The new green caterpillars were smaller than expected, only about 30 centimeters long.

However, their vitality was much stronger than those green caterpillars that were just summoned by Su Lu.

More than a thousand green caterpillars were curiously looking at Su Lu and other Pokémon on the ground.

And in Su Lu's perception, there were more than a thousand more connections.

Su Lu had the ability to completely control the Pokémon summoned by him.

However, Su Lu felt that the ability to completely control these second-generation Pokémon was gradually reduced.

Perhaps after more than ten or twenty generations, this complete control effect on Pokémon will disappear, leaving only the perception ability.

However, more than ten or twenty generations, that is a long time ago.

"So many green caterpillars..."

Sulu rubbed his forehead with a headache. It's not that he can't afford to raise so many green caterpillars. Green caterpillars are not like Pokémon like Kira that consume more resources. Even if a thousand green caterpillars grow to their limit, the resource consumption is not as much as the consumption of one Kira evolving into Banjiras.

What worries Su Lu is that the power of super-control cannot merge all of them into the mental connection.

And it can be predicted that the Pokémon that are bred may be more than the Pokémon that he summons, and his mental power cannot completely connect all Pokémon.

After thinking for a long time, Su Lu picked up a green caterpillar.

The green caterpillar instinctively got very close to Su Lu and rubbed against Su Lu's hand.

"Grow up well."

Su Lu finally did not establish super-control links for these second-generation Pokémon.

However, Su Lu planned to let the first-generation Pokémon manage these second-generation Pokémon, so as long as there are first-generation Pokémon, it is equivalent to Su Lu controlling these second-generation Pokémon.


Chong Chong nudged Su Lu.

"No! They are not you, but if you want to train them, it is not impossible." Su Lu rejected Chong Chong's request with righteous words.


Although he was rejected, Chong Chong was still very happy when he thought that he might become the chief coach of 100,000 insect troops in the future.

He almost rolled on the ground.

Chong Chong's idea was to train all these offspring into a green caterpillar army, well, with Chong Chong as a template.

But Su Lu rejected it.

If every green caterpillar could be as strong as Chong Chong, it would be nothing.

But this is impossible, and if the green caterpillar does not evolve into Butterfree, it means that it cannot reproduce...

Thinking of it this way, Chong Chong is destined to be alone after making a great wish.

Looking at the jubilant Chong Chong, Su Lu temporarily stopped his plan to tell Chong Chong this cruel news.

One thousand green caterpillars are not too many.

After the curiosity of Pokémon passed, the caterpillars also integrated into Poké Valley.

The caterpillars are just the beginning. More Pokémon will be bred later. The Tianyun Forbidden Land may not be enough, but Su Lu has already made preparations.

The forbidden land in Dongxin District is exactly what Su Lu arranged.

When that day comes, when the number of Pokémon in the Tianyun Forbidden Land is saturated, the excess Pokémon will be arranged by Su Lu to other forbidden lands.

Of course, it seems that it is still far away from that day.

However, the construction of the protection area can be planned.

Looking at the envy of Pokémon towards Butterfree.

Su Lu waved to other Pokémon: "Don't envy Butterfree, everyone should work hard and give birth to more. We can afford it in Poké Valley."

A large number of Pokémon showed shy expressions.


After visiting Butterfree and the caterpillars, Rayquaza, who was already a little impatient, kept urging Su Lu.

Yesterday, Su Lu said that the meteorite research has been settled.

But Su Lu has not taken any action today.

In addition, Jirachi is increasingly disgusted with it as the big brother, which makes Rayquaza feel very disappointed.

"Okay, okay, let's go back now, don't rush."

Su Lu put Rayquaza into the Poké Ball.

He took it into the laboratory.

After the laboratory was established, it was not that no one came to inquire, but with Mewtwo there, there has never been any problem.

In the meteorite research room.

Rayquaza in the Poké Ball sensed the breath outside the ball, and almost ran out of the Poké Ball.

Rayquaza has never seen such delicious food.

Although the amount is not large, it is not as much as the amount of meteor shower that he took the initiative to eat, and it can't make him full.

But it smells good!

This is a meteorite like

It is a fist-sized special substance that shines like a star, and there seems to be a halo like a planetary belt around it.

"Why does it look like a small nebula? But it's silver. How about it, Rayquaza, do you need to adjust it?"

Rayquaza in the Poké Ball nodded frantically, it's good like this! It smells great!

Mewtwo on the side also nodded seriously.

"This substance has not been named yet, Su Lu, you can give it a name. If nothing unexpected happens, this substance has a strong attraction to all creatures related to space." Mewtwo reminded.

"The favorite of space creatures? Then let's call it nebula substance? How much does it cost to make such a piece of nebula substance?" Su Lu asked.

"Nebula substance can be extracted from meteorites, or it can be synthesized by nuclear energy and telekinesis. If the energy is sufficient, about one hundred tons of meteorites can extract one unit, but it can only be synthesized by me. The telekinesis strength of other Pokémon is not enough, and if nuclear energy is used, it will be worth about 300 million..."

Hundred tons of meteorites? Nuclear energy materials worth 300 million? ?

"I originally thought that raising Yukira was expensive enough..."

Three hundred million per piece, even if you have a mine at home, you can't eat it like this, right?

"Any meteorite will do?"

"In theory."

"Rayqua, you should find more ways to get some asteroids back later."

A hundred tons of meteorites may seem like a lot, but that's for meteorites that pass through the atmosphere and have a mass of only one in a hundred. Most meteorites floating in outer space start at ten thousand tons, so a million tons is acceptable.

Rayqua nodded seriously, this is about its food!

But Su Lu seemed to have thought of something.

"By the way, Mewtwo, where is the Deoxys meteorite?" Su Lu suddenly reminded.

Since nebula matter has a strong attraction to all space creatures, can Deoxys be awakened through nebula matter?

Mewtwo also understood what Su Lu meant.

With a thought, he teleported the sealed Deoxys meteorite to the room in the secret laboratory.

Sure enough, after the meteorite appeared.

The originally faint spiritual fluctuations suddenly became violent.

But the meteorite did not change.

"Raikūzo, it seems that you can only taste the taste of nebula matter later."

Raikūzo: ???

So will love disappear?

After Su Lu injected nebula matter into the meteorite.

The meteorite finally changed.

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