Global Awakening: Get An Awakening Simulator At The Start

Chapter 209 I Make A Bet With The Gods!

Now that the gods have said so, little Tina still has great expectations for Lincheng on the other side,

After all, the distant city of Lincheng is a whole new world for little Tina. She is only less than ten years old, and she is about to go to another era with a completely different humanistic style and customs.

Logically speaking, this should be very frightening,

But little Tina has been instigated by the gods, and she no longer has the unknown kongju in her heart, but only yearns for the future. She really wants to know what Lincheng is like, and even now can't wait to go to Lincheng Check it out.

"Do you have any questions?"

Su Yu asked in a deep voice.

If the two have problems, Su Yu will try to give them guidance and help them improve their strength quickly.

Both of them have good talents,

promising future,

They will be a group of important forces under Su Yu, so they must not give up easily.

Su Yu intends to train the two of them well, and by the way, see if he can summon more lucky people like the two of them from the gray mold space.

"There is one more question, Lord God."

Jack stood up, bowed and said, "My lord, I heard that a god has fallen in 18 recently. I wonder if you have heard the news?"

Tina's eyes widened upon hearing this,

Has a god fallen?

What's happening here?

Su Yu raised his eyebrows and said with a smile: "It seems that your news is still very well-informed, the evil world is dead, but unfortunately, he did not leave any treasure behind.

"There is only one worm arrow, and a photo of the ancestor of the Joestar family."

Su Yu shrugged: "There is also a strange stone ghost face, why, if you want to become a vampire, you can come to me."

The corner of Jack's mouth twitched slightly, his heart beating wildly.


How do you understand so clearly!

He now understands that the gods above the gray mist are extremely powerful, and the world of gods died at the hands of this god in front of him.

Otherwise, how would he know about the legacy of the evil god world.

Stone ghost face this thing,

Jack must have heard about it, and he only learned of the existence of the stone ghost face through an extremely coincidental event. Now that Su Yu can say the stone ghost mask with his mouth, he has a high probability of knowing that it was Su Yu who killed the world of gods... .


Jack has more respect for Su Yu in his heart.

For a god, having the ability to survive other gods is a bonus, and having the ability to kill other gods is an incomparable bonus!

What Su Yu beheaded was the king among the evil gods, wish!

It is only inferior to the Goddess of Light, and even surpasses the world of other lawful seven gods!

This is enough to illustrate Su Yu's strength.

Jack lowered his head even deeper, and his eyes were full of respect, which was awe from the heart.

"Okay, if there is no problem, let's end here."

Su Yu waved his hand,

The figures of Tina and Jack slowly disappeared into the world of gray mist,

Under the stars within reach, there is only Su Yu alone.

Deep in the palm of Su Yu's own hand, he mobilized the power of the gray mist, pulling a star,

He has a premonition that through this star, he can lead to a brand new believer.

Deep in the North Sea.

The Vikings living in the ice and snow formed powerful tribes. Sometimes they would go down the North Sea and rush into the slightly warm city-states to kill one by one.

But they never occupy territory,

After killing people, plunder resources, and then run away quickly.

Because the Vikings betrayed their god of war and believed in the evil god of the North Sea giant monster, they were punished by the gods!

They will have to live in the severe cold of the North Sea forever!

On a huge merchant ship in the North Sea, the Vikings killed the captain and first mate, and plundered the ship.

A little boy crawls at the feet of the Vikings, begging for mercy.

"beg for mercy?"

"Leave no survivors!"

The Vikings decided to kill the little boy without mercy,


Bursts of gray fog flickered, the light condensed, and crazy but strange whispers sounded from the ears of the Vikings:

"The Lord of Time above the gray mist..."

"The master of the gray mist in charge of destiny..."


Crazy ravings were whispered, and the pirates almost fell into madness. The little boy was at a loss for a while, and then found that his body was pulled into an inexplicable space

"This is where?"

The little boy looked at the sky, and the stars seemed to be within reach. In front of him was a rectangular stone table surrounded by thrones.

and he,

He was sitting on one of the thrones, and directly in front of him sat a god wrapped in gray mist.

"Hello, welcome to the world of gray fog."

Su Yu smiled slightly, curious about the little boy who was summoned.

Can come to the world of gray mist,

Just name them and they can become gods.

But now this little boy looks ordinary, how could he become a god in the future?

very strange.

However, Su Yu still believes in the gray fog space, and the little boy will definitely encounter some kind of adventure and opportunity in the future.

"You... did you save me? From that Viking in 070?"

The little boy was a little shy.


Su Yu didn't hide it.

"Thank you, my name is Caesar, thank you for saving me."

The little boy thanked Su Yu very earnestly, which made Su Yu feel helpless.

"Okay, you can take out some information related to the gods and exchange them with me for anything you want, power, resources, status, fame, everything you want, I can give you.

Su Yu narrowed his eyes slightly.

The little boy was stunned, speechless in a daze, and after a long time he said: "I want friends.


Su Yu was dumbfounded.


Want friends? Is this little boy an orphan? Or the kind who grew up without friends?

The life experience of the standard protagonist...

After some research, Su Yu learned that the little boy came from a slave kingdom, but he was not a slave, but he had no parents or friends.

When he was just ten years old, he was abducted to a merchant ship and witnessed the killing and plundering of merchants by Viking pirates.

it looks like

Caesar is mature.

"I can't give you a friend, but I can give you the status of being under one person and above ten thousand people.

Su Yu earnestly lures. .

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