Global Age Of Gods: Extract Dragon Blood At The Beginning

Chapter 18 The God Of The Pond? Casualties

"Cooperation?" Tangning was slightly taken aback, and wanted to refuse.

But then he seemed to think of something.

Then nodded slowly: "Yes! We can cooperate."

Tangning said to the girl.

"what about you?"

The girl showed a kind smile to Tangning, and then looked at others.

"No, teammates are just a drag."

A young man with fair skin glanced at Tangning and the girl, and shook his head slowly.

Not many people are willing to team up.

In the end, only four people were willing to form a team.

"Introduce yourself, you can call me Forest Goddess!"

The girl said to Tangning.

"God of the Sea!"

Tangning is concise and to the point.

"Frog God!"

"God of the Pond"

After the god of the pond finished speaking, he glanced at Tangning.

Tangning also looked at him.

There was a weird look on his face.

after all……

Tangning is the god of the sea.

And he is the god of the pond.

This is really a bit... ahem... a bit of a rush.

"Call out all your family members, let's go hunting in the north."

The forest goddess broke the embarrassment between the two.


Tang Ning nodded.

The remaining two did not refuse either.

"I'll come first!"

As the forest goddess spoke, she stroked her emerald green hair.

Then summoned an army of two hundred servants.

A hundred deer warriors.

And a hundred forest elves.

"Praise the great forest goddess!"

As soon as the family members came out, they immediately worshiped the forest goddess.

Soon, Tangning also released a hundred Ichthyosaurs and a hundred Lizardmen.

And the Frog God released two hundred frogman warriors.

The Pond God unleashed a hundred murlocs and a hundred frogmen.

"As expected of the God of the Sea!"

Seeing Tangning's family, the Forest Goddess said to Tangning with bright eyes.

no way.

The Ichthyosaur's aura is really too strong.

Not only has reached the second level.

And it's still a professional after changing jobs.

Looking at their equipment.

Not to mention wearing a layer of leather armor.

The Ichthyosaur's own temporary defense is also very powerful.


They also wrapped a layer of rattan armor under the leather armor.

Adding the strong muscles of the Ichthyosaur, as well as weapons such as knight swords, machetes, and long axes.

No matter who saw it, they knew that this was a group of heavily armed soldiers!

In this regard, Tangning did not give too much explanation.

Anyway, the other party will not believe it.

And it's okay to misunderstand.

Anyway, when the time comes, he won't be the one who suffers...

"Let's go!"

Tangning naturally took over the voice of the forest goddess.

To this.

Everyone has no opinion.

After all, in this group of people.

No matter how you look at it, Tangning is the strongest.

Follow the command of the strong.

This is the basics.

Tangning was not polite either.

Directly let the frogmen and murlocs act as scouts and frontline troops.

no way...

After all, it doesn't matter whether it's a fish dragon, a deer man or a forest elf.

Those are precious species.

Although the frog god and the god of the pond were not angry.

But there is no way.

The speed of the group is not slow.

Soon they came to a group of vast forests.

"This should be your home field!"

Tangning looked at the forest and asked the forest goddess.


"Here, my family can exert stronger strength."

The Forest Goddess nodded to Tangning.

"My God!"

"We found the footprints of creatures ahead!"

At this time.

A thin murloc ran over.

The pair knelt before the god of the pond.


"Take us over there to see."

The god of the pond looked happy.


A group of people soon came to the trace.

"It's a frost giant!"

Tangning glanced at the footprints in front of him.

This footprint is similar to that of a human.

But it's much bigger.

It is more than half a meter long.

Some are even bigger.


"Let's follow!"

Tangning gave orders.

The forest is covered with snow.

The road is not easy to walk.

But fortunately, there is a forest goddess here.

The deer lead the way.

There were no twists and turns.

Soon, they entered the forest.


At this moment Tangning stopped suddenly.

"What's wrong?"

The forest goddess asked a little puzzled.

"You guys take a look here..."

Tangning came under a tree with a serious expression.

bend over.

Gently scrape away the snow with both hands.

Then a corpse inside was revealed.

"This is……"

After everyone saw the corpse.

There was a look of horror on his face.


The lone traveler who came with them.

But I don't know why, but I died here.

"He traveled alone, much faster than us."

"But I didn't expect to die here."

Tangning's face turned gloomy.

"Those frost giants ahead may be in great danger."

"must be careful!"

"If you encounter any problems, follow my command!"

Tangning said to the forest goddess.


"I believe you!"

Dryads look at entities, look at Tangning.

Gritting his teeth for the last time, he agreed with Tangning's words.

"what about you?"

Tangning looked at the Frog God and the Pond God.

"So are we!"

The two did not hesitate.

Since students are likely to die.

Then he is naturally possible!

And now the best way is to let Tangning command.

"Okay, let's go!~"

Tangning smiled slightly, and then waved his hand.

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