
[You have obtained the essence of source power*1!]


about my source power vines? What about the large living source power vines?


few question marks popped up on Chen Dong's head, full of puzzlement about this situation.


Soon, the system beep gave him an explanation.

[The item obtained by the host in the simulation is the source power that belongs to the consumption of the item in advance.]

[When the source power is depleted, it means that the item will disappear from the current time.] This

explanation Chen Dong knew that it was the hint that the system gave him when he personally walked into the Bone Secret Realm and wanted to get stuck in the Infinite Netherworld Iron Mine.

"Ah, this.

"It means that if I keep collecting source power vines, it will only turn the contained source power into source power essence?"

Chen Dong actually understood the reason in his heart, but he still asked unwillingly.


"If I collect it all, can it still be restored to a source power vine?"

[No, this process is irreversible!]

"Okay, I see.

Chen Dong sighed, and he had already made a decision in his heart.

That is, temporarily give up collecting source power vines.

If he chooses to continue collecting, he should surely obtain a large amount of Source Force Essence, and the harvest will definitely exceed his expectations.

However, this will consume a source power vine that can obtain source power from the void and generate a fountain of source power.

Comparing the two, one is equivalent to killing a chicken that has been raised for two and a half years and eating meat.

The other is equivalent to raising it and continuing to give birth to more chicks for Chen Dong.

You don't have to think about it to know that it is impossible for Chen Dong to do this kind of behavior of killing chickens and taking eggs.

As for the source power vines, just find a time to go in again.

If the Nightmare Fang can kill it once, it proves that he is no longer Chen Dong's opponent in the future, and he can kill it if he wants to kill it in the future, so there is nothing to worry about.

However, the other bosses in the Bone Realm are also a problem.

Now, for example, after he killed the Nightmare Fang, the Death Flower next door was ready to rush over.

"Don't do anything, continue to simulate, and explore the weaknesses of other bosses by the way!" Chen

Dong thought, continuing to immerse his consciousness in the simulation.

[You give up collecting source power vines, quickly hide yourself with cards, and leave this area.]

As a victorious general, you have excellent luck not being discovered by the Death Demon Flower that rushed over. [

Day 4: You don't forget to keep an eye out for powerful undead creatures along the way, and finally collect a third-order undead warrior and make it into a pet card.]

You find a castle made of black bones, guarded by countless undead creatures. "Bone


Chen Dong took out the lich scroll and carefully compared it along the six-pointed star circle above, and soon had the result.

"I guessed right, this is indeed the area of the Death Knight!" The

Death Knight is of the same level as the Bone Demon, and on the Lich Scroll map, they are also in the corresponding two corners.

"In other words, the area behind the Death Knight is the territory that belongs to the sixth-order undead bone dragon......"

Chen Dong couldn't help but touch his chin and frown in thought.

The Death Knight is only the fourth order, which is the same level as him now, which means that he is a younger brother.

Since there was no threat, he had already pronounced the death knight to death in his heart.

But what Chen Dong felt was difficult was that it was actually a sixth-order undead bone dragon on the other side.

The sixth-order existence was already close to the seventh-order demigod, two levels higher than his fourth-order.

It also means that Chen Dong crosses the level to fight, and there is a high probability that he will not be able to beat.

No, even if you add the power of the God's Gift to ascend to the fifth order, it is estimated that you can't beat it.

"Undead Bone Dragon Sixth Order...... The Death Demon Flower is the sixth order, and the Lich King is the seventh order......"

Chen Dong quickly reviewed the situation of the Bone Secret Realm in his heart.

"Tsk, in this way, if you kill the Death Knight, wouldn't you be surrounded by two Sixth Order and one Seventh Order?"

There is no doubt that if he makes too much noise when he fights the Death Knight, he will definitely attract the surrounding undead bone dragons.

As for the Lich King, it's hard for him to say.

But there are definitely risks.

Chen Dong couldn't help but have a headache, he hadn't thought of any countermeasures to deal with the boss above the sixth order.

This gap in strength is not so quick to be erased.

"Forget it, simulation, simulation will know how to deal with it.

Chen Dong sighed and focused on the simulation.

Anyway, this time he came to explore the road and test the waters, and it was not yet time for a full-scale war.

[You flew from above, without alarming the undead creatures on the ground, and you found that this castle of bones covers a very large area, like a real city.

You find that there are countless undead in the Castle of Bones who play the role of citizens, engaged in business operations, and even have an army of undead to maintain law and order. Looking

at the scenes in the simulated screen, Chen Dong looked strange and didn't know what to say.

"This ...... The Death Knight must have some fetish.

He saw from the simulation that this castle of bones was like the castle of the kingdom of the ancient West in the movie.

A tall tower stands in the far north, and a number of houses made of bones continue to extend outwards to form streets.

Countless undead are like ordinary citizens, with their own homes, and like people, they have their own "jobs".

If it weren't for the fact that they were all bones, Chen Dong would really suspect that he had traveled to a certain castle in the Western Illusion.

After a little sigh, Chen Dong continued to start the simulation.

[You marvel at the size of the castle, and you are more careful not to expose your target, and you are careful to search the location of the Death Knight.]

Finally, you find the trail of the Death Knight beside the Undead King, who stands by the side of a real knight.

"Well, it seems that the Death Knight is still a knight with a story.

Chen Dong smiled helplessly, he initially thought that the Death Knight was the king of the Castle of Bones.

Unexpectedly, he was really a knight.

And he is also a knight under the command of an ordinary undead who is less than the second order.

Sigh a little and put away the idea of hanging out.

He is not interested in the Death Knight's past, but he is interested in the source of power that he guards.

Although he hadn't discovered what the source power of the Death Knight area was, that didn't matter.

Just kill the Death Knight.

Empty the undead here, and you won't have to worry about finding the source of power.

At the same time, Chen Dong also had a way not to alarm the undead bone dragon and the Lich King.

That's right, it's the gift of God! The

Death Knight, like him, is in the realm of the Transcendent Fourth Order.

This means that the gift of God's gift should be useful.

After all, there is also a gap between the fourth order and the fourth order.

Chen Dong thought that his actual combat power had reached the fifth order, and he would not be worse than the Death Knight.

He was very confident, and firmly believed that there would be no problem!

Simulation, do it!

Chen Dong plunged headlong into the simulation again.

[You avoid revealing your aura and use the magic pen Ma Liang's talent to disguise yourself as an ordinary undead and hide next to the death knight.

You use the talent 'Gift of God', and after the power balance is determined, the strength of the Death Knight is above you, and the use of the talent fails

!Your disguise is seen through by the Death Knight, and it attacks you, and you are killed in one hit!]

[You are dead!]


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