Half an hour later, the college war of the ten colleges came to an end.

The total points of the colleges were soon accurately counted.

In this statistics, the one that made the biggest leap in ranking was undoubtedly Xingchen College.

It rose from the ninth place in the college ranking to the fourth place.

Obviously, the biggest credit goes to Yi Xinghe.

Even though the college war has ended, the monsters, demons, and aliens in the border wasteland have not stopped.

The fighting is still going on.

There are still many monsters, demons, and aliens of the first, second, third, and fourth levels.

But there are much fewer of the fifth level than before.

Yi Xinghe returned to the giant wall and went directly to his residence.

The inner elixirs of monsters, demons, and aliens hunted this time, as well as the harvest from the previous hunts, are enough for him to exchange for a satisfactory box.

Of course, exchanging for diamond treasure chests is not yet possible.

However, gold treasure chests and platinum treasure chests can be obtained.

"System, exchange all the things in this storage ring!"

"Exchange is in progress. The host can exchange for one platinum treasure chest and two gold treasure chests! If the host does not need a gold treasure chest, gather three gold treasure chests, a total of five gold treasure chests, and you can exchange for one platinum at the same price."

The voice of the system sounded.

"No need, just one platinum treasure chest and two gold treasure chests!"


[The host successfully exchanged for one platinum treasure chest and two gold treasure chests! ]


Every time you open a treasure chest, you can still bring yourself a surprise.

[Open the first gold treasure chest and get a reward: Soul-Slaying Blade power, increase by 6%! ]

[Open the second gold treasure chest and get a reward: Battle Spirit Realm, three-star upgrade! ]

This is the most direct improvement to Yi Xinghe's combat power.

This kind of upgrade is the most domineering.

Soul-Slaying Blade power 44%.

Six-star Battle Spirit!

Yi Xinghe's entire physique has changed greatly.

From the inside to the outside, the mental power is also greatly improved.

This makes Yi Xinghe's perception of the surroundings go to a higher level.

With a swing of his legs, he can feel his own explosive power.

"Now, after the release of the 卐, I should be able to easily kill the fifth-stage late-stage monsters, monsters, and aliens comparable to the Seven-Star War King!"

Yi Xinghe murmured to himself.

Having fought so many fifth-stage monsters, monsters, and aliens, Yi Xinghe also has a more accurate estimate of his combat power.

Now only two gold treasure chests have been opened, and the remaining platinum treasure chests can still make Yi Xinghe look forward to it.

[Platinum treasure chest opened, get rewards: Soul-Slaying Sword power, increased by 16%! ]

The opening of this platinum treasure chest is another increase in the power of the Soul-Slaying Sword.

However, this time the increase is a bit large.

A full 16%.

Directly let Yi Xinghe use the power of the Soul-Slaying Sword, just reaching 60%.

This also means that Yi Xinghe can use the 卐解 freely!!

The combat power under the blessing will also be greatly improved.

With the 卐解, he has the strength of a general nine-star war king.

If he uses the 捐解, the 卐解 plus the 虚化, Yi Xinghe dare not imagine it.

"System, how strong am I now with the 捐解 plus 虚化?"

Unable to make an estimate, Yi Xinghe asked the system.

"Invincible War King, comparable to a one-star War Emperor!"

The system responded very calmly.

"What about complete 虚化?"

With his previous strength, he could reach the invincible war king and the strength comparable to a one-star war emperor by using the complete 虚化.

Now that he has improved himself, the combat power of the complete 虚化 will definitely increase a lot.

"Comparable to a two-star war emperor!"

The system spoke again.

This made Yi Xinghe a little disappointed, as he thought it was at least comparable to a five-star or six-star war emperor.

"Why is it only a two-star War Emperor?"

Yi Xinghe asked in confusion.

"The gap between each star of the War Emperor is equivalent to the gap between a great war master and a War King! The host can be comparable to a two-star War Emperor, which is already a very good combat power!"

The system explained to Yi Xinghe.

"So that's it!"

Yi Xinghe could accept this explanation.

In fact, he was still not satisfied. If others knew that Yi Xinghe was now as good as a two-star War Emperor, they would be so scared that they couldn't speak.

Two gold treasure chests and one platinum treasure chest were all opened.

Yi Xinghe was completely different from before.

There was an extremely confident smile on his face.

In this giant wall, although the garrison corps still had a hidden nine-star War King, Yi Xinghe was absolutely confident that he was now the strongest person here.


Time passedIt was very fast. Five days passed in a flash. Fights broke out outside the giant wall from time to time.

But the scale was much smaller than before.

Even after the college battle was over, many students still fought on the giant wall.

Hunting down third- and fourth-level monsters, demons, and aliens to gain benefits.

Jian Yuanyi, who had broken through to the one-star war king, fought again after recovery.

At this time, Jian Yuanyi was already a war king.

It was easier to kill third- and fourth-level monsters and demons.

He also killed a late fifth-level green-eyed toad, which was comparable to an eight-star war king.

This battle caused a great shock.

The flight instrument broadcast it in real time.

For the students and instructors of Longdu College, it was just a pity.

If it weren't for the rules, Jian Yuanyi would definitely keep the first place in his personal points.

The eight-star war king-level green-eyed toad was the first to do so among the ten major colleges and the information they knew.

Jian Yuanyi's breakthrough undoubtedly stimulated the other two.

Lu Qingning from Juling Academy, and Zhuo Tianji from Qianyuan Academy.

News came from the giant wall.

The two academies are helping the two to break through the War King.

After the two break through the War King, their combat power will undergo a huge transformation.

They will definitely not be much worse than Jian Yuanyi.

The battle in the wasteland at the border of Dongyao Prefecture has not ended.

As expected, there will be a stronger wave coming.

There are already War King strongmen who are guarding the front line of the legion and gathering intelligence.

It seems that there are more monsters, demons, and aliens gathering.

It is carried out in an orderly manner.

This is not a friendly signal.

From the battles experienced in various prefectures, there must be one or even several extremely powerful fifth-level late-stage beasts in this wasteland. They are equivalent to the top nine-star War King strongmen on the human side.

"You mean, you want to break through during this period? Not participate in the war?"

Inside the giant wall, Liu Yexi and Yi Xinghe were having a meal together in a restaurant.

The two of them were eating the most delicious fifth-level monster meat.

Not only is it delicious, it can also strengthen the body.

Of course, with Yi Xinghe's current physical condition, unless it is some special fifth-level monster, it is not easy to strengthen the body.

At this moment, Liu Yexi looked at Yi Xinghe in surprise.

I thought Yi Xinghe would show his skills again and suppress Jian Yuanyi's arrogance.

But after thinking about it carefully, Yi Xinghe is afraid that Jian Yuanyi, who is already a war king, is really not comparable. If there is a breakthrough, it is undoubtedly the best to make a move again.

But this breakthrough, she doesn't know how long it will take Yi Xinghe?

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