Global Awakening: Eavesdropping on the Voices of SSS-Level School Beauties

Chapter 313 The coldness corrodes the bones! Pervasive! Water dirty thunder is best at corroding the

Lin Tianming really didn't expect that he would fall directly into the mire and swamp as soon as he entered.

He thought there would be at least a buffer period to allow the tester to walk a few steps before entering an area full of mire and swamp.

Although he was surprised, Lin Tianming calmed himself down immediately.

He held his breath and stretched his big hand upwards, and soon passed through the sticky mud of the swamp, with half of his arm floating on it.

Although his body was still sinking, Lin Tianming at least confirmed that he was not sinking deep enough.

Then another hand came out of the quagmire, and Lin Tianming remained calm throughout the process.

He didn't dare to panic.

Once he panics, his breath will be disordered and he will sink at a faster speed.

Lin Tianming quickly touched the mud with both hands, trying to find something he could grab.

However, after a moment, he confirmed that there was not even a broken branch above him that he could grab.

Since he couldn't find anything to grab, Lin Tianming immediately changed his strategy and opened his palms as wide as possible to expand the area that could be supported.

Use both palms and arms to exert force at the same time and support on the surface of the quagmire, trying to avoid uncoordinated strength between the palms and arms.

Lin Tianming climbed out from under the quagmire in an instant while ensuring that the intensity was as consistent as possible, the timing of force exertion was as similar as possible, and the support area on the surface of the quagmire was maximized.

When he got up, he did not rush to get up in a standing position. Instead, he let the body that emerged from the surface of the quagmire, together with the previous palms and arms, lie on the surface of the mire to further expand the support area.

Lin Tianming, who was holding his breath, dared to breathe a sigh of relief until his whole body emerged from the quagmire.

Standing up carefully, Lin Tianming did not move forward in a hurry, but looked at the filthy mud on his body.

"If I had known that it was going to be this kind of swamp when I came in, I would have activated my spirit transformation directly, and I wouldn't have been in such a mess..."

After laughing at himself for his mud-covered embarrassment, Lin Tianming glanced around and noticed that there were many people teleporting around like him.

Most of them were still wallowing in the swamp, even more embarrassed than he was.

"I'm going! It's not the water-dirty thunder trial as promised. I didn't see any thunder at all. It was just this annoying mud. It's so disgusting!"

"Why didn't the people who designed this level set up a buffer zone? Let us stand firm first. It would be good to have a buffer time before entering the mire and swamp! As soon as we entered, we fell into the sticky mud. It took no time to mentally prepare. No!"

"I'm going! Huh... I almost... I almost didn't react and suffocated myself to death in the muddy water of the swamp! This level-breaking has... something to do with the water dirty thunder!"

Lin Tianming also felt the same way about their complaints.

At least so far, he hasn't felt the slightest bit of lightning power.

In addition to these trialists who were still struggling, there were still a small number of people who had watched the previous water dirty thunder trial and were prepared in advance and did not fall into the quagmire as soon as they entered.

This small group of people has gone a certain distance and is temporarily ahead of the majority of the people.

Lin Tianming also noticed this small group of people.

He sighed: "Sure enough, being prepared makes a difference. I am ahead by a long distance just from the start."

I don’t know if he was poisoned by him, but as soon as he finished speaking, the first group walking in the front screamed and fell directly into the quagmire.


"Isn't it so unworthy of praise?"

Lin Tianming was amused by the sudden rollover of the group of people in front of him, but he was also wary.

This swamp shouldn't be as simple as he thought!

There are a total of seven days to break through the barrier. Lin Tianming is not in a hurry to transform into a spiritual body. Lin Tianming moves forward at a slow pace.

After walking a certain distance, he also came to the area where the previous group of people had somehow fallen into the quagmire.

At this time, the turbid mud nearby suddenly made violent movements, as if something was about to surface.

Lin Tianming also narrowed his eyes slightly, ready to respond at any time.

The next second, things surfaced from multiple points nearby.

Lin Tianming planned to take action, but when he found out that it was the people who were in the lead before, he stopped his action in time.

However, there is something wrong with these people, and the mud on their bodies has electrical flashes.

"Obviously...obviously I watched the last water-dirty thunder trial before I came in. I knew it would be like this...I took precautions in advance...but...but it still didn't work...the electricity...shocked me to death!"

"It seems that if you want to pass this level, you will not be able to pass it just by seeing the previous trials... your ability... your ability must also meet the standard! Obviously, I... I can't hold on anymore... Gulu Gulu... "

"Is this the Water Dirty Thunder? It's as pervasive as water... it's impossible to prevent it from being mixed in the mire and swamp... it... it's here again! The coldness corrodes the bones... I... I'd better give up!"

Accompanied by screams, these trialists were electrocuted and twitched all over again, and fell into the quagmire again.

After only a moment, they lost consciousness and were automatically teleported out of the secret realm of the mire and swamp, becoming the first batch of trialists to be eliminated.

Lin Tianming saw that this group of people had been eliminated like this, and he looked at his muddy clothes again.

At some point, the sticky mud on his body also flickered with electricity.


Under Lin Tianming's narrowed eyes, the electricity quietly spread all over his body at the same time, erupting with terrifying thunder power to shock him.

Moreover, during the electric shock, the cold and bone-corrosive breath invaded his body, making him shiver from head to toe.

At this moment, Lin Tianming also recalled that Jiang Han had said that the water dirty thunder was the Yin Thunder in the thunder-yin-yang double thunder variant.

Psychic transformation!

Immediately transforming into a spirit body, Lin Tianming tried to neutralize Shuizang Lei's offensive in this way.

It was his first time fighting against Lei Dong, and he could perfectly avoid all damage from Lei Dong with this move.

He thought he would be able to resolve it easily this time, but who would have thought that he would still be corroded by the water dirty thunder in his spiritual state.

Moreover, the chill caused by the water dirty thunder eroding his spiritual body was even more terrifying than when he still had a physical body!

Suffering a more serious blow, Lin Tian also remembered Jiang Han's evaluation of Lei Dong after he defeated Lei Dong that day.

"The talent is very good, but it's a pity that the character is not good enough and it is difficult to achieve great things. It is a waste of the talent of Yin and Yang double thunder."

Thinking of these words, Lin Tianming also realized that Lei Dong did not fully understand Yin and Yang Twin Thunders, which was why he was defeated so easily.

The water dirty thunder he faced now was 10,000 times stronger than Lei Dong who didn't understand the nature of Yin Thunder!

In the stands outside the secret realm, the elders of the Thunder Palace were waiting for Lin Tianming to be defeated so that he could vent his anger.

"Water Zang Lei is also known as Yin Thunder. It is the most yin and soft thunder. Yin cold corrodes the bones. Jiang Han, after all, you are not a student who has awakened thunder attributes. You still want to turn into a soul to avoid Shuizang Lei. Little do you know. Transforming into a soul will only make him more vulnerable to Shuizang Lei!"

"Lin Tianming is afraid that he will stop at the Water Zang Lei Trial. This is an awakened person who has not accepted the training of my Thunder Palace system. He really regards the Water Zang Lei as a thunder and lightning that only touches the water attribute power. It is a joke!"

"The water of Shui Zang Lei is not just water in the literal sense. Its pervasive cold air can directly hit the soul. This is the water of the soul. No matter whether you are tangible or intangible, you can't escape Shui Zang Lei! You can't escape! In one minute, this kid should be eliminated!"

Hearing the gloating remarks of the elders of Lei Ming Palace, Jiang Han's face turned cold.

If it weren't for her master, the master of the palace, who was standing by, she would have really wanted to strike these thunder palace veterans to death with a bolt of lightning.

At the same time, she continued to stare at Lin Tianming in the picture.

This child Tianming...couldn't it be because she said that Shuizang Lei was a thunderous Yin Lei, so she didn't take it seriously?

Lei Dong wasted his great talent in superpowers. He only had the mutant superpowers of Yang Lei and Yin Lei, but he couldn't understand the full capabilities of these two lightning powers, so he lost to Lin Tianming so simply.

To be honest, Lei Dong's supernatural talent is really good and fits the Thunder Palace very well.

He was born with both yin and yang and grew up, so he is very suitable to be the successor of the Lord of Thunder Palace.

Jiang Han thought the same way at first, and planned to train Lei Dong.

Unfortunately, she was disappointed when she saw Lei Dong.

Lei Dong possesses the mutant power of yin and yang twin thunder inherited from his family, but his character is very poor, and his understanding of his own yin and yang twin thunder is also very poor.

Although she can still take Lei Dong as her disciple, and help him gradually understand what the true Yin and Yang twin thunders are by giving him some guidance.

But in her opinion, if such Lei Dong grows up, it will stop moving forward in the future, and its growth potential is very limited.

Turns out she was right.

Lei Dong has an SSS-level supernatural talent. The weak-minded Lei Dong was not as strong as someone with an A-level supernatural talent after he was promoted to the second grade.

This is also the reason why Jiang Han refused to accept Lei Dong as his disciple in the first year, but chose Lin Tianming as his disciple in the second year.

But thanks to Lei Dong's bad temper, she was able to discover Lin Tianming, who was even more amazing than Lei Dong's talent.

"You brat, don't underestimate Lei Dong just because you think it's easy to defeat Lei Dong!"

After muttering something to himself, Jiang Han naturally didn't want Lin Tianming to be eliminated just because he despised Shui Zanglei.

With the ability of her precious student Lin Tianming, it is definitely impossible to stop here!

I don't know if he heard her reminder. After being electrocuted back to the physical state, Lin Tianming in the picture became mechanized again.

And in Jiang Han's surprised eyes, the mechanized Lin Tianming turned into a mechanical liquid form again.

In this state, Lin Tianming quickly separated from the mud of Shuizanglei and reunited into a mechanical body in a safe area.

"You brat, this is the right thing! Next time you underestimate the trial, it will be a small gain at a loss. If you come out and see me, I won't teach you a lesson!"

He muttered something vaguely, as if unwilling to give up, but Jiang Han felt happy in his heart.

Now that Lin Tianming had successfully escaped, Jiang Han also looked at the elders of the Thunder Palace who had just mocked Lin Tianming.

Although she, Jiang Han, didn't want to be petty, she couldn't bear to deal with this group of old guys who were making fun of her precious students!

"Fellow elders, are you enjoying watching my precious student's easy way out of trouble?"

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