is an exquisite purple clay teapot with a slightly purple-red appearance, which looks simple and elegant.

Soon, the faint tea fragrance overflowed, and Meng Hao felt relaxed and happy.

Enlightenment tea is so magical, after drinking it can make people enter a state of peace.

These days, Meng Hao has been fighting and killing, and his heart is no longer peaceful.

He needs to calm down and find the root of the problem.

Picking up the purple clay pot, gently pour Wudao tea into the delicate jade tea cup.

The refreshing fragrance made Meng Hao happy. He picked up the tea bowl, blew it habitually, and drank it.

Suddenly, countless insights emerged spontaneously, and the whole person's mood instantly calmed down, and his thoughts seemed to have reached another height.

Sage moment!Meng Hao sat with his waist upright, his eyes closed slightly, and he began to recall Yun Ni's movements just now.

When absorbing the magic power in the jade pendant, the opponent used a special kind of energy.

This kind of energy is colorless, tasteless and intangible, making it impossible for people to know what it means.

It's really hard to imagine.

Now Meng Hao drank the enlightenment tea, hoping to use the other party to release this magic, then push back and see if he can crack it.

"What is this energy?"

"Why does the other party reject me so much as soon as I get close to those magical powers?"

"Why can this transparent energy draw out the magic inside?"

"Does magic power still have consciousness? Who do they recognize as the own master?"

Meng Hao calmed down, thinking carefully.

He tried to absorb this energy before, but as soon as his own consciousness approached, he was immediately violently rejected.

But when Yun Ni was absorbing magic power, it seemed very simple.

As soon as that kind of transparent energy entered, those magical powers flowed out.

This change made Meng Hao's heart slightly cool, because he felt that these magic powers that originally belonged to Yun Ni might recognize Yun Ni's master.


In the state of enlightenment, Meng Hao immediately refuted that magic power is composed of various magic elements, and it does not belong to life itself. Of course, it is impossible to remember the owner of own.

The reason for these magical repulsion of own is probably due to the repulsion of the element itself.

"Could it be because the own element does not match the stored element?"

Meng Hao murmured in his heart, thinking it was possible.

So the question is, what element does the magic stored in the jade pendant belong to?

Which of the earth, water, fire and wind?

Or is it all?

Thinking of this, Meng Hao suddenly felt shocked, and he felt a kind of enlightenment.

He thought of a possibility.

The elements exist between heaven and earth, and exist in a single form.

But once inside the magician's body, various elements were mixed together.

A magician who specializes in a certain element naturally has a little more corresponding magic power in his body.

What element does Yunni have the most?

Which faction of magician is she?

Meng Hao thought quietly, recalling the previous battle with Yun Ni.

The opponent's body is full of magic power, and the magic power of each department seems to be quite balanced. Sometimes when the elements of earth, water, fire and wind come out, they can also evolve the most primitive Star.


Suddenly, Meng Hao's eyes lit up, as if thinking of something.

Is there such a possibility that the transparent filament tie that just appeared is not actually a special magic, but just the simplest element channel?

The four elements of earth, water, fire and wind are condensed together. If the star is not derived, can it become transparent?

Thinking of this, Meng Hao's body, who had been closing his eyes and enlightening the way, shook his body and opened his closed eyes in vain.

The next moment, he gently lifted his palm, his fingertips beating gently with magical elements.

Next, a piece of dust appeared on his index finger, the amount was very small, and the dust was extremely small, just floating on his fingertips so quietly, as if dancing.

Immediately afterwards, a mist of water appeared on his middle finger, and fine drops of water rolled up and down in the mist.

A flame appeared on the ring finger, and a bean-sized flame flickered gently.

Finally, the breeze entangled on the little finger, causing the little flames next to them to dance with them.

Meng Hao tried to adjust his breathing, maintaining an extremely calm state, and began to close his fingers carefully.

He wants to make a bold attempt to verify his own ideas.

If it succeeds, it will soar!

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