After leaving W City, Su Lu (Koda Ya) drove for more than an hour and was far away from the scope of W City.

The nearby roads also began to disappear, and the deeper they went, the dangerous places that few people touched.

Not all places were recovered by humans. Some time and space cracks have even been open for a hundred years. The areas where the time and space cracks are located naturally become absolutely dangerous places.

To the east of W City is the so-called large area of ​​dangerous places. It’s not that there were no kings who built cities in the east before, but they usually didn’t last more than a dozen years before they fell again...

Su Lu stopped the car and looked at the dangerous places in the distance.

Everything in front seemed more primitive. Even the collapsed high-rise buildings were completely covered by green plants and became a paradise for fierce beasts.

Generally, only powerful beastmasters dare to hunt in such places.

The reason why Su Lu ran so far was that there were not many beasts near W City. It was not known whether the news of Rayquaza had spread among the beasts. Su Lu felt that the beasts were getting fewer and fewer.

So Su Lu took Rayquaza to a deeper place.

"The wreckage of civilization..." Su Lu shook his head.

And Rayquaza fell from the sky again.

Su Lu had a weak connection with all the Pokémon he summoned, which was why Su Lu could successfully call Rayquaza every time he went out of the city.

And this connection seemed to be getting stronger and stronger after Su Lu obtained the spiritual power seed.

Su Lu handed a large bag of energy cubes from his backpack to Rayquaza.


Rayquaza squinted his eyes after eating it. He was not tired of it.


After being satisfied, Rayquaza roared at Su Lu.

"Is there any news? So soon?" Su Lu was in high spirits.

Rayquaza told Su Lu that he had found a place that met Su Lu's requirements.

Su Lu had previously mentioned to Rayquaza that when he was patrolling in the sky, he would find a flat and fertile place to make it his secret base, and then plant fruit trees and so on.

The money obtained from hunting beasts is only a drop in the bucket. If you want to support a large family of Pokémon, you must have real industry.

So a suitable piece of land is very important.

It is still difficult to find land suitable for planting fruit trees, and Su Lu did not expect Rayquaza to find it so quickly.

"Is it far?"


"About four hundred miles? That's indeed a bit far."


Rayquaza suddenly patted his chest with his claws.

"Have you fully mastered the atmospheric shield?" Su Lu's eyes lit up!

Rayquaza has mastered the atmospheric shield, which means that he can also fly in the atmosphere with Rayquaza? !

The flying speed of Rayquaza is faster than any modern flying machine, and the distance of 400 miles is just a short distance for Rayquaza.

"Let's put aside the hunting today and go check out our base!" Su Lu clapped his hands happily and said.

As for the large van that came out? There were some building ruins around, and Su Lu just found one and used it as a temporary parking lot.

There was nothing valuable in the car, so he was not afraid of being stolen.

"Come back, Psyduck and Psyduck." Su Lu took the other two Pokémon back into the Poké Ball.

"Let's go."

Rayquaza put Su Lu on his head again.

Slowly climbing up, the speed increased little by little, but even so, Su Lu felt that he was a little breathless under the pressure of this acceleration.

If he hadn't been eating beast meat and energy cubes these days, Su Lu might even faint directly.

"It seems that if I want to stand on the top of Rayquaza to fight, I have to continue to exercise..." Su Lu thought.

Getting faster and faster! It was like a line of green light passing through the sky.

In the eastern dangerous land, Xia Muyue raised her head, and with her superhuman vision, she saw the green light in the sky.

"King Xia, did you find anything?" asked an old woman in a dress beside Xia Muyue.

The old woman was the mayor of W City, the old king Hu Yunzhi, and next to Hu Yunzhi followed a big green snake with a whole body of emerald green.

The two of them were planning to go to the dangerous land to investigate an area that had been discovered by satellite to be suitable for opening up new territories.

"It seems that there is a powerful existence. Very strong, terrifyingly strong, maybe this place is not suitable for building a city." Xia Muyue frowned and said as she looked at the green line passing through the sky.

Will such a powerful existence allow humans to build a city?

? Building a city in the territory of a powerful beast without the corresponding strength is undoubtedly a provocation and irresponsible to the migrating humans.

Hu Yunzhi followed Xia Muyue's gaze and looked over, but only saw a vast expanse of sky.

She suddenly thought of the legend about the Xia family. Did she sense something? She is indeed a special person with the blood of beast control.

"Can you tell me what you saw, King Xia?" Hu Yunzhi said.

"Grandma Hu, I didn't see it clearly. It was too fast. I could only see a green line passing by quickly. But that speed alone is not something that the king of heaven can match." Xia Muyue said seriously.

If Hu Yunzhi didn't give an explanation, she would go back immediately and force Xia Hai to leave W City.

After thinking about it, Hu Yunzhi still planned to talk to Xia Muyue about the "Sky Dragon". There was only one large human city in W City around.

The reason why she is so busy is that there are no kings and cities to watch over and help each other. Almost all threatening space-time cracks can only be suppressed by her alone.

But she is old now, and she doesn't know how long she can continue to protect W City.

If even Xia Muyue leaves, no one knows when the next king who is willing to open up new territories will come.

She must keep this possible helper.

If the sky dragon is a wild beast, it will naturally cause peeping and riots, but it is already a sky dragon with an owner, so it won't cause too much trouble if it is told out...

"Green, that should be a sky dragon."

"Sky dragon?"

"That should be a beast controlled by a beastmaster..."


Su Lu naturally didn't know that the whereabouts of the Sky Dragon had been discovered by the naked eye.

Now Su Lu only felt extremely excited, because the current altitude has climbed to the exosphere above 700km in the sky! The edge of the earth's atmosphere!

At the speed of the Sky Dragon, if it flies up a distance, it will even leave the earth's atmosphere.

Su Lu also clearly sensed the change in gravity. If it weren't for Rayquaza's atmospheric shield, Su Lu would have died on the spot in a short period of time due to a series of problems such as pressure and temperature.

Su Lu looked down and saw that the ground was already an arc. With Su Lu's eyesight, he could only see patches of green.

The broad vision gave Su Lu a different feeling. This was the sky, and this was Rayquaza's territory!

In the sky, Rayquaza sensed that it had arrived at the station, so it began to dive down!

The distance from the land was 400 miles, and Rayquaza flew up 700 km just to let Su Lu experience the feeling of traveling at the edge of the atmosphere!

The journey was extended several times.

Rayquaza's cloud car was extremely exciting, and anyone who had taken it knew it.

And Rayquaza's target was an area covered by thick clouds.

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