Xingchen Academy!

After finishing this battle, Yi Xinghe went back to his residence to rest.

For Yi Xinghe, he did not care too much about the battle with the six people from Qianyuan Academy.

After all, everything he had just experienced in Jinyan Fort was much more dangerous than here.

Yi Xinghe looked at the result of this battle very calmly.

But the students and even the instructors in Xingchen Academy would not be as calm as Yi Xinghe.

It has been less than a year since the strongest freshman of Xingchen Academy awakened his superpowers and enrolled in school.

The academy battle one year later made the students and instructors of Xingchen Academy look forward to it.

In the academy battle, one academy can only send the strongest five people.

Originally, Yi Xinghe could not be on the list.

It must be led by Han Yifan, and the other four fourth-year students together.

And now one of the fourth-year students will be eliminated and replaced by Yi Xinghe.

Strength is king, whoever is stronger will go, it is quite fair.


Ten days have passed since Yi Xinghe returned to Xingchen Academy.

During these ten days, Yi Xinghe seldom came out, except for gathering with classmates from No. 3 Middle School.

For classmates from No. 3 Middle School, Yi Xinghe did not have that kind of airs, and the way of getting along with them was exactly the same as before.

But he would not look down on them because of his current strength.

In addition to classmates from No. 3 Middle School, Yi Xinghe also had a gathering with senior Han Yifan and other seniors.

Senior Han Yifan and several seniors protected Yi Xinghe at that time without knowing that Yi Xinghe had absolute strength.

They would not let Yi Xinghe, a junior, be bullied by people from Qianyuan Academy.

On the night of the twelfth day after Yi Xinghe returned to Xingchen Academy, an extremely powerful aura appeared in the sky above Xingchen Academy.

Yi Xinghe noticed it shortly after the other party appeared.

However, this aura that made Yi Xinghe feel unfamiliar quickly disappeared.

At the same time, in the highest conference room of Xingchen Academy, four deans of teaching were already waiting here.


The four people looked respectful when they saw the old man entering the meeting room.

Although they had received the news early and were prepared, they were still shocked when they saw the old man's empty right eye.

Yuan Hao was a close friend of the vice president. He had also served as the vice president of Xingchen Academy and helped Xingchen Academy with many things.

So the four of them and Yuan Hao knew each other for a long time.

"You are all here!"

Yuan Hao looked at the four people and coughed.

With this cough, blood flowed from the corner of his mouth.

This made the four people's faces change drastically, "Elder, are you okay? The vice president..."

Jia Ran looked worried.

"That guy has always been like that. Once he decides on something, he will do it even if it means risking his life! But I never thought that the crack space would be so dangerous!"

"I have reported the matter, but you should also prepare for the worst."

Yuan Hao looked at the four people with sad expressions and didn't know what to say at this time.

This time, although he was assisting Huo Nan, it was Huo Nan who helped him at the critical moment, otherwise he would not have lost just one right eye.

"Notify Huo Nan to accept the little guy as a student. I have something to give him and some words to tell him!"

Yuan Hao looked at the four people and then gave an order.

Jia Ran nodded and immediately contacted Yi Xinghe with the communication bracelet.

After receiving the news, Yi Xinghe left his residence and went to the highest conference room of Xingchen Academy.

Arrived at the highest conference room of Xingchen Academy.

After Yi Xinghe entered, he was immediately attracted by the old man with a hollow right eye.

This breath, I have felt before.

It is that powerful breath.

But the other party seems to be seriously injured.

Even if injured, the breath is very strong.

If this is at the peak moment, Yi Xinghe can hardly imagine how strong this guy is?

Obviously not a war spirit, this old man must be a war king.

Facing the weakest war king, it is impossible for me to win now.

Because there is already a qualitative gap.

"It's you, little guy, you are really pleasing to the eye! No wonder Huo Nan is so desperate. Little guy, these are some things your teacher has given you at the cost of his life, you should cherish them and don't let him down!"

Yuan Hao looked at Yi Xinghe and coughed again.

Every cough seemed to make Yuan Hao feel uncomfortable.

A storage ring appeared on his hand.

Blood can be vaguely seen on this storage ring.

Yi Xinghe didn't know this old man, but from his words, the teacher seemed to be in danger.

"Xinghe! This is Vice Dean Yuan Hao, who once served as Vice Dean of Xingchen Academy for a period of time., but that was many years ago. The elder is also the best friend of Vice President Huo Nan. "

Jia Ran briefly introduced Yi Xinghe.

But now Yi Xinghe's mind is not on the identity of this old man.

Yi Xinghe cares about the situation of the teacher.

From the faces of the four deans, Yi Xinghe has already sensed that something is wrong.

"Elder! How is the teacher?"

"He is trapped in the abyss of a space crack. If it weren't for him, I would not have been able to come back alive this time. Your teacher cares about you very much, you must not let him down."

"In the future, he hopes that everyone in Dongyao Mansion will know that you are his student! He will be proud of you! "

When Yuan Hao said this, his remaining left eye was a little wet, and some blood seeped out of his empty right eye.

He threw the storage ring to Yi Xinghe, who took it over and was stunned when he saw the blood on the storage ring.

Although he didn't know what was in it, it must be very precious.

This was what the teacher had earned with his life.

Trapped in a space crack.

The existence of space cracks contains rich resources, but it is also very dangerous, with all kinds of powerful monsters, demons and aliens.

Gradually, Yi Xinghe grabbed the bloody storage ring.

The powerful strength of the teacher is in danger, and he can't do anything now.

Yi Xinghe was helpless at this moment.

"It's still too weak! Too weak!! "

Yi Xinghe clenched his fists and gritted his teeth.

If he had absolute strength, he could set off now and head for the space crack.

In this way, there might be a greater chance to rescue the teacher.

He must be seen alive or dead!!!

"Xinghe! It's not your fault that the vice-president had an accident. If the vice-president knew how you are doing now, he would be happy."

Jia Ran was worried that Yi Xinghe would do something stupid, so he couldn't help but comfort him.

However, his words were not exaggerated. The record of the battle against the six people from Qianyuan Academy a few days ago was amazing enough.

As long as Yi Xinghe continues to grow at this pace, he will definitely win glory for Xingchen Academy.

In his eyes, Yi Xinghe will not disappoint the vice-president.

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