Hongwu City is 300 miles away.

Here, the War King of Hongwu City is in charge, and many houses that can be lived in and treatment areas have been temporarily built.

Not far away, there is a huge light curtain surrounded by thunder, covering a place.

It is a space crack that can be clearly seen by the naked eye, sometimes large and sometimes small, constantly changing.

Occasionally, some strange sounds can be heard from inside.

At this time, a group of people who are about to enter the small space crack have gathered outside the light curtain.

Every six hours, people with passes can be organized to be sent into the small space crack.

After entering, if you want to get out.

Just find the place where the crack is based on the induction of the existence of the pass, and you can get out anytime and anywhere.

After all, this pass was specially created by some War Kings with space abilities, using the unique space of this small space crack.

And this time, among this group of people, there is Yi Xinghe.

Yi Xinghe has attracted the attention of the supernatural people who entered here.

Even if a handsome person has no strength, as long as he has good looks, he will be noticed.

Yi Xinghe is helpless about this.

Who said he is not ordinary?

Especially among this group of people, there are some women who have lingered on Yi Xinghe for a long time.

Some people have directly grasped some information about Yi Xinghe.

Tianhai City, Xingchen Academy students!

And he is not an ordinary student, but the strongest among the freshmen of Tianhai City Xingchen Academy.

Not long ago, he defeated the joint efforts of six people from Qianyuan Academy.

Among the six people, Lin Di is ranked 122nd on the Dongyao Mansion Battle Master List.

It turns out that he is not only good-looking, but also has some strength.

And Yi Xinghe didn't pay any attention to the eyes of those people.

After waiting for a while, the light curtain opened, and under the leadership of nine battle spirit masters and a battle king master, their team of a hundred people entered.

"Keep your pass well, you can go in now!"

The bald old man with the strength of a war king said loudly.

After the words fell, he snorted coldly and moved his hands in the air.

The space ripples rippled and approached the space crack.

Then the gap of the space crack continued to expand, and finally became a circle with a height of more than three meters and a width of more than two meters.

"Quick, go in!"

The bald old man spoke again.

Then everyone rushed into the expanded space crack in turn at the fastest speed.

Yi Xinghe was in the middle of the team and felt very strange when he entered.

There was a sense of space oppression coming towards him.

Although Yi Xinghe had been informed of this space oppression and was prepared in his heart, it still made Yi Xinghe tremble.

Because this force was enough to seriously injure him.

But the pass he carried with him reacted at this time.

Soon, the uncomfortable reaction disappeared.

At a place on the ground below, the space was torn apart, forming a passage, and people ran out one by one.

After Yi Xinghe appeared, he looked at everything around him.

Everyone was curious about this place, after all, this was Yi Xinghe's first time entering the so-called space crack.

The existence of space cracks is dangerous for humans.

Some super-large space cracks appear, and there will be many powerful monsters, demons, and aliens in them.

This is no longer something that one prefecture can solve.

Generally, super-large space cracks require the power of fifteen prefectures to deal with.

Ten cities make up one prefecture, and five prefectures make up one city.

Fifteen prefectures are equivalent to the power of three cities.

Every time a super-large space appears, many strong people have to pay the price of their lives to guard and seal it.

Some people left quickly at this time, and Yi Xinghe did not stay here for long, and acted alone.

There are still a few people who act alone like Yi Xinghe.

Yi Xinghe came here this time mainly to hunt fourth-level monsters, demons, and aliens.

Get the inner elixir and the strange crystal that you want.

And 10,000 points of energy contained in the spiritual object.

Exchange for a golden treasure chest.

Get a golden treasure chest. Even if you don’t know what you can get now, Yi Xinghe knows that you will not be disappointed.


Time flies, and an hour has passed alone.

In this hour, Yi Xinghe ran in the dense forest and hunted 18 third-level monsters.

He also hunted a fourth-level early stage monster, which is comparable to an ordinary two-star battle monster.Spirit.

For Yi Xinghe, it was not difficult to kill.

In addition to monsters, a lot of spiritual objects were also obtained.

Under the system's scan, the energy points contained in the spiritual objects reached 358.

There is a big gap from 10,000 points, but this is only the harvest of one hour, and Yi Xinghe is still very satisfied.

"Where I am, there are still mainly monsters!"

After another three hours, Yi Xinghe had a detailed understanding of the place where he was moving.

However, there are still mainly third-level monsters here.

After killing three fourth-level monsters, I never encountered them again.

So now Yi Xinghe must leave this forest and go to other places.

After all, the vastness of this space crack world is equivalent to one-tenth of the area of ​​Dongyao Mansion according to the information obtained.

The place where Yi Xinghe is moving now is not deep enough.

If he wants to hunt more powerful monsters, monsters, and aliens, and obtain spiritual objects that the system believes have more energy points, Yi Xinghe must move forward.


Six hours after Yi Xinghe entered the space crack, the next group of people gathered outside.

And this group of people attracted the attention of many people here.

Because these people are mainly students from Guanyu City and Zhenwu College.

They are mainly selected from the third and fourth grades, and they are capable students. Entering this space crack is considered a training.

And there are five war spirit mentors accompanying them.

These five war spirit mentors are two seven-star war spirits, two eight-star war spirits, and one has reached the nine-star war spirit.

If Yi Xinghe was outside, he would definitely recognize the three familiar people.

They are Nie Kun, Yin Xiaozhen, and Yang Xiaoxiao who met in the Demon Flame Forest.

However, at this time, the three people stood respectfully behind a tall and charming girl.

Liu Yexi, the most outstanding fourth-year student of Zhenwu College, ranked 35th on the Dongyao Mansion War Master List.

She attracted the attention of many men here.

Especially the long legs with golden ratio, which give people a visual impact.

After all, Liu Yexi has the most beautiful legs in Guanyu City!

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