Global Awakening: Join The Chat Group At The Beginning

Chapter 36: Comparing yourself with gods in a human body, you are far greater than you imagine

Well, he can't keep calm at all now. The video of Pepper and the man kissing has always remained in his mind. The less he wants to think about it, the clearer it becomes. How can he calm down in this situation?

Someone has to tell him that this is fake!

Ordinary group leader: "Of course it's true, can this group leader still send you fake videos?"

Ordinary group leader: "In the future, you will marry Pepper and have children, but because of a crisis that affected the entire universe, you sacrificed yourself to save everyone, so Pepper is single again, and the man next to you is your future." teammates."

Ordinary group leader: "I helped you take care of Pepper after you sacrificed your life. Over time, we developed feelings for her, so... you understand."

Ordinary group leader: "Serious.jpg"

Son of Nature: “…..”

The richest man in Lighthouse: "I died? Then my teammates cheated on me?"

The richest man in the lighthouse: "Are you kidding me? It's about the crisis of the entire universe!"

The richest man in the lighthouse: "Do you know how small the earth is in the universe? What is the use of an earthling like me in the crisis of the entire universe?"

The richest man in the lighthouse: "And how could I sacrifice myself for others? Don't be kidding me!"

Son of Nature: "No, these group leaders are the only ones who didn't lie to you."

Son of Nature: "You did sacrifice yourself in the future to save the entire universe. Even before that, you carried a nuclear bomb into the universe and narrowly escaped death."

Son of Nature: "You could have stayed out of Thanos and lived your own life with Pepper, but you ultimately chose to participate."

Son of Nature: "This is you Iron Man Tony Stark, the man who rivals gods in human form."

Son of Nature: "You are greater than you think."

Tony Stark fell into silence. Although he still didn't want to believe what the other party said, it seemed that the other party was not lying in such a serious tone.

Will he really sacrifice himself to save others in the future?

But a crisis involving the entire universe? What a danger that must be!

With the Earth's technological level, it is impossible for even myself to be qualified to participate in this battle, right?


Tony suddenly thought of something.

If, according to them, you are a character in a certain animation or film and television work, then you don’t have to think about a lot of logic!

Because I am the protagonist, this war is related to me.

Because I am on Earth, this war involves the Earth.

Because this world is a work, there are dangers that concern the entire universe.

In this case, everything seems to make sense.

But why the hell is it even harder to accept!

The richest man in Lighthouse: "What about you? Isn't it difficult to accept that you are a character in a certain work?"

Uchiha Dance King: "Hmph, only those with weak minds would find it difficult to accept this."

Be my son: "Ku la la la, no matter the work, I am very satisfied with my current life."

The Evilest Elf: "After joining the chat group, is this question really important? After knowing the future, will you still go to the future unchanged without making any changes?"

Son of Nature: "Is the question you just asked included in the setting of the original author?"

Stewing ancient times into soup: "Actually, if I think about it differently, without the creations of those authors, we would not have been born."

Boil Dagu into soup: "Would this make you feel better?"

Ordinary group leader: "Why do I feel like this is even more difficult to accept..."

Ordinary group leader: "Except for Miaomiao, me, Bai Xuan and you, do you think the others will be satisfied with their original fate?"

Boil Dagu into soup: "Uh..."

Madara Uchiha was heartbroken by the betrayal of his most trusted subordinate, Black Zetsu.

Not only is Whitebeard dead, but so are the Whitebeard Pirates.

Dongfang Bubai died because of love in the end.

Namikaze Minato died after sealing the Kyuubi, his wife also died, and his son also had a bad life since childhood.

Not to mention Tokisaki Kurumi, who is still pursuing to kill the original elf and change his own destiny.

It seems that none of it is quite satisfactory...

The released glory: "Woof woof woof?"

Ordinary group leader: "Oh, I forgot about you."

Ordinary group leader: "This Shiba Inu is also excluded."

The richest man in the lighthouse: "Although your way of comforting people is very special, I probably understand."

The richest man in Lighthouse: "So, @an ordinary group owner, the one with Little Pepper is really fake!"

Ordinary group leader: "Ahem, although the video is fake, the reality is hard to tell."

Ordinary group leader: "Not everyone wants to be alone for the rest of their lives."

The richest man in the lighthouse: "..."

The richest man in Lighthouse: "Is there a full version?"

The richest man in Lighthouse: "Just tell me the number. Even if money is not enough, you can exchange it for gold and jewelry of equivalent value."

It’s not that I don’t want to give to others, but wealth has the greatest effect.

For example, gold, other jewelry, and diamonds may not be valuable in other worlds, but the value of gold will not be too low no matter which world it is in.

Ordinary group leader: "Eyes shining.jpg"

Ordinary group leader: "Boring.jpg"

Ordinary group leader: "Forget about money, I'm so weak now, it'll be over if someone targets me."

Ordinary group leader: "How about you make me an artificial intelligence similar to Jarvis?"

Ordinary group leader: "The technology here has slowed down a lot because of Reiki. The presence of Reiki has caused inexplicable changes in many scientific formulas, so there has been no growth in technology and there has even been some regression. "

Ordinary group leader: "With Jarvis on the Internet, I will definitely be invincible."

Ordinary group leader: "By the way, don't set Jarvis to be too honest. We still have a network here, and sometimes there is no way to rob the rich and give to the poor, right?"

The richest man in Lighthouse: "...You can ask for this kind of request directly. Do I seem to be such an honest person?"

Son of Nature: "Give me a share, and I'll give you a spiritual energy ball."

Son of Nature: "The physical fitness of ordinary people can be increased by about twice, which can make up for your weak body."

The richest man in Lighthouse: "???"

The richest man in Lighthouse: "I'm in good health, okay! If those few dog barks hadn't disturbed me today, she wouldn't even be able to get out of bed tomorrow afternoon."

The richest man in the lighthouse: "Well, let me know if there is anything else you want. Send me a few more copies of that spiritual energy group."

The richest man in Lighthouse: "Don't get me wrong, it's not what I want. My physical fitness doesn't need to be used at all! I just think that Little Pepper has been working hard recently and I want to reward her."

Ordinary group leader: "..."

Ordinary group leader: "Do you think we will believe it?"

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