Yan Ya was busy all the time.

Treating one after another, those with serious injuries were relieved as much as possible.

In just one hour, Yan Ya had treated nearly a hundred people.

At this time, Yan Ya was already very tired and her face was a little pale.

This was the first time she had encountered such high-intensity treatment.

"Sister Yan! Take a break. If you continue like this, your body will have problems."

There were other girls in the hunting guild who were busy and trying their best to help.

At this moment, two girls saw Yan Ya staggering after treating another wounded person, and they immediately rushed over to support her.

"I'm fine, I can continue!"

Yan Ya took a deep breath and prepared to continue to treat the next wounded person.

"Sister Yan Ya! You must take care of your body!!"

One of the girls spoke again with some heartache.

"Compared to the people fighting outside, my situation is nothing!"

Yan Ya shook her head.

In order to protect the people in Jinyan Castle, they fought bravely against those powerful monsters, demons, and aliens.

Even though they knew they would die this time, they still went forward without hesitation.

The two girls were silent.

It is indeed safe here at least, no matter how hard it is, they can save their lives.

But what about those superpowers fighting outside Jinyan Castle?

Now, one piece of news after another came from outside, almost all of which were bad news.

Five of the few powerful warriors in the entire Jinyan Castle died.

As far as we know, there are only nine powerful warriors in Jinyan Castle.

They blocked the most powerful monsters, demons, and aliens that attacked Jinyan Castle.

At this time, another group of wounded were sent in here.

Everyone looked over.

"That's Su Jie!!"

Su Jie is a student of Zhenwu Academy and a genius on the list of great warriors in Dongyao Mansion.

Almost everyone in Jinyan Castle knew this genius.

But now he was also carried in.

Su Jie's right leg was bloody and his bones were visible.

But Su Jie did not scream. He gritted his teeth at this moment.

"And, there is Yu Guofei!"

"Zhu Xin is also here!"

Finally, among the people carried in later, there were two other geniuses.

All three were seriously injured.

Yu Guofei's entire chest was a little concave, and he was in a coma, and it was unknown whether he was dead or alive.

Zhu Xin's arms were red, and the skin seemed to be gone.

"What's going on?"

All three were seriously injured, which of course caused many people to be confused and worried.

The strength of the three was extremely powerful.

The one-star war spirits in the castle only awakened B-level or even A-level abilities, which were not as good as the three of them.

"The giant is a giant alien!"

Someone leaked the news.

The three wanted to join forces and break out.

This time, they had the help of several war spirits, but a powerful giant alien appeared.

That giant alien had reached the fourth level.

"What! Three war spirits died before killing that fourth-level giant alien!"

The person who inquired about the news exclaimed after knowing it.

War spirits are very important to Jinyan Castle.

With the death of three war spirits, there are only six war spirits left in the entire Jinyan Castle.

At this time, Zhu Xin was already being treated, and her beautiful eyes were full of fear.

It's okay to be injured, but what about next?

She is also fighting on the front line. If there is no support.

With the current situation, Jinyan Castle will fall.

Once it falls, she will have no choice but to die.

This time when she came to Jinyan Castle, such a thing actually happened.

If she had known it would be like this, she would never have come.

"Asshole, are you really going to die here?

Zhu Xin gritted her teeth, her body trembling.

This trembling was not from the pain in her arms, but from the fear of death.

"Those two guys were really wise to leave at that time! !"

The faces of two people flashed in Zhu Xin's mind.

It was Dong Shi who went to Jinyan Iron Mine alone, and Chu Shi.

The danger level in Jinyan Castle is much higher than that over there.

If she had to make a choice, she would choose to go to Jinyan Iron Mine now.


At the same time, in a huge cave under Jinyan Iron Mine.

After Chu Shi entered, she killed many monsters, demons, and aliens along the way.

She had been walking for half an hour.

In the cave, there was only one passage, which was very wide and deep.

I don't know what kind of thing can be dugout of such a passage.

However, as he moved forward, Chu Shi had already discovered that this passage led to the direction of Jinyan Fort.

Why were the monsters, demons, and aliens on the Jinyan Iron Mine almost gone?

Those guys went to Jinyan Fort.

Chu Shi's speed increased a bit.

On the other side of the Jinyan Iron Mine, Yi Xinghe's figure appeared outside the big hole at this time.

Yi Xinghe just looked outside and jumped in.

Moving forward quickly, Yi Xinghe looked around curiously.

There were quite a few first-level monsters, demons, and alien corpses.

Most of the causes of death seemed to be trampled to death.

There was nothing special to find, only a huge underground passage, and Yi Xinghe's speed increased a bit.

Soon, Yi Xinghe found a lot of monsters, demons, and alien corpses again.

Among them, there were already second-level ones.

The blood had not yet coagulated, and the corpses were warm.

Judging from the wounds of those guys, Yi Xinghe narrowed his eyes slightly under the silver mask.

"It's that woman!"

These dead monsters, demons, and aliens were killed by Chu Shi.

The other party also entered the big cave.

"If we continue to move forward in this direction, it seems to be in Jinyan Castle!"

Yi Xinghe was thoughtful at this time.

If this is true, Jinyan Castle must have been attacked by nearly 90% of the monsters, demons, and aliens gathered in Jinyan Iron Mine.

No wonder I can't find powerful monsters, demons, and aliens.

They all ran to Jinyan Castle.

Then Yi Xinghe sped up.


Outside Jinyan Castle, there are not only monsters, demons, and alien corpses, but also a large number of superpowers guarding Jinyan Castle and fighting.

The casualties have reached more than 15,000.

Especially this kind of casualties, which are still increasing.

Only six war spirits were left to guard this place.

Among the six war spirits, there were two three-star war spirits, one two-star war spirit, and three one-star war spirits.

They had never thought that they would experience such a battle in Jinyan Fort after being sent here.

The interruption of communication and the lack of reinforcements relied on the foundation of Jinyan Fort.

But now, they felt that Jinyan Fort could no longer be defended.

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