[Source Power Vine: A mysterious plant originating from the cracks of the world, which can independently absorb the source power of the void from the harsh environment and form the source power of the source force. "

Cow Batch!"

Chen Dong was very excited in his heart.

He thought that the Fountain of Source Power was already very awesome.

Unexpectedly, there is now a vine that can generate the fountain of source power!"

"Sure enough, the secret realm is rich in resources, and after only visiting two places, there is such a good thing.

Chen Dong couldn't help but drool when he thought of digging up the source power vines in the future.

When the time comes, just plant the source power vine on the floating island ......

There is no doubt that he will no longer lack

source power!" "Hmm, it is the nightmare tooth of a fifth-order undead creature that guards the source power vine, and it is not a difficult problem to deal with.

Chen Dong touched his chin, and in his heart he had already sentenced the Nightmare Fang to death.

Although he is only at the third order now, with the essence of the source force and a large number of source power crystals, it is easy to quickly rise to the fourth and fifth orders.

When the time comes, with the Sun Source Stone, the Fire is happy, and a small fifth-order nightmare is not a problem.

"Keep simulating!" After

thinking about it, Chen Dong still decided to save its life first and explore all the secret realms of bones.

There are still three markings left unseen, as well as the skull marker in the center, which is the most important area.

Maybe there is something better hidden, such as the heart of the world?

Chen Dong is looking forward to it.

Then click on the simulator to start the next simulation.

Soon this time's talent came out, Chen Dong took a look and found that it was quite average.

simply stopped paying attention, and casually clicked on a winning general with luck and started the simulation.

"Start the simulation!"

[Day 1: The apocalypse, you spend it safely in the hotel.]

[Day 2: You hold the Lich Scroll and open the door directly and walk into the Bone Realm.

You took a detour and didn't continue in the direction of the Death Flower, and you were lucky enough to avoid a death crisis.

"Hmm, what's the situation?" Chen

Dong was stunned.

It's a completely different result, so why avoid a death crisis by taking a detour.

It stands to reason that as long as he doesn't provoke the Death Demon Flower and Nightmare Fang, he shouldn't be in danger.

"There's a problem!" Chen

Dong immersed his consciousness in the simulation again, and then manipulated him to turn back in the simulation.

[Confused, you decide to return to the area where the Death Flower is located again, but be more careful.]

You hear a high-pitched, piercing scream, and your emotions gradually become a little confused, always angry, always excited.

You find that the Death Flower has awakened, radiating its sixth-order power in all directions.

As a victorious general, you're lucky not to have been discovered by the Nether Flower. [

You have been attacked by the pollen of the Sixth-Order Nether Demon Flower, and your body has fallen into a weakened state, and your extraordinary strength has dropped to the first order. "


" "Good fellow, how did this Death Demon Flower live for no reason...... Moreover, it's a bit outrageous.

Chen Dong was taken aback by the picture in the simulation.

A mountain of bones condensed from countless crimson flowers, spraying blood-red pollen all the time.

The pollen was ejected at least hundreds of meters high, forming a blood-red rain of pollen over a range of several kilometers.

It's like blood, it's terrifying.

Chen Dongren was nearby, so it was inevitable that he would be hit.

And what's even more terrifying is that his strength has fallen directly to the first order!

This Nether Demon Flower is a bit too strong.

"What the hell is going on......"

He was a little puzzled, wondering why there was no creature nearby that could also stimulate the sixth-order form of the Death Demon Flower.

"No, I'll have to figure it out.

Chen Dong secretly decided that this time the simulation would not go elsewhere first.

The state of the Death Demon Flower was too strange, and if he couldn't study it, he would feel uneasy.

[You retreat out of range of the Death Demon Flower and rely on your sharp eyes to carefully observe its state.] [

Day 3: Your weak state has improved somewhat, but it still hasn't returned to its heyday.

You notice that the Nether Flower has gradually stopped spraying pollen, but still chirping.

You are helpless, but in order to find the truth, you have to endure it alone and continue to pay attention to observation. 【Day

4: Your weakened state is eliminated and you return to your full strength.

You notice that the Nether Flower has stopped chirping, and many seedlings of the Death Flower are gradually growing in the area covered by the pollen.

"This pollen weakness can last for two days, it's really ......too strong"

Looking at the picture in the simulation, Chen Dong thought thoughtfully.

He wondered what would happen if he collected the pollen and used it as a weapon.

In the simulation, he was an extraordinary third-order strength, and he was forcibly lowered to the first order by pollen.

What if he was just an ordinary person who accidentally got pollen

? Wouldn't that be GG on the spot?

Therefore, he actually came up with the idea of using pollen as a weapon.

However, he also discovered that the pollen was more like a seed, a means of reproduction for the Nether Flower.

"Such a strong poison, it would be nice if it could be used.

Chen Dong shook his head and continued to start the simulation.

[Day 5: You find that the power fluctuations of the Nether Demon Flower are gradually disappearing, and the bone mountain formed by the condensed Death Demon Flower sinks into the ground.

Instead of leaving, you took up residence in the neighborhood and secretly dug up a few Death Flowers to study.

Thankfully, you weren't spotted by the Death Flower in a weakened state.

"Huh, weak?"

Chen Dong was alert.

Quickly and carefully review the description of the system.

"This should be regarded as the weakness of the Death Demon Flower!!"

Chen Dong exhaled lightly, a smile on the corner of his mouth, he knew that this observation was not completely fruitless.

At least now that one of the weaknesses of the Death Flower has been discovered, it is easier to kill it.

[Day 6: You study the Death Magic Flower, your card master talent takes effect, and you comprehend the third-order summoning card Death Magic Flower!] [Comprehend the third-order card, you advance to the third-order card master!] "Is the third-order summoning


it's not bad.

Chen Dong glanced at it briefly, didn't pay too much attention, and continued to immerse his mind in the simulation.

[Day 7: You wake up from your sleep and find that the Death Demon Flower is dying on a large scale, turning into a pure source power and converging to the middle.

"It's coming! Could it be that something has happened again?"

Chen Dong suddenly became energetic.

[You find that the Death Flower has awakened again and transformed into the Nether Flower and sprayed the rain of pollen once more.]

You, who had already been hit once, quickly retreated further, not being attacked by pollen, and not falling into a state of weakness. For

the next two days, not much changed.

Just like last time, the Nether Flower was sprayed with pollen for two days, and then it fell into a weakened state, degenerating into ordinary Death Demon Flowers.

But the next scene made Chen Dong unable to sit still any longer.

[Day 10: The Secret Realm of Bones Changes, and the Source of Death Riots!].

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