The weather was very hot, but the weather was very hot.

Since he had to go to school, Su Lu didn't have much free time these days.

Once the test was over tomorrow, Su Lu would have more free time, and he could consider bringing back all the spoils that he couldn't bring back originally.

Su Lu brought Psyduck to the car shop.

Looking at the one-star badge Su Lu was wearing, the clerk entertained Su Lu warmly.

During these five days, Su Lu brought back some beast corpses every day, and accumulated enough points to become a one-star beastmaster.

After reaching the rank of one-star beastmaster, Su Lu also unlocked many permissions, such as a 10% discount on shopping in the city...

"Dear beastmaster, what kind of car do you need? What is it for?"

"To carry the corpses of fierce beasts out of the city, it should be durable and have a large cargo capacity. Please recommend one."

"Carry fierce beasts?"

This is also the style of a star beastmaster.

In the end, Su Lu chose a Wuling Hongguang car priced at 300,000 yuan.

Well, it is an enlarged high-chassis off-road van. This is a hot model for outdoor cargo! The cargo capacity reaches an astonishing 6 tons! It is already a truck-level cargo capacity...

Su Lu can drive it after buying it. The procedures for beastmasters to buy cars are much faster. After all, beastmasters lose cars every few days in the wild, so the procedures cannot be too troublesome.

With Psyduck, Su Lu rushed directly out of the city.

As for the driver's license? Didn't he have a driver's license in his previous life? He was an old driver in his previous life.

The soldiers guarding the city just glanced at the badge handed over by Su Lu, checked the things in the car and let it go directly.

Sitting in the car, watching Su Lu's skillful operation, Kokoya seemed to feel very magical.

"Hmm? Kokoya, are you interested in being a driver?"


"I know you are a good driver because of your yellow skin! You will definitely be a super old driver in the future!" Su Lu thought of a possibility.

"Come on, let me tell you how to drive."

Su Lu explained the driving method to Kokoya in detail.

I don't know if it is the effect of the Mingbo crystal, Kokoya seems to learn very quickly.

Quack! (Duck has learned it! Duck has learned it!)

Kokoya said excitedly.

The reason why Kokoya is so excited is that this is the first skill it has learned on its own initiative!

"Learned it now? Is the yellow skin really blessed?" Su Lu murmured, and then stepped on the brake.

"Then let's switch, you drive."


Psyduck quacked with great joy, and was held by Sulu in the driver's seat.

Then Psyduck stretched out its arms and legs.

Quack! ! ! ! !

Psyduck cried in pain!

Its short arms couldn't reach the steering wheel! Its short legs couldn't step on the clutch! Even after it squatted on the driver's seat, it couldn't even see the ground...

Its short arms and legs swung stupidly in the air.

It was so hard to learn a skill, and it was so hard to have the opportunity to become the main force, but why did this happen?

Psyduck fell on the horn.




Psyduck looked up at Sulu in shock, "Psyduck, you're still laughing even though I'm like this!!!"

"That... Psyduck, I'm a professionally trained trainer, and I usually don't laugh at my own Pokémon unless I can't help it.

And maybe, probably, maybe you can drive with telekinesis." Sulu reminded.

Quack? (Yes)

Wuling Hongguang was restarted.

In fact, this is also a training method that Su Lu came up with. If the telekinesis can be controlled to the point of driving, then the mental strength of Psyduck can also be greatly developed.

It is not difficult to use telekinesis to step on the clutch and deflect the steering wheel, but the difficulty is the precision.

And if Psyduck can be trained to the point of using mental power to explore the road without using the naked eye to see the road conditions, then the aspects of telekinesis control and mental power perception should also be greatly developed.

And the most important thing is that Psyduck is also interested in driving. Interest is the best training motivation, and Psyduck seems to have talent in this aspect.

Psyduck mastered the method of driving very easily.

Of course, to be on the safe side, Su Lu still sat back in the driver's seat, while Psyduck lay on the window of the co-pilot and looked at the road to control the telekinesis. If there is a problem, Su Lu will do it himself.

So the large van seems to be unserious, going and stopping, and the rear of the car jumps from time to time.


"Raykuzo, Tornado."


Three deer with trident-like horns were easily killed by Rayquaza.

Ordinary beasts are still too weak for Rayquaza, and now they can't even provide much experience.

"Well done." Su Lu said.


Rayquaza also narrowed his eyes.

Psyduck used telekinesis to put the corpse of the beast into the van.

Looking at its big brother, Psyduck put his hands on his waist and quacked twice.

Psyduck is now floating again, because it already has the "old driver training plan" formulated by Su Lu for it!

Become an old driver! Defeat the current big brother! Become the main force, and it is not a dream to reach the peak of duck life!


Rayquaza looked at Su Lu, as if asking "What about me?"

Psyduck's training method has already been decided, and Su Lu has also thought about the training direction of Rayquaza. It is actually very simple.

Rayquaza is a divine beast, with extremely high qualifications and unquestionable talent. What he needs to do is not to command Rayquaza to train, but to provide resources for it so that Rayquaza can reach its peak strength in the shortest time.

That is, to upgrade and unlock mega evolution.

Su Lu carefully looked at the store, and there was no Mikado organ and Rayquaza mega stone for sale in the store.

In the setting, if Rayquaza wants to mega evolve, he only needs to learn the exclusive ultimate move of finishing touch, but in fact, Rayquaza needs the Mikado organ to mega evolve.

The Mikado organ also serves as a mega stone and key.

In the Pokémon world, Rayquaza began to devour meteorites and absorb meteorite energy more than a billion years ago, and finally condensed into the Mikado organ.

Therefore, the enhancement of Rayquaza will eventually fall on meteorites, or some special energy carried by meteorites, and meteorites are very expensive, which is why Su Lu wants to make money.

"Of course you have..."

Su Lu explained its mega evolution to Rayquaza in detail, and Rayquaza nodded in understanding.

"So there are two things you need to do. One is to fly quickly in the sky and try to control the finishing touch. The second is to intercept meteorites. Of course, I will also help you buy meteorites, and then you need to identify the components you need most. I will try to analyze and buy a large number of them to help you condense the Emperor Organ in a short time." Su Lu said.

Rayquaza also nodded, and it finally had a goal to become stronger.

Time passed little by little, and it was a new day.

Su Lu could draw again.

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