Global Awakening: Get An Awakening Simulator At The Start

Chapter 93 Attract The Attention Of The World, The Global Live Broadcast Su Yu Makes A Move!

The appearance of a mutant beast that looks like Godzilla is beyond Su Yu's expectation, and also beyond the expectation of everyone in the world.

Tier 4 Mutant Beast!

In this stage where the third-order is the strongest, the fourth-order mutant beast can be called invincible, no matter where it goes, it can cause countless deaths and losses,

can only say,

Languo, a magical country, will always come up with some new tricks.

"You Ming, this is all the information about this mutant beast."

"Please do it for us."

"We are willing to trade with you with all the existing foreign crystals, how about it.

There was hope in Hu Mei's eyes.

If Su Yu does not agree,

The Dragon Kingdom will fall into a place of eternal doom,

The Eyeless Alliance will reap the rewards. It is estimated that only those overseas green card holders can continue the blood of the Dragon Kingdom, but it is only the blood.

The spirit of the Dragon Kingdom cannot continue at all.

all hope,

It's all on Su Yu alone.


Su Yu nodded.

He didn't even ask how many foreign crystals there are in Longguo.

after all,

This matter is most likely caused by his basalt,


Just a Tier 4 mutant beast,

to be frank,

Su Yu killed the fourth-level mutant beasts like chopping melons and vegetables, after all, he was already at the fifth level now.

in an instant,

Hu Mei's eyes filled with tears, her hands became agitated, and she almost rushed forward to hug Su Yu.

"Thank you, thank you You Ming, thank you so much."

"On behalf of Lincheng Sanctuary, thank you,"

"Those abnormal crystals are already in transit, there are a total of 20, if you want more, the abnormal crystals that are mined will be supplied to you first.

Hu Mei was so excited that she covered her face and wept.

Su Yu shook his head and said, "I can make a move, but you have to promise me one condition.

"What conditions? Tell me."

Su Yu took a deep breath and said solemnly: "Block all the entrances to the territory of Dragon Kingdom, and when the time is up, it is strictly forbidden for any overseas slaves to return to the country.

Hu Mei was stunned,

Originally, he thought that Su Yu would make too many demands,

such as money,

For example, beauties, such as 463, status.

Didn't expect it to be that simple.

"Okay! We promise you, those guys who shout from the Internet...we hate it too.

"They are no longer from the Dragon Kingdom."

"We also really want to see the pained expressions on their faces when they found out that Longguo was safe, but were turned away when they wanted to come back."

Hu Mei also hated those foreign slaves who made inappropriate remarks on the Internet for a long time,

So are her bosses,


Conditions were easily negotiated.

"There is one more thing...can you turn on the satellite live broadcast? Let the world see the power of the Dragon Kingdom, which will be more shocking.

Hu Mei asked,

She knew that Su Yu had broken into the fifth level, so he should have no problem dealing with the fourth level mutant beast.

If live,

Those public intellectuals who are clamoring on the Internet should easily change their mentality and desperately want to return to the Dragon Kingdom...

Then the Dragon Kingdom just refused to let them return!


Su Yu didn't care about this, since he had already put on the invisible mask anyway.

"Calculate where the mutant beast landed,"

"Also let Nangong want them to come with me and let them see the world."

"I will kill that mutated monster in Binhai City, prepare for the live broadcast, and keep in touch at all times.

Su Yu explained some things, and then boarded the special plane that had been prepared,

Under Hu Mei's arrangement,

The four students from the Leaving Dawn Training Camp quickly took their seats and boarded the special plane.

Su Yu glanced at the four people's information,

It was found that the four of them had broken into the third rank,


Yesterday's training was not in vain.

"Instructor, are we...going to intercept that mutant beast?"

Bingfeng asked tentatively.

The others also pricked up their ears,

Tier 4 Mutant Beast!

It sounds like a terrifying and powerful existence.

"That's right."


A smile formed on the corner of Su Yu's mouth.

"I'm not afraid!"

What the four students told the truth, they were even a little eager to try,

Su Yu understands this feeling very well,

Just breaking through, you will have a misunderstanding of your own strength, feel that you are invincible, but in fact you have not become that (bifi) so strong,

This time I took these four students there,

It is to let them experience the power of the crushing level, and prevent them from being lazy because of the high position of the stars.

"Take you to see the world,"

"This is the token, you take it well, you can contact me through him, and it can save your lives at critical times."

Su Yu took out three oracle tokens and handed them to Nangong Wan, Bingfeng, and Yanshen.

As for Chen Shuangyi,

When I was in Langguo, I already had Su Yu's oracle token.

There is no need to give another piece.

At the same time, Long Guo.

under a banner,

The only five third-tier powerhouses in the Dragon Kingdom gathered here, and they all gave a military salute, and then hammered their chests with their own right fists:

"I, Wang Bing, am willing to take the initiative to go to Binhai and intercept the mutant beast with my life!"

"I, He Chen, am willing to take the initiative to go to Binhai and intercept the mutant beast with my life!"


These five strong men,

It was obviously because of the top-level equipment, the five who were dissatisfied with the Daybreak Training Camp and extremely dissatisfied with the Lincheng Refuge.

But at this time,

No matter how much they feel that Lincheng Sanctuary is not good,

They all applied without hesitation, and took the initiative to go to Binhai City outside the Lincheng refuge, and use their lives to protect Lincheng.


Their application was rejected by the woman in front of her wearing a uniform.

"Jiang Ju, why didn't you agree to our application!"

"We have already made up our minds when we forcibly took the genetic medicine and broke through the third level!"

"Yes! Director Jiang please agree with our expression!"

The Jiang|Ju in front of him is the general director of the Longguo Super Energy Bureau, and his strength will soon break through to the third level "named beautiful (ni).

"There is already a new plan, you don't need to die."

Ginger has a big head,

She just received the message that Nether agreed to kill the fourth-order mutant beast.

With Nether's strength, it should be easy to kill this mutant beast, so plan b, which seemed to be sending it to death, was temporarily cancelled.


He Chen said in a hoarse voice, "Long Kingdom has no choice. Do we want us to sit and watch Lincheng Sanctuary be destroyed by mutant beasts?"

"There are a lot of our compatriots there!"

Jiang Nei took a deep breath, knowing that if he couldn't explain clearly, he would be annoyed to death by these five stubborn donkeys.


Jiang Ni went to his office and took out several standard contracts.

"Sign it, you will know after signing it."

"Confidentiality | agreement | agreement?"

The five people looked at each other in blank dismay, and then hurriedly pressed their fingerprints on the paper, and then signed their names.

They are all military | brigade background,

Even if he is tortured to death, he will not reveal any information.

Jiang Ne rubbed his temples, and said helplessly, "Okay, let me tell you, Nether has gone, bringing the four students from the Daybreak training camp with me."

"Four students? What's the use of the students?" The five said in unison.

"Flame God, Bingfeng and the others are already Tier 3 powerhouses, one day..." Jiang Nei mused.

There was a gasp in the air,


The five of them were deeply shocked.

dawn camp,

Breakthrough from the second level to the third level in one day?

Who is the instructor of this training camp?


The five of them reacted violently,


Apart from You Ming, who else in the Dragon Kingdom has the ability to make four second-level awakeners break through to the third level in one day.

"No wonder."

He Chen suddenly realized, feeling a little bitter.

The gap between people is really huge.

Jiang Nei sighed, "Leave dawn training camp, Chief Instructor You Ming, keep this matter a secret."


Five people salute together | salute.

They all understand now,

It is estimated that You Ming brought those four students there to temper them.

Being able to safely face the fourth-order mutant beasts is definitely a rare good opportunity for the third-order powerhouse, which can greatly improve the mind and strength,


They don't have that chance.

Jiang Nei shook his head, looking at the envy, loss and admiration in the eyes of the five people, he felt uncomfortable.

After all, in order to let the Dragon Kingdom have the power to deter the Eyeless Alliance, they forcibly swallowed the potion that consumes potential...


It would be great if the dawn training camp was established earlier,

It is estimated that He Chen, Wang Bing and others of the red blood cell team will become the pillars of the Dragon Kingdom.

at the same time,

Dragon Kingdom also announced that Nether, the patron saint of Dragon Kingdom, will go to Binhai to kill the fourth-order mutant beasts, and the battle scenes will be broadcast live worldwide!

As soon as this remark came out,

Those who watch the fun abroad are dumbfounded,

they are confused

It's not because you know that Su Yu will kill the fourth-order mutant beasts,


They think that Long Guo is bragging, exaggerating, or sending Nether to die!

Many netizens in Languo laughed and said:

"Hahahaha! This is simply ridiculous! Longguo Youming, at best, has the strength of the third level, and wants to kill the fourth-level mutant beasts? I guess youkang will be a dead match with one breath!"

"That's right, You Ming is going to die!"

"Do you know how powerful this fourth-order mutant beast is! One mouthful of atomic breath directly destroyed half of the city!"

"Hahaha! In my lifetime, it is really a kind of enjoyment and happiness to see the wicked die in the dark."

Many Longguo netizens were extremely angry, and responded with wild words:

"The fourth-order mutant beast didn't mutate because it drank the waste water from your Languo!"

"That's right! Now you still have the face to sit on the desk pointing and laughing, you are indeed little devils."


"A bunch of bastards!"

"The monster that I raised by myself is now going to bring disaster to the Dragon Kingdom, I'm really angry!

Netizens in Longguo attacked Langguo crazily. As long as you are a person with conscience, you will feel angry about such things!

Netizens in Langguo mocked shamelessly,

What's even more exasperating is that many foreign slaves living in Languo and America have spoken out:

"Fortunately, there is no return to the dragon

Country, if you return to Dragon Country, it will be miserable.

"That's right, aside from the facts, why did the fourth-order mutated beast go to the Dragon Kingdom? If flies don't bite seamless eggs, you Dragon Kingdom are not wrong?!"

"That's right, the fourth-order mutated beasts appeared from Langguo, why didn't they go to kill Langguo, instead they rushed to your Longguo."

"I suspect that the mutated beasts were created by the Dragon Kingdom. They wanted to use the mutated beasts to cause trouble for the Lang Kingdom, but now they are reaping the consequences!"

Lizhongke began to frantically fabricate the truth, distort the facts, and then stood on the moral high ground to verbally attack Longguo.

It's ridiculous.

"Looking forward to the live broadcast! It must be terrible."

"It's a pity, You Ming. As the most powerful person in the Dragon Kingdom, the Dragon Kingdom has let you go to die. If you come to my Dalang Kingdom, we are willing to put aside the past and cultivate you well."

"That's right, you can also enjoy the top treatment when you come to our country.

on the plane,

Su Yu quietly closed his eyes and rested his mind, without any sense of tension,

Tier 4 Mutant Beast,

kill casually.

"There are still a few minutes to arrive at Binhai. It is not enough time to conduct a simulation."

Su Yu gently kneaded the center of her eyebrows,

Although he didn't turn on his mobile phone to surf the Internet, he could still imagine what those disgusting guys said.

The plane began to descend slowly,

It is worth mentioning that the Binhai Airport was closed in advance, so there were only sporadic mutant beasts inside, which did not affect the landing of the plane.

Even Su Yu praised: "It is indeed prescient.

The plane landed completely.

"Let's go, four, I guess the whole world is waiting to see our jokes."

Su Yu shrugged, appeared on the runway of the airport, and casually threw a few thunderbolts to clean up the mutant beasts around.

"Huh? Why? The world is waiting to see our jokes?"

Bingfeng and Yanshen were a little puzzled.

And Nangong Wan has dealt with Reincarnation Cult all the year round, and Chen Shuangyi has experienced a lot of misery from Languo... The two of them are familiar with each other, and they can roughly guess what happened.

"Turn on your mobile phones and take a look to find out."

Su Yu smiled slightly.

Bingfeng and Yanshen immediately turned on their phones, searched for the news released by Longguo, and began to read the comments below.

After a few minutes,

Bingfeng's whole body was ignited with frosty air, and the mobile phone in her hand turned into ice cubes, which she crushed fiercely.

And Yanshen,

It turned into magma directly, and punched the surrounding wall fiercely, and the wall turned into magma in an instant!

It shows the anger in the hearts of the two of them!

"Let's go, they are waiting for us."

Su Yu smiled slightly, and led the four of them to the coastal beach of Binhai City,

It is the area where the fourth-order mutant beasts landed, calculated by the researchers of the Super Energy Bureau.

at the same time,

The live broadcast of Dragon Kingdom officially started under the hostility of countless people. .

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