Of course, the gods above the third level of the God Realm did not come, after all, the Elf Queen is only a demigod, and the treasures she auctioned, except for the ice lotus sword, are worth seeing, and the other treasures cannot enter the group of gods at all. In their eyes, it is naturally impossible for them to come from thousands of miles to participate in this auction and buy these low-value treasures.

The auction started soon, and one treasure after another was quickly put up for auction. The atmosphere in the "467" hall became more and more lively. After only two hours, the treasures that the Elf Queen entrusted the auction house to auction Most of the products have already been bought, and soon it will be the finale product.

However, at this time the mysterious god never appeared, and Tangning, who had been watching secretly, couldn't help but look even more ugly. He couldn't figure it out, could it be that he had guessed wrong.

"What the hell is going on? I deliberately let the original power of the Ice Lotus Sword leak out. These mysterious gods will definitely not be able to help but take it when they receive the news, but until now there is not even a shadow. Could it be that I guessed wrong up?"

Tangning felt extremely frustrated, and even wondered if he had guessed wrong. As time passed, a maid pushed a small cart to the center of the hall, only to see that the small cart was covered with a red cloth.

When the maid took out the red cloth, a ring of light instantly illuminated the entire auction house.

"The Ice Lotus Sword contains the power of the original source and the power of the law of the ice system. Its power is unpredictable and can freeze everything in a short period of time. The high-level artifact, especially the power of the original source contained in it, can help The gods comprehend the power of the laws of heaven, and increase their attack and defense power. The starting price is five million gold coins, and each time the price increases, one hundred thousand gold coins."

"The auction has started. If you are interested, hurry up and don't miss it." The host shouted hoarsely.

The Ice Lotus Sword is indeed a pretty good artifact, and under Tangning's tempering, it has reached a high level. Therefore, the moment the host's voice fell, the atmosphere in the venue reached its peak in an instant.

After all, a high-level artifact is a very good treasure for most of the gods who came to the auction, and it naturally attracted the attention of the gods.

"Six million gold coins."

A demigod stood up slowly, waved his hand, and shouted loudly towards the host...

His voice fell, and there was no second person to respond for a long time.

At this time, the host on the stage frowned, and said dissatisfiedly: "Everyone, this is a rare high-level artifact. Could it be that you won't be tempted after waiting?"

The host's voice fell, and there was no reply for a long time. Just when everyone thought that this artifact was going to be sold by the demigod at a low price of 6 million gold coins, a voice suddenly came from the box on the second floor. passed out.

"I offer 6.5 million gold coins." The voice was very gentle, "like the singing of a yellow warbler.

Although a defensive formation 2.3 method is arranged inside the box, but the defensive formation is too simple, relying on the strength of the gods, their divine sense can easily penetrate inside

Soon, Tangning's divine sense had entered the box, and he could tell that there were three people in the box, but they were all wearing black clothes and black scarves, seeing that these three people were so secretive , It immediately attracted the attention of the gods who participated in the auction. .

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