There is a hunting guild in every city of Dragon Country.

The tasks issued by the hunting guild are mainly to hunt monsters, demons, and aliens.

Ninety percent of these tasks are issued by the Dragon Country military.

Today's Dragon Country is not peaceful, and monsters, demons, and aliens are very active.

Tianhai City is often attacked, but it is only because of the strong guards that it protects the people in the city.

The existence of the hunting guild, to a certain extent, uses generous rewards to attract some selfish and powerful superpowers who are unwilling to serve Dragon Country.

Use sufficiently generous rewards to let them kill monsters, demons, and aliens.

When Yi Xinghe appeared outside the hunting guild, the whole person covered his face with a silver mask.

The hunting guild in Tianhai City has only nine floors.

The first floor is a place for hunters to drink and have fun.

There is a large scrolling screen on the first floor, which will display some information.

The latest missions are released and can be claimed.

And some hunter upgrades.

The second floor is where you register as a hunter and where gold-level hunters and below can take on missions.

The third to sixth floors are where hunters trade, and they can exchange or sell things they don't need.

The seventh floor is only accessible to gold-level hunters and above.

In Tianhai City, gold-level hunters have a certain status.

After all, most gold-level hunters are already great war masters.

As for the eighth and ninth floors, Yi Xinghe is not sure.

Entering the hunting guild, the first floor is very lively.

There are many men and women, drinking and talking loudly about something.

At a glance, Yi Xinghe can see some small groups.

Some of the tasks of the hunter guild also need to be completed in a team.

For many hunters, joining a strong small team can have many benefits.

The Hunter Guild has many people coming in and out every day, and Yi Xinghe's arrival did not attract the attention of the people on the first floor.

Yi Xinghe climbed to the second floor.

On the second floor, when Yi Xinghe appeared, a special receptionist came to greet Yi Xinghe.

It was a woman with a good figure and appearance.

The woman smiled. As a receptionist of the Hunter Guild, she had seen many people of all kinds.

She was already used to people who covered their faces.

"Sir! What can I do for you?"

"This is my first time here!"

"I understand! Sir, you want to register as a hunter, please come this way!"

He made a gesture of invitation to Yi Xinghe and immediately arranged for Yi Xinghe.

The registration of identity was very smooth.

Yi Xinghe's soul-slaying sword is Binglunwan, and his name in the Hunter Guild is Dongshi!

Hunter Dongshi, a one-star bronze hunter.

Then Yi Xinghe used the registered identity to choose to accept the task.

The tasks issued by the Hunter Guild also have certain restrictions.

For example, Yi Xinghe is currently only a one-star bronze level, and the maximum mission he accepts is to kill the first-level mid-stage monsters, monsters and aliens outside the city.

Only after completing them and raising his hunter level can he accept more difficult tasks.

This is the rule of the Hunter Guild, and Yi Xinghe can only do it.

For the first mission, only three can be accepted at a time.

Yi Xinghe directly selected three tasks that can get the highest points, and then left the Hunter Guild.


Three days passed in a flash, and Yi Xinghe came to the Hunter Guild again.

On the second floor of the Hunter Guild, Yi Xinghe took out the battle recorder given to the Hunter by the Hunter Guild.

It recorded the video of Yi Xinghe's three tasks, the monsters that needed to be killed, and the final killing.

This requires the staff of the Hunter Guild to review.

"Congratulations, Mr. Dongshi, for completing the mission!"

"Rewards: 20 bottles of physical recovery fluid, 5 bottles of mental potions, 3 blood and qi pills!"

"Congratulations to Mr. Dongshi for the points he got and his promotion to a six-star bronze hunter!"

The receptionist had a hot body and seemed to have a certain position here. She smiled and spoke to Yi Xinghe, and even exchanged a six-star bronze badge for Yi Xinghe!

"With my identity as a six-star bronze hunter, how many missions can I accept at most?"

Yi Xinghe had no use for physical recovery fluid, mental potions, and blood and qi pills.

These could be exchanged for a lot of dragon coins, and even the monster pills that Yi Xinghe got from the monsters he killed could also be exchanged for a lot of dragon coins.

"With Mr. Dongshi currently being a six-star bronze hunter, he can accept five missions."

The woman was a little surprisedStrange.

Having just completed three tasks, he was not going to take a break and have some fun, but he chose to accept the following tasks directly.

This was quite rare in her eyes. It seemed that Mr. Dong Shi wanted to quickly upgrade his hunter level.

"Five, not bad! I want the five tasks with the highest points. Please help me arrange them!"

What Yi Xinghe wanted now was to quickly upgrade his hunter level. The higher the points, the better.

"Okay! I'll arrange it for Mr. Dong Shi right away!"

The woman hesitated for a moment and nodded. It was indeed the same as she guessed. Mr. Dong Shi valued the points, not the item rewards.

Directly select five tasks that Yi Xinghe can accept.

The total points added together exceeded 10,000 points.

Once completed, he can be directly upgraded to a one-star silver-level hunter.

Among the five tasks, one of them even has a second-level monster.

After accepting the task, Yi Xinghe left.

"Sister Yan! Mr. Dong Shi is a ruthless man!"

A girl who was free and also receiving guests came over and couldn't help but sigh.

"Mr. Dong Shi! He seems to be a little different from the people I received before."

She had checked the battle recorder and came to receive them in person.

The other party's battles all ended quickly.

"Sister Yan, you received him in person, he must be a hunter with great potential!"

The girl smiled.

Yan Ya's mouth also rose slightly at this moment, "See where Mr. Dong Shi's limit is? I think he should accept tasks next time he comes!"

"Hurry, go and receive them, there are other hunters coming up."

Seeing someone coming up at the entrance to the second floor, Yan Ya reminded him.


The girl greeted him with a smile on her face.

At this time, Yi Xinghe set out from the city again!

The previous three tasks were completed in three days. This time, it should take five to seven days to accept five tasks at once.

It is indeed quite fast to upgrade the hunter level now, but after becoming a silver-level hunter, the difficulty will increase a lot.

It is not so easy to become a gold-level hunter.

For Yi Xinghe, nearly three months is also extremely tight.

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