Global Advent: Apocalyptic Desert Island Game

Chapter 350-The Frightening Magic Combination

Near Yuncheng, the sky is extremely gloomy.

The heavy black clouds are pressing down, making the weather seem extremely silent, and the intense pressure makes it hard to breathe.

The two million army and the defenders of Cloud City faced each other, and both sides showed an extremely powerful killing aura, making the air stagnant.

Until a certain moment, a flaming arrow in the sky suddenly rushed into the sky.

The army of magicians from four directions all saw the flame arrows flying into the sky, and the silence that was suppressed to the extreme was finally broken.


On the south side of Yuncheng, the silver-faced Heavenly Demon guard roared in a cold voice, rolling magic power like a dragon, echoing above the entire army.

Hearing the voice of the silver-faced Heavenly Demon guard, the 500,000 troops stationed on the south side of Yuncheng roared in unison. While the magical power in the body burst into full bloom, the brilliance of various colors kept shining.

In the blink of an eye, the magician legion turned into a special colorful light array, with brilliant brilliance everywhere.

At the same time, tyrannical magical coercion broke out at this moment.

The half-million army rushed toward Yuncheng with an aura of death.

At the same time, North City, East City, and West City are facing the same problem. The four directions add up, and the army of two million magicians is like a tiger and wolf, slaying in anger.

"How to do?"

Dugu Caixia frowned her eyebrows tightly, and her whole spirit had collapsed tightly.

The person who came was too strong, and with the strength of the cloud city's defense formation, he could only withstand one impact from the opponent at most.

In other words, as long as the opponent initiates two rounds of attacks, the defense formation will be breached.

With the magical speed of the magician army's combined attack, it only took a few minutes for the opponent to break through the defense formation.

In the direction of Yuncheng, millions of people all climbed onto the city wall and guarded the four walls firmly.

Everyone knows that once the enemy breaks through the great defense formation, what is waiting for everyone is to slaughter the city.

Anyway, it's a dead end. Since you don't want to wait and die, then fight to the death.

Anyway, it's all death, not as vigorous as death.


In the sky, a huge energy hand appeared out of thin air.

This is a big hand formed by a 500,000 army headed by Heavenly Demon Guardian with combined attack magic. It is powerful and domineering, and has gathered the magic power of 500,000 people.

With the appearance of the huge palm, the entire sky became strange and silent, and time seemed to stop.

This is the effect that appears after the tyrannical magic power distorts the space.

At the same time, an equally huge energy fist appeared in the northern sky.

This is the attack magic created by the 500,000 magicians gathered in the north.

The fist was condensed like substance, and the posture of falling from the sky, as if to smash the world into the sky and the earth.

Above the east city, a huge energy big foot appeared, and stepped on the east city gate.

The situation in West City is exactly the same as in East City. It is also a huge energy sole, which is stepping on hard.

One palm, one punch, two feet...

This is a terrifying force that has assembled two million magicians.

Above the city wall, Dugu Caixia's pretty face was pale, her whole body was lost and her eyes were a bit sluggish.

Before, she also thought that the great defense formation could block the opponent's round of attacks.

But now it seems that it can't be stopped at all.

To be precise, an attack from any direction would be unstoppable by Cloud City's great defense formation.

Dugu Caixia didn't expect that the other party would have such a huge taboo combined attack magic."Are you going to die?"

Dugu Caixia murmured, and suddenly she lost her courage to fight and her will became depressed.

No way, the enemy is too strong, the two sides are not of the same magnitude at all, even if they resist, they can't make any waves.

Santo Dugu Caixia had this idea, let alone other people.

Above the city wall, the people and defenders of Yuncheng all looked up at the sky, their eyes slightly dull.

"How to fight this?"

Everyone's hearts are filled with despair, and there is almost no chance of survival in this battle.

At this moment, there was a burst of loud breaking through the air.

Everyone turned their heads subconsciously and looked into the distance of the sky.

I saw a huge energy ball of light speeding toward this place.

It seemed to be a human figure, flying at high speed in the sky.

Because of the flying speed, his body rubbed violently with the air, producing a dazzling white light.

At the same time, when the person flew past, a shallow white mark was left in the void, which was the distortion of the space left by the impact to the void.

"It's Meng Hao!"

Dugu Caixia clearly saw the figure concealed behind the light curtain, and immediately revealed a touch of joy.

But then, this joy was overshadowed by deep worries.

"Meng Hao quickly leave here, this time the enemy is too strong, you can't contend!"

Dugu Caixia was very anxious, and the knuckles of her little white hand holding the magic wand turned white, and her heart was extremely anxious.

If the people of Yuncheng died as a result, it was reasonable, after all, the main target of the heavens was Yuncheng.

But Meng Hao is not from Yuncheng, and he really shouldn't be implicated.

Regarding Meng Hao's name, Yuncheng has long been known to everyone.

Especially after the deeds of Cold Abyss City spread in Cloud City, the people of Cloud City have a strong affection for this great hero from the lower realms.

Therefore, when people saw Meng Hao coming to support, they all showed gratitude.

However, everyone quickly became sad.

Because everyone knows that even if Meng Hao came, it would be impossible to block the attack of the army of two million magicians.

Apart from death, there is no second possibility.

The arrival of Meng Hao also attracted the attention of the magician army from four directions.

The silver-faced Heavenly Demon guard's gaze has been staring at the silhouette flying at extremely fast speed, and the killing intent in his eyes is getting stronger and stronger.

It can be said that if the situation in the world today has become so chaotic, it is all because of this person's responsibility.

If it weren't for him to do things here, the Lord of Heaven would not lose so much Blood Qi.

In this way, there is no need to refine Flying Guillotine, and there is no need to be scolded by the world.

The point is that a large number of Heavenly Demon guards died in his hands, all of whom were good brothers and friends of the Silver Face Heavenly Demon guard.

If it weren't for this person's existence, you don't know how many years you can get away with it.

Everything has changed since this person appeared.

"What is he here to do to die?"

Among the huge palms printed in the eyes of the magic circle, the silver face Heavenly Demon sat in the Lotus Position.

If it weren't for the critical moment of casting the spell, he might directly change the direction of his attack and knock down the Damn it guy flying in the sky first.

But having said that, the opponent's flying speed is so fast.

Ordinary magic seems to be unable to achieve this level.

Moreover, there is no magic wave on the opponent's body. It seems that the opponent is not flying with the help of magic, but simply flying with the power of the flesh.Soldier, so strong!

Whether in the heavens or in the world of deserted islands, warriors are all professions that are watched by magicians.

In the cognition of the world, the professional status of fighters is not as good as that of archers.

No way, the fighter's upgrade conditions are too harsh, and the constant ascension of the physical power needs to be tempered and tempered all the time.

If the will is not firm enough, it is easy to give up halfway.

The point is that it is too difficult for the fighter system to break through to a higher Realm, and there has been no strong fighter as the leader, so the fighter system has been tepid.

On weekdays, he is always suppressed by the Wizards’ Guild.

But I didn't expect that the strong of the warrior system would be so powerful at the end.

For example, this method of flying in the air is much faster than the speed at which the magician can use the escape technique.

Under the gaze of everyone's attention, Meng Hao was like a meteor, blasting violently in the direction of Yuncheng.

Although the magic combination attack method is very powerful, its disadvantages are also obvious, that is, the casting time is too long, and all the spellcasters need to cooperate with each other.

Generally speaking, the fewer the number of people who cooperate with each other, the easier it is to perform the magic successfully.

Half a million magicians shot at the same time, although the power is extremely powerful, but the time required is a geometric multiple.

Meng Hao glanced at the enemy's position and couldn't help but shook his head silently.

The distance between the opponent and Yuncheng was too close, and in this case, it was impossible to use a nuclear bomb to attack.

No way, the two sides are too close.

With the terrorist power of strategic nuclear missiles, even if it explodes outside the city, the entire Cloud City will be destroyed.

Therefore, Meng Hao decisively dismissed the idea of ​​using strategic nuclear missiles.

"It just so happens that my masterpiece Celestial Immortals has already cultivated to the bottleneck, and I need to sharpen my body to enhance the fit between Mental Energy and the body."

"Just can't find a way to sharpen the body, these magic attacks are a good choice."

After a brief moment of indulgence, Meng Hao's figure flickered and came to the palm of that huge energy.

This can only gather all the magic power of half a million magicians with a large amount of hands. Although it has not been fully formed, the energy contained in it is also quite terrifying.

Regardless of it, Meng Hao rushed towards the big energy hand.

Seeing this scene, everyone could not help but be shocked.

Dugu Caixia was shocked and her expression changed in amazement.

"What does he want to do? Fight against an army of half a million magicians alone? Is he crazy?"

Dugu Caixia looked excited, and her gorgeous magic robe had no wind, and a strong magical aura surged into her body.

Dugu Caixia's evaluation of this can only be large-scale, she feels that even with the help of the entire cloud city's guard array, it may not be able to block the opponent's attack, and the terrible attack power can be imagined.

But he didn't expect that Meng Hao rushed towards the opponent alone.

This is simply a desperate act of dying.

Above the city wall, countless people of Yuncheng were deeply moved.

Meng Hao actually confronted the magic mudra for everyone alone, this kind of behavior is simply song and tear!

The other party is obviously just an outsider, and the friendship between the two parties is not so deep, but the other party is brave enough to dedicate his life for Yuncheng.

Even if an outsider is like this, as the citizens of Yuncheng, what right do you have to shrink?

"Everything is dead, it's over!"

Countless people and defenders of Yuncheng screamed in their hearts, and the fighting spirit that had been hit just now rekindled.

Silver Face Heavenly Demon Wei also saw Meng Hao taking the initiative to rush towards the own magic handprint, and his face was overwhelmed.

Silver Face Heavenly Demon Wei Zheng is worried that he can't kill Meng Hao. Since the other party took the initiative to die, what are you waiting for, kill him!

Silver Face Heavenly Demon Wei was overjoyed, and a hideous sneer appeared on the silver masked face.Lu Heng beside Heavenly Demonwei also showed an incredible expression.

This was the first time he saw this strange way of fighting.

In the sky, when Meng Hao approached the magic mudra, the three-headed six-armed real body had already appeared, and a brilliant golden light completely covered his body.

To be honest, Meng Hao's attention has been on the magic handprint in the sky, and he didn't realize that his own behavior has attracted so many people's attention.

He came to Cloud City to help not because of his deep friendship with Cloud City. The key is to complete the task assigned to own by the system.

Of course, the overall impression of Yuncheng on Meng Hao is pretty good. If you can help the other party when you can, you can also choose.

Besides, if Meng Hao wants to further cultivate the masterpiece Celestial Immortals, he must sharpen his body.

Here is the best place to sharpen the body.

After revealing the three-headed six-armed body, Meng Hao's defensive power has been opened to the extreme. He was covered with golden light, like a huge magical body, rushing into the magic handprint without fear of death.

Getting closer, Meng Hao's figure seemed a little small.

In front of the huge energy handprint, Meng Hao's figure was as small as an ant.

But in this body the size of an ant, there is the power to destroy everything.

Seeing Meng Hao's six arms clenched fists at the same time, he fiercely smashed out the huge magic handprint in front of him.

Six fists were smashed out one after another, one violent one after another, sonic booms sounded from the sky, and the void collapsed by this terrifying fist.


Under the anger of Liu Dao Quan Ying, a crack appeared in the magic handprint in the sky, and the majestic magic power escaped along the crack.

"not good!"

Seeing this scene, Silver Face Heavenly Demon's expression changed, and his heart was suddenly shocked.

Because, as a frontrunner, he can clearly feel a trace of magical instability.

Since the magic handprint has not been fully formed, theoretically there is a risk of collapse.

Now being attacked by Meng Hao, this instability has become the last straw that crushes the camel.

Silver Face Heavenly Demon knew that he couldn't wait any longer. If he continued to wait, he might actually be broken by the opponent's magic palm print.

Therefore, the silver face Heavenly Demon Wei slapped the palm print, which had condensed 60% of the magic power, against Meng Hao and the southern city wall below.


The energy ripples under Meng Hao's feet, and six Dharma-phase arms appeared at the same time.

The next moment, the terrifying energy slapped Meng Hao's body fiercely.

Meng Hao's figure was obviously suppressed and fell back by half a meter, but he quickly stabilized his figure.

His body was trembling, his blue veins were exposed, and his muscles collapsed tightly together. Among the Meridians in his body, there seemed to be an angry dragon roaring, and eight or nine profound arts were running wildly.

At the same time, the masterpiece Celestial Immortals was also operating leisurely, making Meng Hao's physical body more and more pure, and the degree of fusion between Mental Energy and the physical body was further perfected.

Until a certain moment, Meng Hao felt that own flesh had become a piece of clean soil, and Mental Energy had become a nutrient in the soil.

A seedling took root and sprouted on this piece of soil and grew rapidly.

This seedling was not a real seedling, but a miniature version of Meng Hao appeared in his mind, his figure becoming more and more staring.

This figure is similar to the Nascent Soul that appeared before, but completely different.

Nascent Soul needs to rely on the flesh, as long as it is parasitic in the flesh to survive.

However, the newly-appearing figure can survive normally even if it is out of the physical body.

"This is……"


"True Wonderland, I have stepped into the True Wonderland!"

Meng Hao was overjoyed, the great Celestial Immortals Secret Art slammed into action, and the energy in his body burst out at this moment like fiery heat that had been suppressed for many years.

Shake, this world!

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