Global Awakening: Get An Awakening Simulator At The Start

Chapter 91 Susano's Form, The Basalt Of The Upper Limit God!

In dawn training camp,

The four students were still in the process of recovery, while Su Yu put on an invisibility cloak and disappeared slowly, experimenting with his abilities in other places in the Bureau of Superpowers.

"Monthly reading..."


The ability is perfect, and it has greatly increased Su Yu's combat power,

It's Susano...

In fact, strictly speaking, Susano has only two forms, one is the original form, and the other is the complete Susano.

The other forms are overgrowth forms between these two,

Su Yu now...

It is very easy to summon a large skeleton hand with some ribs, and even the elements of thunder and shock can be attached to it,

Even stronger than Susano in the original book!

Because he didn't want to cause too much noise, Su Yu just experimented a little, then put away his abilities and returned to the Daybreak training camp.

In general,

The harvest of this simulation is great!

Not only have I learned a lot of information about the gray mist mutation, so that Su Yu can deploy in the world in advance, but also the gray fog coins, strange crystals...

the most important is,

Kaleidoscope Sharingan.

Su Yu was very satisfied, as it happened that today's three opportunities to manifest were all used up.

Yanshen, Bingfeng, Nangong Wan, and Chen Shuangyi have completed training,

After Qin Lan's treatment, they have now fully recovered their vitality, and their physical strength has also improved a lot.

Especially Chen Shuangyi,

She was originally a martial artist who practiced martial arts, with a strong body,

After exercising your body,

And ate a lot of evil tauren meat,

Her qi and blood ability has been enhanced to be more powerful.

The progress of others is not small.

Su Yu stood in front of the four of them, still expressionless, "Did you feel improved? Do you still feel that I am torturing you?"

Yanshen and Bingfeng stopped talking...

They really felt the improvement of their abilities,

Because the physical fitness becomes stronger,

So the ability has also become stronger...

If the ability of the awakened person is the water in the bucket, then the physical quality of the awakened person is the shortest piece of wood in the bucket.

is the lower limit of strength.

"Go ahead and get close to your limits."

Su Yu waved his hand and murmured.

He has a lot of useless mutated beef in his hand, just to help these students who can reach the limit to improve the rapid recovery and make up for the vacancy of the physical body,

Anyway, the mutated beef has no other effect other than feeding Xuanwu,

Moreover, there are close to a thousand units of mutated beef left, which cannot be used up at all.

the most important is,

Dawn Training Camp

breaking Dawn,

Those who leave the Dawn training camp are naturally members of the Dawn organization!

So Su Yu will not be stingy with the contribution of this resource.

"Run faster!"

"Does the load feel lighter?"

With a blank face, Su Yu urged the four of them coldly.

The four of them worked hard to exercise their bodies.

While using the simulator, Su Yu urged the four of them to practice.

After reaching the limit and passing out, Su Yu will take out third or fourth level mutant beef to help them recover quickly and improve their strength.

time passed slowly,

an afternoon passed,

When Su Yu uses the emulator, he always collects monsters to gain experience points. By the way, he can see if he can get foreign crystals in the emulator.


His good luck seems to have run out, and he didn't get even a single foreign crystal from the simulator in the whole afternoon.

Of course,

This is enough to show the preciousness of the foreign crystal!

extremely precious!

eight o'clock in the evening,

The spirits of the four students are about to collapse, and their strength has reached the peak of the second order. It only takes a little time to settle down, and they can break through to the third order!

this time is fast,

I guess it was only about one night,

Because Su Yu gave them too much fourth-grade beef today,

The second-level Xiaomengxin devoured the fourth-level beef, the energy washout was extremely huge, and Su Shou could do this. If they haven't broken through to the third level...

It can only be said that they are too hip.

"Training is over!"

Following Su Yu's order, the four of them went limp and almost fell to the ground.

Really hell training,


Although there is only one item of weight-bearing running,


Endless weight-bearing running, not allowed to use their abilities, approaching the limit time and time again, breaking the limit, tortured them all.

Su Yu's face still showed no signs of appeasement, and he was still indifferent.

These are my future team members, so Su Yu's training will not show any mercy.

"Last entry, teaching, shaved."

Su Yu said coldly,

Wen Yan,

The four of them became interested all of a sudden, and stood in front of Su Yu dragging their tired bodies, with excited expressions on their faces.


Is Su Yu finally going to teach them something that can actually be used in actual combat?

"The so-called shaving is a way of high-speed movement. After you break through the third level, in the eyes of the enemy, your speed is equivalent to teleportation."

Yanshen, Bingfeng, Nangong Wan, and Chen Shuangyi all looked shocked!

Tier 3 vs Tier 3,

The enemy will think that he is teleporting?!

How terrifying is this movement speed?

Can the human body really explode at this speed?

It's unimaginable.

Nangong Wan, who is an awakened space-type ability, knows how fast the space moves, and the real enemy can't catch the trace.

but now,

Su Yu told her that there is a move called Shave, which is so fast that it seems to move in space!

how can that be!


Su Yu's figure suddenly disappeared,

in a split second,

Su Yu appeared behind Nangong Wan, and even reached out and patted Nangong Wan's shoulder.

Nangong Wan just came back to her senses....

"too fast!"

"How on earth did this work!"

Bingfeng and Yanshen are a little excited, if they have such a fast moving speed, they can get close to the enemy at once and give the enemy a terrifying elemental blow!

To know,

Awakened people with awakening element abilities have the most intense elements in their bodies,

That is, when fighting close to hand,

Will release the greatest power!

for example:

Bingfeng, she launches a freezing attack from a long distance, it may take three or four seconds to freeze the enemy,

But if the enemy is caught by hand,

In less than a second, the enemy will completely become an ice sculpture.

"Instructor! Mighty!"

"Instructor! We want to learn!"

Bingfeng and Yanshen didn't hesitate, their eyes were full of longing.

Su Yu smiled slightly, and explained: "The so-called shaving is to step on the ground dozens of times in an instant, so as to explode a powerful speed..."

"After you are proficient, you can also try to attach the ability to the legs to increase the speed and reduce the damage to the legs."

This is Su Yu's own unique opinion,

He found,

Because of the gray mist, many abilities can be unified, and even combine to erupt a power far beyond the previous ones.

like shaving,

When Su Yu uses Shave, if he adds his thunder fruit ability, plus the shock ability, his speed... will soar thousands of times.

"it is good!"

The four supported their tired bodies and began to practice shaving.

Su Yu gave pointers for a while, and corrected the mistakes of several people. Seeing that they had no problem with their movements, Su Yu slowly disappeared.

Su Yu left Daybreak training camp,

After returning to the villa, he called Hu Mei by the way.

"Fox, the lesson is almost done, let them have a good rest tonight." Su Yu pondered.

Hu Mei was a little surprised, almost taught?

What does it mean?

Have they all reached Tier 3?

This is too fast!

Hu Mei wondered: "You Ming, have they all reached the third level?"


"Ah... In this way, it's really unbelievable to reach the third level in one day. Come on, they must reach the third level before the gray fog falls, otherwise the equipment in the Lincheng shelter will definitely be transferred. Those five shelters The Tier 3 powerhouse has been unconvinced for a long time."

Hu Mei was a little worried.

Su Yu said helplessly: "Tomorrow they will all be level three, don't worry."

The four members of the dawn training camp have basically reached the peak of the second level, but because their bodies are really tired, they have not broken through.

After a night's rest,

Breaking through the third level is a matter of course.

Hu Mei was dumbfounded.

What the hell?

Breaking through the third level after one night's rest?


Hu Mei wanted to ask something else, but unfortunately the phone in her hand was already beeping, obviously Su Yu hung up the phone for her again.


"Only you dare to hang up on me so brazenly!"

Hu Mei complained wildly.


Su Yu greeted Wei Ange and Li Jinli, observed their situation,

all good,

Mental state is also good.

Li Jinli bouncingly held the phone: "Su Yu big brother! Look, the Lincheng shelter seems to have provoked other shelters.

Su Yu frowned slightly,

He looked at the screen of the mobile phone that Li Jinli handed over.

"Dawn training camp, three days out of Tier 3? It's ridiculous, it's a blatant way to occupy the top scientific research equipment!"

"I bought Tier 3 with my life. I have the right to speak more than anyone else. Tier 3 is not so easy to break through!"

"Let me just say that the five third-tier talents in this world even sacrificed their chances of being promoted to the fourth rank in the future in order to break into the third rank! His dawn training camp wants to let five five-star talents break into the third rank in just a few days." Steps, it's a fool's dream.

Su Yu glanced at it,

The incident was quite serious. The third-tier powerhouses in the five refuges spoke to the upper floors, hoping to transfer back all the top-level scientific research equipment.

Not for Lincheng.

Because they all bought Tier 3 strength with their lives,

I know how difficult it is to break through the third level.

In addition to the principle of confidentiality, they didn't know that the instructor of the Daybreak training camp was Su Yu...otherwise they would probably rush over to beg Su Yu to give them special training.

"Don't worry about these things, how is your mind control ability? Have you exercised at home?"

Su Yu frowned slightly.

"Ahem, it's good, I mean, Koi has been reading books at home all the time."

Li Jinli felt a little guilty.

Su Yu shook his head and rubbed Li Jinli's head.

"What about An Ge? Your ability..."


Miss you very much.


The corner of Su Yu's mouth twitched slightly, and he hurriedly left the living room and ran away.

In the training camp, he can treat the students with a cold face,

But in the villa, both of them had already lit cigarettes, so it really couldn't get colder.

But Su Yu took a look with all-seeing eyes,

Both Li Jinli and Wei Ange's abilities have grown significantly. It is obvious that the two of them have practiced seriously.

She was just trying to annoy him on purpose.

"A woman's heart, a sea needle."

Su Yu complained helplessly, and slowly entered his basement.


A gleaming golden egg stands there, and it seems that the galloping ocean can be seen from above.

Three units of fifth-order mutated beef have been completely absorbed,

Su Yu pondered for a moment, then put a few pieces of fifth-level mutated beef, fifth-level vampire teeth, etc.

Maybe because the basalt golden egg was about to break open,

With a sudden burst of great sucking power,

Mutated beef, 850 vampire teeth, and other materials containing special energy were completely absorbed by the Xuanwu Golden Egg in just twenty minutes.

It's easy to understand,

The basalt golden eggs already have spirituality, they used to be put together and absorbed passively, but now the basalt golden eggs are actively devoured by themselves,

Perhaps there is already a little Xuanwu inside the eggshell.

Another ten minutes passed,

Under Su Yu's watchful eye, and under the full power of the Beast Master God's talent, the golden eggshell began to crack a few cracks slowly

Ka Ka

The gap is getting bigger and bigger,

A miraculous basalt appeared from the golden eggshell, and then devoured the eggshell with big mouthfuls,

Growing at a speed visible to the naked eye..

The eggshell is devoured,

The basalt has grown to a length of more than three meters, and the basalt shell with a little magical pattern on the back has a radius of more than one meter.

After eating the eggshells,

A light blue brilliance emerged from Xuanwu's body, flew into the air, and floated in front of Su Yu, rubbing against him quite affectionately.

no doubt,

Because of the beast gods and the contract, Xuanwu regards Su Yu as his master.

Su Yu smiled slightly, patted Xuanwu's Xuanwu shell,

The all-seeing eye activates,

Various information about the newly born little Xuanwu appeared in front of Su Yu.

[Race: Xuanwu]

[Bloodline: Level 3 Xuanwu Bloodline (can be upgraded by devouring any item with ocean attributes)]

【Level: Tier 2】

[Ability: This basalt has the terrifying ability to mutate plants]

[Introduction: Xuanwu is a mysterious creature born in the gray mist. He does not belong to any camp. Every Xuanwu will have its own ability.


Bloodline level cap: 10,

Tier upper limit: God

The upper limit of the level of mutant plants: gods]

Su Yu took a deep breath and felt that he had found a treasure!

This basalt can mutate plants, and its upper limit is also very high!

Enough to grow into a god!

Su Yu ran into the villa, took out a pack of sunflower seeds, and brought them to the basement.

Then signaled Xuanwu to activate his ability.

Xuanwu is very cute, after rubbing his head against Su Yu, the runes on Xuanwu's armor lit up, and the golden light shone,

A sunflower seed grows rapidly,


In just five or six minutes, it transformed into an extremely tall sunflower!

The all-seeing eye information is as follows:

【Species: Sunflower】

【Rank: Second Grade】


[Introduction: It has the ability to produce sunlight, and it is not afraid of darkness. Giving sunlight to other creatures can help other creatures multiply. 】

Su Yu was slightly taken aback,

It seems that I will have an invincible fortress...the flying basalt that covers the sky and the sun, plus the giant city that grows infinitely (one man guards the gate), and countless plant soldiers....

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