“The era of the empire of the whole people? It’s amazing! ”

Xu Luo recalled the information in his mind, and his expression changed several times in a row from the shock at the beginning to the surprise at the end.

He is not a man of this world, but has traveled over.

This world is no different from the previous life, the same parents, the same childhood memory.

It’s just that there have been a few changes.

The first is that the history of this world seems to be completely different from the previous life, there are many dynasties in history, but they are not as magnificent and powerful as Xu Luo’s previous life.

Naturally, there are no ancient celebrities that Xu Luo is familiar with!

For example, Qin Shi Huang, Emperor Wudi of Han, Cao Cao, Liu Bei, Zhang Fei, Guan Yu, Lü Bu, Li Shimin, Qin Qiong, Cheng Yanjin and so on.

All the historical celebrities in his past life, in this world, are completely absent.

In addition, there is another difference from the previous life, that is, this world actually has an extra thing called the Age of Empires.

To put it simply, a hundred years ago, I don’t know why, people in this world actually landed in another world.

They began to become the masters of a city, and in that world, they managed the livelihood of the people of a city!

You can develop yourself, you can expand your power, you can create your own empire.

Therefore, that world is called the Age of Empires! Similar to a fully virtual online game bar.

It’s just that the people inside are not NPCs of the game at all! They are all flesh and blood people, so there are rumors that if someone can dominate the imperial era, they can become the true master of that world and become a creation god-like existence.

Except for the first batch of landers who landed when they were over eighteen years old, the subsequent landers could not land until they were eighteen years old.

And tomorrow! It was when Xu Luo turned eighteen years old, that is, when he landed in the era of empires!

Lying on the bed, he couldn’t sleep, after all, Xu Luo, who came from a normal world, was about to come into contact with this magical thing, and if there was no tension and expectation, it was naturally impossible.

Finally, when the hour hand entered zero o’clock, a strange fluctuation appeared in Xu Luo’s mind.

Fortunately, this age turns eighteen, and it will not be precise when you were born.

“Lander Xu Luo detected, may I ask if you log in to the Age of Empires?”

No one knows if this voice is real or intelligent, at first it just said another world, but after the name Age of Empires became popular in this world, this voice was renamed Age of Empires.


Xu Luo said in a deep voice.

Suddenly, Xu Luo’s consciousness directly entered a magical space.

The surroundings were pure white, and in front of Xu Luo, there was a person who looked exactly like himself!

“Lander Xu Luo, please start completing the registration!”

He is not the first lander again, the imperial era has existed in the world for a hundred years.

Therefore, the process of everything, even if it is the predecessor Mengyin, will not know the process.

The first is the name, of course, you can directly use your original name, but most people will not choose so.

Although that world is big and big, at least no one has officially met in that world.

But everyone is like playing a game, except for a few people who use their real names, most of them use pseudonyms directly.

In addition to the name, it is the face pinching system.

Whether it is height, figure, or face, you can directly pinch it out yourself.

Of course, through the guidance of the predecessors, too exaggerated body is not suitable.

It is best to be close to your original body in terms of height, weight, etc., because the Age of Empires will not give you strong physical fitness.

What kind of physique do you have in reality, entering the imperial era, what kind of physique, if you make a muscle male body that is too exaggerated, it will be very unadaptable, and it will not be useful.

In terms of appearance, Xu Luo only changed his face, and he was too lazy to move in terms of body shape.

After all, the words of this ancient person are all wearing wide clothes and long hair, which is not visible under normal circumstances, and his figure is acceptable, because Xu Luo is a sports student.

And the words of this name, Xu Luo pondered for a while.

“It’s called Xu Yanhuang.”

Xu Luo said in a deep voice, knowing that in this world, there is no Yanhuang, there is no magnificent history of five thousand years, Xu Luo has some regrets in his heart after all.

Walking in the imperial era with this name can also be regarded as commemorating the Yanhuang of the previous life.

“Lander Xu Yanhuang, do you register?”

As Xu Luo completed the setting, suddenly that wonderful voice sounded again.


Xu Luo replied in a deep voice, and suddenly the light bloomed, making Xu Luo close his eyes.

“The lander Xu Yanhuang has successfully registered, you are about to descend to Shenwu City, and you are about to become the contemporary city master of Shenwu City.”

“Congratulations! May you prosper and create your own supreme empire! So, go on a campaign! ”

I don’t know why, when the last sentence was spoken, this voice was inexplicably excited and high-pitched.

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