Global Beasts: I Have Countless Mythical Beasts

Chapter 116 Field Of Vision Investigation! Platinum-Ranked Cangyun Eagle Troop!

Su Yang stayed in the Yandang Mountains for fifteen days, and slowly upgraded the colorful psychedelic butterfly to the middle grade of silver.

The Storm Eagle and the Earth Storm Bear also gained experience points in the battle, but their upgrade speed has obviously slowed down.

Finding a good opportunity, Su Yang also promoted Hell Vine Flower to the lower gold rank.

After a day of fighting, Su Yang returned to the camp, took a shower, had dinner in the cafeteria, and was just about to go back to rest when he heard the assembly bell coming from the loudspeaker.

Su Yang put down the dinner plate, followed the other seventh team members in the cafeteria and ran out of the cafeteria to the square.

The two captains, Zhu Xiaoshuang and Shi You, were already standing on the high platform of the square.

Su Yang lined up according to the formation, and none of the members of the seventh team spoke, so he was too embarrassed to ask.

After a while of roll call, of the seventy-nine members of the seventh team, only fifty-three were present.

Some people went out to do missions, and some went back to the "May 47th" home for vacation.

Zhu Xiaoshuang stood on the stage and said loudly: "Our mission is here, this time our mission destination is Tongjiacheng!"

"Today, the city lord of Tongjia City reported that the beasts in the Golden Tooth Mountain near them showed signs of rioting. He hopes that our Changwu Field can send people to support them!"

"Tongjiacheng has not encountered a violent beast riot for five years. General Qin attaches great importance to this matter and ordered Captain Yao to send two emergency teams to Tongjiacheng to stand by for support!"

"Our 7th and 10th Squads have been selected and will go to Tongjia City to provide support and prevent possible beast riots!"

"You have half an hour to prepare, disband!"

As soon as Captain Zhu Xiaoshuang said to disband, Su Yang went back to his room and sat for a while without packing anything.

All his personal belongings are placed in the space capsule, and even water and dry food are sufficient inside the space capsule.

Half an hour later, all the members of the seventh team got on their own flying beasts and took off into the air.

At this time, Su Yang also saw the members of the tenth team.

In the darkness, they also all stayed in mid-air.

"Su Yang!"

In front of the team, Zhu Lushuang's voice came.

Su Yang immediately let the Storm Eagle fly to the front of the team.

"team leader!"

"You are in charge of the team's investigation work, let your Storm Eagle fly high into the sky, pay attention to the surrounding movements, and let it report the surrounding situation to you at any time!" Zhu Xiaoshuang ordered, "You sit on my Black Tiger Eagle."

"it is good!"

Su Yang went from the back of the Storm Eagle to the Black Tiger Eagle.

Black Tiger Eagle just glanced at Su Yang with that black tiger-like head, and didn't care anymore.

"Storm Eagle, go up to the sky and report the surrounding situation to me at any time!"

The Storm Eagle nodded and jumped straight into the sky.

The eyes of many members of the seventh team also followed the Storm Eagle, until the Storm Eagle disappeared into the dark sky...

Someone sighed: "It's flying so high, it seems to be in the clouds!"

"I heard that the Storm Eagle's field of vision detection ability is top-notch!"

"Doesn't that mean we can sleep in peace?"

"Don't be afraid of death, you can try to sleep!"

"Just kidding, just kidding!"

Zhu Xiaoshuang's black tiger eagle is a platinum-level beast with a wingspan of more than 30 meters and an extremely wide back. Su Yang found a place not far from Captain Zhu to sit down.

"It's time, let's go!"

The seventh team took the lead and flew south.

And the people of the tenth team followed closely behind the seventh team.

Zhu Xiaoshuang's Black Tiger Eagle flew at the front of the team. She spread out a map from time to time, carefully discerned the direction, and led the team forward [Su Yang glanced curiously.

Zhu Xiaoshuang explained to him with a smile: "On the way to Tongjia City, we will pass through the territory of many fierce beasts. On my map, I have marked the safest route that has been proven, so that we can avoid being killed. Powerful beast attack!"

"Let your Storm Eagle scout in the sky, just in case, some powerful beasts don't really stay in their own territory, there will always be special ones.

"I see!"

After flying for two days, Su Yang felt a little bored.

But at this moment, he suddenly felt a palpitation!

He covered his chest and frowned.

He looked around and found nothing.

At this time, the Storm Eagle suddenly sent him a message.

There were more than twenty adult Cangyun Eagles flying in their direction.

Adult Cangyun Eagles are almost all platinum-level ferocious beasts.

Su Yang learned from Xu Jiutian that there are many Cangyun Eagles living in the depths of Yandang Mountain. egg.

More than 20 Cangyun Eagles will definitely cause heavy casualties to their two teams.

"What's wrong?"

Zhu Xiaoshuang also noticed his abnormality.

Su Yang immediately told her the news from Storm Eagle.

Zhu Xiaoshuang didn't ask anything, and immediately ordered: "Black Tiger Eagle, get down immediately, everyone, get back to the ground immediately!"

Seeing the whereabouts of Zhu Xiaoshuang's Black Tiger Eagle, behind Zhu Xiaoshuang, other members of the seventh team were ordered to follow, and the tenth team behind the seventh team also fell.

In just two minutes, hundreds of gold-ranked beast masters all stopped on the ground.

"There is danger in the air, keep your pet beasts away, and hide immediately!"

More than a hundred beast masters collected the pet beasts, and quickly hid under the dense trees one by one.

A burly middle-aged beast master asked: "Captain Zhu, what's wrong?"

"Su Yang's Storm Eagle detected danger!" Zhu Xiaoshuang asked, "By the way, your Storm Eagle is still on it, is there any danger?"

Su Yang replied: "The eagles of the dark clouds fly relatively low, and the eagles of the storm are fine!"

Zhu Xiaoshuang nodded: "That's good!"

The burly middle-aged beast master looked at Su Yang and smiled at him.

"Our people haven't detected it yet...I've heard about your Storm Eagle, train it well!"

Hearing that there was danger in the sky, more than a hundred golden-ranked beasts held their breaths and looked at the sky through the gaps in the forest.

Soon, a strong wind blew past, and above the heads of hundreds of beast masters, an adult Cangyun Eagle flashed past.

Immediately afterwards, two adult Cangyun Eagles followed closely.

And behind the two adult Cangyun Eagles, a large army of seventeen Cangyun Eagles followed closely.

They also flew extremely fast, passing Su Yang's head quickly.

When the large army of the Cangyun Eagle no longer appeared, Zhu Xiaoshuang stood up from under the 1.3 tree, and said in the direction where the Cangyun Eagle left: "They should be courting!"


Su Yang was a little puzzled, he had never seen the Cangyun Eagle in Seven Star City.

The burly man smiled and explained: "The Cangyun Eagle is a fierce beast that lives alone. During the courtship period every year, the male Cangyun Eagle will chase the female Cangyun Eagle. The female Cangyun Eagle is usually bigger than the male Cangyun Eagle. Bigger, faster, stronger... If the male Cangyun Eagle wants to gain the right to mate, he must rely on his own strength to catch up with the female Cangyun Eagle."

Su Yang wondered: "What if I can't catch up?"

"If you really can't catch up, the female Cangyun Eagle will stop and pick the one that arrives first!"

ps: The fifth watch is over, please ask for flowers, evaluation tickets, and monthly tickets. If you can reward an automatic subscription, that would be even better! Thank you Musu, and the 588vip point reward for Daxiang Children's Shoes!.

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