Global Awakening: Get An Awakening Simulator At The Start

Chapter 73 The Golden Basalt Egg, The Little Loli Li Koi Has Undergone A Mutation!

The first day was still so peaceful.

[Day 2: You continued to pretend to be Sun Yin, and met with members of the Reincarnation Cult, nothing happened. 】

[Day 3: You asked Sun Ying to meet, but Sun Ying refused. After all kinds of probing, you found out where Sun Ying works: editor-in-chief of Jingwen Newspaper. 】

"It turned out to be the editor-in-chief of the newspaper.

"Sure enough, these two devils like the place where the fishing boat is controlled,"


Su Yu recorded Sun Ying's information,

Through Sun Ying's work information,

Enough to trade with the Superpower Bureau.

At that time, the Super Energy Bureau will help me get rid of Sun Ying, a serious problem in my heart, and I will have to make a deal with myself with the secret of the gray mist.

Kill two birds with one stone.

[Day 4: You leave the shelter near the city alone and go to the wilderness in the suburbs. You find that the wilderness has become bigger,

Mutations have taken place in all the foggy places, including the land,

Originally, Lincheng Refuge was 1000km away from Jiangnan Refuge, but now it has expanded to an unknown amount....

You discovered the specialness of the gray fog. 】

Su Yu raised his eyebrows, took out his notebook, and wrote this down.

After the gray fog is coming,

The size of the world will expand, and in some mysterious form, which they cannot feel at all.

[Fifth day: You practiced in the wilderness, killing the first-order mutant mouse x10]

[Sixth day: You practiced in the wilderness, killing the second-order mutant snake x10]

[Day 7: You have received the order from the Reincarnation Cult to arrest the darling Li Jinli who was favored by the gray mist. Li Jinli has fled to the Wilderness Jizhi. 】

[Day 8: You pay attention to Li Jinli's movements,]

[Ninth day: You rescued Li Jinli, beheaded the Guardian of the Reincarnation Cult x10, and accepted Li Jinli as a member of your dawn organization.

You learned that Li Jinyu's talent is mind manipulation. 】

[Tenth Day: You guys light up your cigarettes. 】

The corner of Su Yu's mouth twitched slightly,

Li Jinli is still a little girl!

Why did you light up a cigarette!

But Li Jinyu's ability is really terrifying, mind control,

This kind of character must be received under his command, let alone already ordered!

[Day 11: You found an ancient tomb in the wilderness, and you entered it to explore.

You have encountered an evil creature, a third-order bronze ancient corpse,

You fought hard to kill the enemy and cleared all the third-order bronze ancient corpses,

You open the main tomb, and you are about to see what treasures are in the tomb. An ancient bronze corpse of 4th grade 777 jumped out, and there is no treasure!

You decide not to fight desperately with him, and run away far away. 】


Su Yu took a small notebook and wrote down the location where the ancient tomb appeared, marking it as a group of zombies, no treasure, and a trap.

"Evil Creatures,"

"It's a creature descended from the gray mist, and it's the native creature of the Blue Star, what is the Mutant Gray Mold?"

Su Yu was full of doubts,

But now he has no way to guess what happened in the gray mist,

After the simulation is finished, just go to the Super Energy Bureau to trade.

[Day 12: You and Li Jinli slept in the wilderness, and you lit up cigarettes. 】

[Day 13: You continued to practice in the wilderness, looking for treasure chests, looking for secret places, but unfortunately found nothing, only killed the second-order mutant beast x20]

[The fourteenth day: You discovered a secret realm, but at the same time, the Reincarnation Cult and the Superpower Bureau discovered this secret realm at the same time,

You decide to enter the secret realm. 】


Su Yu took a small notebook and a pen, and wrote down the location of the secret place,

Mystery is a good thing,

You must not miss it.

Whether it is for your own use, for the development of the dawn organization, or even for trading information, it is a good choice.

[Day 15: You entered the secret realm and discovered that there is an ocean world in the secret realm, and there are many giant beasts in the ocean,

Li Jinli, who has deep-sea phobia, almost suffocated and fainted. 】

[Day 16: You swam in the ocean and killed three third-order sea creatures. 】

[Day 17: You found that all members of the Reincarnation Cult who entered the secret realm were wiped out, and the Superpower Bureau chose to withdraw from the secret realm,

You suddenly realize that Tier 3 is the top strength for them at this stage. 】

[Day 18: You and Li Jinli finally arrived at the only island in the secret realm,

You explored the island and found no treasure chests.

After a night without talking, you guys lit up again. 】

[Day 19: You have searched the entire island and found that there are many mysterious runes on the island. 】

[Day 20: You are trying to understand the secrets of runes, and Li Jinli has awakened for the second time.

Because you are in the secret realm, the news of Li Jinli's second awakening has not spread. 】

Su Yu's eyes lit up,


When Li Jinli awakens, if you put Li Jinli in the secret realm, no one will notice it at all.

This can (bidh) save a lot of trouble.


In the best case, the dawn organization can have its own secret realm.

The secret realm,

Absolutely cherish resources.

It's like another world....

[Day 21: Because of Li Jinli's second awakening, you stopped your research on runes. 】

[Day 22: You continue to study the open-air rune on the island, trying to understand its meaning. 】

[Day 23: You unintentionally used the talent of the God of Beasts, and you discovered that this is not an island, but a giant turtle!

A giant tortoise with a body length of more than 1w.

He is a fifth-order creature, and his bloodline is very high-grade, but he is currently sleeping. 】

[Day 24: You choose to leave while the giant tortoise is sleeping, a fifth-order creature that cannot be provoked,

You built wooden ships and fled swiftly,

After staying away from the giant turtle island, you can't help but sink your body into the sea and see the spectacular sight of the giant turtle in the sea,

You are greatly shocked, and your character is +10. 】

[Day 25: You returned to the teleportation place where you entered the secret realm by boat,

You are stunned to find that the bottom of the sea seems to be shining with golden light.

You dive to the bottom of the ocean and bring up that golden thing,

You find out it's a giant egg.

Without hesitation, you immediately used the talent of the Beast Familiar God to sign a contract with the giant egg. 】

Golden dome?

Su Yu stared,

Golden dome!

Could it be that giant tortoise shoveled it down? If it is really that kind of giant tortoise, you can contract a giant tortoise egg yourself, and you can even build a city from the back of the giant tortoise,

Create an exclusive holy place belonging to the Dawn organization.

Not bad.

[Day 26: You left the secret realm and returned to the wilderness. You found that you were surrounded by a large number of reincarnation experts.

They doubt what treasure you got,

You went on a killing spree and killed all members of Reincarnation Cult present. 】



The best way to hide your identity is to kill everyone who knows,

Su Yu is very satisfied with his performance.

[Day 27: You have received the task of Reincarnation Cult, build an altar, and welcome a large number of Reincarnation Cult powerhouses into Lincheng. 】

[Day 28: You learned how to build an altar,

The principle is as follows:

The gray mist has the characteristic of absorbing sacrifices and then giving more rewards, but it needs to build a gray mist altar. The design drawings of the altar come from a secret place in Northern Europe.

Only reincarnation god priest level characters can obtain blueprints,

You got it by coincidence because of Sun Ying's relationship and Louis' favor. 】

Gray mist altar design blueprint!

Su Yu stared,

Immediately start taking notes, how to sacrifice to the gray mist, how to build an altar,

no doubt,

This is a huge gain,

Su Yu himself did not expect that he could accidentally get the blueprint of the altar from the simulator!

"It's been a great harvest."

The simulation continues.

[Day 29: You choose to build a bad altar. 】

[Thirtieth day: You meet the members of the Reincarnation Cult, kill them immediately after you meet them, and you get a lot of spoils and equipment. 】

[Day 31: You secretly built an altar and sacrificed all the useless equipment on your body to the gray mist. 】

[Day 32: The gray mist dropped a piece of platinum-level equipment, a sixth-level flame demon, and Lincheng was destroyed.

You fight against the sixth-order flame demon,

you are dead. 】


Su Yu was stunned,

The gray mist descended a fifth-order flame demon?

Could it be that,

The thing that the gray mist descends has something to do with the sacrificial item?

Or is it a sacrifice to the gray mist, when the gray mist rewards high-grade treasures, it will also bring down evil creatures of the same level?!

Su Yuan suddenly felt some eyebrows,

Quickly write down your guesses in your notebook.

[This simulation is over, time-consuming: 32 days]

[The simulator is in cooling, cooling time: 64 minutes

[In this simulation, you will get rewards as follows:

1: Golden beast eggs.

2: You kill 100 first-order mutant monsters, experience value +2000

If you kill 88 second-order mutant monsters, the experience value will increase by 2396,

You kill the third-order mutant monster

【Rewards have been realized!】

A large number of experience points poured into Su Yu's panel, and now he is only short of half of the experience points to be able to upgrade to the fifth level.

In the emulator,

He has already deeply experienced the horror of high-level creatures,

The sixth-level flame demon can easily destroy the entire Lincheng refuge with just relying on its flame ability.

What a destructive power this is.

Su Yu is more thirsty for power.

one second,

There was a flash of golden light in the basement, and a huge beast egg shimmering with faint golden light appeared in Su Yu's basement,

"Well, first manifest the talent of the Beast Familiar God."


All kinds of knowledge about beasts, as well as the contract conclusion of beasts, various powerful methods of beasts,

And the evolutionary path of beasts,

All flooded into Su Yu's mind.

Beast God talent,

Paired with Su Yu's all-seeing eyes, it can really be said to be invincible.

As long as Su Yu is given time, he can sweep the world with only beasts!


"Golden quality beast eggs, not bad!"

Su Yudong Zhizhi looked carefully at the golden giant egg in front of him,

[Name: None. 】

[Race: Low-level bloodline Xuanwu. 】

[Status: Incubating. 】

[Introduction: He has unlimited possibilities for evolution. With the resources in place, it can evolve to platinum quality, diamond quality, and even legendary quality. 】

[Weaknesses: relatively insufficient attack and kill ability, limited strength in a state of thin blood. 】

Immediately afterwards,

Su Yu also learned through the talent of the Beast God that if he wanted to hatch this basalt egg, he needed to get something called the essence of the ocean.

He's never heard of it,

I don't know where to find it


But what is certain is that this thing called the spirit of the ocean must have something to do with the gray mist.

"You stay in the basement first, and I will hatch you when I find the sea spirit."

Su Yu patted the dome, and using the talent of beast gods, concluded a contract with the dome,


As long as the giant egg hatches, Su You will be regarded as a person.

after everything is done,

Su Yu deployed a thunder element to interfere and dialed Hu Mei's phone.

"Youming, I found Sun Ying's information."

Su Yu's voice is unusually high and cold,

Maintaining his personality as a lone master.

"What! So fast!"

Hu Mei felt a little unbelievable, but when she thought that Su Yu was a powerhouse of the third rank, she instantly felt that it was not so unbelievable.


The powerhouse of Tier 3 has done too many things!

Su Yu chuckled softly: "Yes, what price are you willing to offer?"


Hu Mei pondered for a moment, then said: "The promotion path we learned from the gray mist.

"Promotion path?"

"That's right, I can tell you clearly that if you are above the ninth level, you can't take the initiative to improve, and you need to rely on other things to improve. How about a trade?"


Su Yu didn't hesitate, he was more interested in the way of promotion,

"Fox, let me tell you Sun Ying's current identity: the editor-in-chief of Jingwen Newspaper."

"The second is her ability: she can pretend to be other people, and she can also refine people into puppets. If I guess correctly, she can only pretend to be someone who has been refined by her."

puppet people. "

Hu Mei swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and suddenly remembered the disappearance case that happened a few days before coming to the city,

She originally thought it was caused by the fog,

I even suspected that it was made by mutated creatures,


Most likely Sun Ying did it!


Hu Mei nodded and said, "I see."

"Now I can tell you the promotion path we got from the gray fog."

"From the first step to the ninth step, you know this."

"After the ninth level, you need to use the gray mist formula to advance. Different formulas will bring you different abilities. Of course, it is best to take the formula that is similar to your awakening ability

, or die or go mad. "

That's all we know about promotion. "

Surprised in Su Yu's eyes, he nodded and said, "Okay, I understand."

hang up,

Su Yu frowned,

The sixth level can already destroy a city, so how powerful is the gray mist formula above the ninth level?



What the hell is the gray fog!

Su Yu felt a little helpless, so he could only temporarily record this information in his notes, since he was still far from the ninth step anyway.

Ding dong——

The phone belonging to Sun Yin rang, and it was Louis calling.

"Guardian Sun Yin,"

"I've given you a mission to capture Li Jinli. Now she is on Hart Street in Lincheng and is preparing to go to Suning Street. Our people have already alerted the Super Energy Bureau.

"It's urgent, please help quickly."


Su Ning hung up the phone, a playful look flashed in his eyes,

The little loli who had lit cigarettes with her many times finally appeared. .

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