Global Awakening: Eavesdropping on the Voices of SSS-Level School Beauties

Chapter 364: Eavesdropping on people’s voices to show their power! You have to rely on it at critica

"Damn it! Isn't this too handsome? That... that Lin Tianming from Kyushu actually... actually staged a bare-handed fight!"

"That's Alice, the number one genius among the first-year students in the Northern Yin Region! And she's also recognized by the Northern Yin Region as the most talented person in the history of awakened people in the Northern Yin Region. Her attack was actually caught by Lin Tianming from Kyushu with his bare hands! "

"Looking at it this way... Lin Tianming from Jiuzhou is indeed stronger! Is Jiuzhou about to rise?"

"What rise? This is called revival! I, Kyushu, have inherited a millennium, and will always be active on the highest stage in the history of the global awakened people. It's just that you opponents from all regions take turns. If you fall, you will never get up again. Only I, Kyushu, will rotate for a thousand years. , spring has passed and autumn has come, but we are still standing on the highest stage of global awakeners, and will remain immortal!"

"Don't you Kyushu people have your own live broadcast platform? Why did you get over the wall again and the dog barked? Block the one with the rhythm!"

"So is Kyushu really as powerful as they say? It also has a thousand years of history of awakened people, and it's so impressive!"

"I don't know if there is. I only know that Lin Tianming is so handsome when he holds a sword with his bare hands, and he has such a big silver-white sword! I like this boy who combines good looks and strength, but I don't know that he can Don’t you like a foreign girl like me?”

Live streaming platforms from all over the world, because of the fierce collision between Lin Tianming and Alice, the popularity reached its climax on the first day of the global competition.

Live broadcast commentators from all over the world also passionately explained this battle, with mouths like machine guns.

There was even an outrageous commentator who almost ran out of oxygen for the sake of live broadcast effect, and looked like he was needing an oxygen bottle for first aid, which made the audience almost die laughing.

Various topics surrounding Lin Tianming and Alice have triggered hot searches on global social platforms.

The same goes for the major social video platforms in Kyushu, which are extremely popular.

There are even fanatics who want to see how other domains react and express their opinions on the global platform.

Some are praising, some are slandering, some are tearing apart, and there is a lot of chaos.

But one thing remains unchanged, that is, Lin Tianming's image of taking the sword with his bare hands is so handsome!

Almost everyone thinks that Lin Tianming is better than Alice.

Even if there are awakened people who really understand the battle scene and can't help but comment a few words, Lin Tianming and Alice seem to be evenly matched at the moment, but they will be ignored or yelled at by people who don't understand.

It can be said that due to today's advantage in public opinion, Kyushu has been overwhelming Beiyin Territory from the moment it entered the game until now.

This is unacceptable to the Beiyin Region, which has always been known as the number one force of awakened people in the world.

A few years ago, there was a Jiang Han in Kyushu who could kill the god-level monster, the Thunder Demon King.

Now that Lin Tianming has appeared again, is the era of their Northern Yin awakeners dominating the world really coming to an end?

The future trend belongs to Kyushu?

At this time, Lin Tianming and Alice, who were fighting, could not control how the outside public opinion evaluated their battle.

[Why...why did he also have the ultimate speed, ultimate attack, and ultimate recovery that I learned in Tiangui Pass after nine deaths? 】

[I thought I would definitely be more capable when I came back from Tiangui Pass this time, but I didn’t expect him to be so difficult to deal with! 】

[Is he really a disaster that I am destined to be unable to escape? 】

Lin Tianming understood all of Alice's confused thoughts at this time.

He didn't want to have a decisive battle with Alice so early in which all his cards were revealed.

Because today's fight is over, he will probably beat her in the finals.

The Global Higher Awakened Academy Competition will be held for two months, and he should not expose all his cards too early.

If he is exposed now, and Alice relies on her past life memories to find powerful opportunities to target all of his trump cards, the final battle will still be difficult for him.

After comprehensive consideration, it is safest to just stop here today.

After thinking about it, Lin Tianming said to Alice: "Alice, how about we come here first? The Global Advanced Awakened Academy Competition will last for two months, so why should we rush to fight to the end on the first day?"

"You robbed my red blood coral and red blood dragon. Are you still reasonable?"

While talking, Alice controlled the mechanical doll to attack Lin Tianming again.

Lin Tianming dodged with the blessing of Jin Guanglei, and continued: "These red blood corals and red blood dragons are ownerless things. Alice, you said that I came here first to steal your opportunity, isn't it too much? Are you overbearing?"

When Lin Tianming asked this question, Alice's expression froze, and the robot doll's sword that slashed at Lin Tianming also stopped for an instant.

[Yes...he didn't overhear the information about the red blood coral and the red blood dragon from me, and deliberately seize the opportunity before me...]

[It is true that the red blood dragon and the red blood coral were my fate in the previous life, but in this life he did not lie to me about the information about this place. He got here before me and got the red blood coral and the red blood dragon. Later, I said he was robbing me. Yes, it is indeed a bit unreasonable...]

[If I had known he would come here so soon... I would have given up on the opportunity I just had and come here to take a look first...]

[This way, he won’t get it in advance, so in the end, it’s my fault that I was too greedy and wanted them all based on my past life memories, so I lost the red blood coral and the red blood dragon? 】

Lin Tianming heard Alice's thoughts, and relying on his ability to eavesdrop on her thoughts, he continued to take the initiative and work harder.

"Alice, since you know there are red blood corals and red blood dragons here, why didn't you come earlier? You came late yourself, don't blame me for being here by mistake!"

Under Lin Tianming's verbal attack, which relied on eavesdropping on his thoughts, Alice's mind was a little confused.

"That's what I say...but..."

"But what? You knew there were other opportunities here that you wanted, so you were too greedy to get the others first, and then you also wanted to get the red blood coral and red blood dragon here, right?"

"That's...that's not the case! I...I didn't!"

Alice's face turned red with guilt, and she hesitated when speaking.

[Ming...Ming how does he know what I am thinking? 】

Before Alice could figure this out, Lin Tianming continued his offensive.

"I know you are from the Northern Yin Territory. Most of your teachers from the Northern Yin Territory told you where all the precious opportunities are before you come in. But since this time is open to geniuses from all regions around the world, you can't seize all the opportunities like this. Your greedy behavior goes too far!”

[So this is what he guessed? It is true... He is not from the Northern Yin Territory, so it is normal for him to think that the people from the Northern Yin Territory know the secret realm of the Crimson Sea very well...]

No longer wondering why Lin Tianming knew what she was thinking, Alice hurriedly waved her hands and said: "Ming... you misunderstood me, I... I didn't want to monopolize all the big opportunities... Neither did our first-year students in the Northern Yin Territory. I was told there was some chance here!”

"If you feel unconvinced and want to fight, just fight. Where's the nonsense? I won't trust you people from the Northern Yin Territory anymore. You seem to be generous and open to geniuses from all areas, but in fact you are overbearing and stingy. Tell your own people about the opportunities in advance! "

Lin Tianming was furious on the surface, but actually he was laughing like crazy in his heart.

After being subjected to his repeated verbal attacks, Alice completely lost the energy to continue fighting with him.

"It's really not like this...Ming, we won't fight...then you should believe me, right?"

Lin Tianming felt even happier when he heard Alice say she wouldn't fight anymore.

The plan goes through!

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