
This surprised Yi Xinghe. He didn't expect Yan Ya to go to Jinyan Castle as well.

"In addition to Mr. Dong Shi, there are seven gold-level hunters from the Tianhai City Hunting Guild who have also accepted the task of guarding Jinyan Castle!"

"To a certain extent, Mr. Dong Shi represents the Hunting Guild of Tianhai City."

Yan Ya explained again at this time.

Since that's the case, Yi Xinghe nodded.

Together, after all, the place to be guarded this time is a base built by the three cities together.

According to the information he has learned from the Hunting Guild, there are many powerful monsters, demons, and aliens.

More importantly, Jinyan Castle gathers the geniuses of the three cities on the Dongyao Mansion Battle Master List.

It was agreed that they would set off together in the early morning three days later.

Yi Xinghe left the Hunting Guild.


Three days later, a team of 100 people from the Hunting Guild left Tianhai City.

There are eight gold-level hunters in the team of 100 people.

The lowest level is five-star gold-level hunters, and the highest three are nine-star gold-level hunters.

But even the nine-star gold-level hunters have a hint of solemnity in their eyes when they look at Yi Xinghe.

Winter Lion! A mysterious and powerful guy!

Currently a six-star gold-level hunter, he completed the mission of the Demon Flame Forest alone and ranked 466th on the Dongyao Mansion Battle Master List. His strong strength has been recognized by them.

Jinyan Fort!

The base built by the three cities is for mining Jinyan iron.

There are more than 100,000 people living in the fort.

Because the mining of Jinyan Fort can only be done by manpower, most of the people who mine here have very low levels of awakened superpowers.

Almost all of them are awakened to F level, and there are also E-level superpowers.

There are also a few D-level superpowers, but the awakened D-level superpowers are also useless.

Recently, a large number of monsters, demons, and aliens have appeared in the Jinyan Iron Mine. For a time, the mining was stagnant.

After the stagnation, the monsters, demons, and aliens began to be eliminated, but the situation was not very optimistic, because those monsters, demons, and aliens were eyeing Jinyan Castle.

Once Jinyan Castle was attacked by monsters, demons, and aliens, it would be extremely tragic, with countless casualties.

In the past, Jinyan Castle only needed a great war master to sit in charge, but now the three cities have sent strong war spirits to sit in charge.

Outside Jinyan Castle, a team of 100 people appeared.

After a series of procedures were passed, the team of 100 people successfully entered Jinyan Castle.

And this team of 100 people came from Tianhai City, and Yi Xinghe was among them.

It took nine days from Tianhai City to reach Jinyan Castle.

There were attacks from monsters, demons, and aliens along the way, but they were easily resolved.

After entering Jinyan Castle, Yi Xinghe was arranged to stay in the reception residence.

After all, as a gold-level hunter, the hunting guild is very considerate in arranging hospitality.

After Yi Xinghe arrived at his residence, he rested for a while.

Outside the castle, there was a strong smell of blood, and there were some remains of monsters, demons, and aliens.

Judging from the condition of those remains, it should not be more than one day.

Not long ago, Jinyan Castle must have been attacked.


At night, on the nearly 20-meter-high wall of Jinyan Castle, there were headlights shining in all directions.

There were superpowers guarding on the wall, always paying attention to the situation outside the castle.

This period is a special period and requires high vigilance.

For them, Jinyan Castle was built by them together, and they have lived here for nearly 30 years. Their families have moved here to live.

If Jinyan Castle is breached, the consequences can be imagined.

"There is movement in the southeast!"

"There is also movement in the northwest!"


In Jinyan Castle, many people have rested.

But there are combat teams rushing towards the city wall.

Yi Xinghe, who was resting, received a message from Yan Ya on his communication bracelet.

Yi Xinghe left his residence and ran out.

Similarly, under the illumination of the lights on the night road, figures moved.

When Yi Xinghe appeared on the city wall, he looked at the ugly faces that appeared under the light.

They were not monsters or demons, but a group of aliens.

These aliens had bodies similar to humans.

Of course, they were just similar. Some crawled on the ground with four legs, and some had eight hands with weapons in their hands.

These weapons must have been snatched from some dead psychics.

However, what caught Yi Xinghe's attention at this moment was the huge aliens fighting in the front.

They have almostFive-meter body, mastering different degrees of power.

There are seven heads, three of which have extremely strong defense and are covered with a layer of armor.

Among the remaining four heads, one can spit out high-heat flames from his eyes.

One of them holds a giant knife in his hand, and it seems to know the knife method, and it bursts out terrible knife power when it swings.

One has extremely agile speed, moving at high speed, and is fighting with dozens of psychics.

There is only one left, which is more like a human, with strong muscles on his body, and there are traces of thunder all over his body coming out.

Outside Jinyan Fort, there has been a melee.

In the passage below, there are still a large number of psychics guarding Jinyan Fort running out.

At this time, on the wall not far from Yi Xinghe, there is a figure jumping down from the 20-meter wall.

The target of these people is the seven unique little giant aliens.

Obviously, if these little giant aliens can be killed, they can get a lot of rewards.

At this moment, Yi Xinghe was just watching from the city wall, and did not take action immediately.

Like Yi Xinghe, there were several people not far away, and they were also watching.

These seven little giant aliens have all reached the late third stage, comparable to the existence of a nine-star war master.

Yi Xinghe observed for a while, and talked about the current combat power.

The strongest should be the little giant alien with strong muscles that can burst thunder.

After that, there is the little giant alien whose eyes can spit out high-temperature flames, then the little giant alien who uses a knife, and finally the little giant alien with agility and a layer of armor on his body.

"It's much harder to deal with those late third-stage magic flame lizards in the Magic Flame Forest! This is the alien!!"

Under the silver mask, Yi Xinghe's eyes were bright and he murmured.

In this world, aliens have too many similarities with humans. Among the same level, they are generally much stronger than monsters and monsters.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! !

Not far from Yi Xinghe, several people that Yi Xinghe was concerned about jumped down from the city wall almost at the same time.

Yi Xinghe's mouth slightly raised, it seemed that those guys had observed almost everything, so it was time for him to take action.

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