Global Beasts: I Have Countless Mythical Beasts

Chapter 234 The Liu Family Sisters Talk! High-Level Meeting Of The Southwest Military Department!

"In our school, many boys have a crush on me!"

"But is Su Yang a boy from your school?"

Liu Mengying lay on Liu Mengyun's body and said in a muffled voice, "No!"

Liu Mengyun stroked her long hair and said in a low voice: "I have observed Major Su, although he is only fifteen years old, but his mind is very mature, ordinary girls can't catch his eyes at all.

"I'm also very good!" Liu Mengying said stubbornly: "The grades are the first in the class, and the second in the grade!"

"But you are not number one. Even if you are number one, there is a huge gap. For example, Major Su and I... We used to be known as the number one genius in the Southwest, but he and I, No comparison!"

"I've worked very hard!" Liu Mengying choked up.

"I know!"

Of course, Liu Mengyun knows exactly how hard Liu Mengying worked.

Staying up until two o'clock in the morning is commonplace.

"I heard mom talking about my marriage!" Liu Mengying whispered, "Father probably wants me to get married, but I don't know who they are considering. You haven't been here for the past six months, and I often can't sleep.

"Don't worry about that. I will ask Dad directly to help you pay attention to this matter. I will definitely not make you feel wronged. Don't worry. With the strength of our Liu family, we will definitely be able to help you pick out excellent ones!"

Liu Mengying hasn't given up yet: "Then about Su Yang...can you find out for me? If I can marry Su Yang, my parents will definitely agree to it, right?"

"Believe it or not, a girl who wants to marry Su Yang can go around the Southwest 323 site three times... I guess, those high-level officials with daughters in the Southwest Military Department have already set their sights on Su Yang." !" Liu Mengyun said rationally, "In addition, you have a fatal flaw, you don't want to fight his idea.

After a long time, Liu Mengying choked up and said: "Fatal flaw...does it mean that I am not a beast master?"


"It's not my fault for not awakening the talent of a beast master!"

If both parents are beast masters, the probability of the child awakening the beast master talent is several times that of ordinary civilians!

Generally, capable beast masters will give priority to marrying women who have awakened the talents of summoners.

It sounds cruel, but the reality is like this.

Who doesn't want their children to win directly at the starting line?

"Hmm!" Liu Mengyun held her sister tightly in her arms, "It's not your fault!"

"Then, what if I make Su Yang a kid?"

Liu Mengyun's hands froze.

Monogamy is the mainstream.

However, due to the rampant ferocious beasts, too many men have died in battle in the past three hundred years.

This led to a situation where there were too many boys and girls in the population of the entire Huaxia Federation.

Coupled with the extremely high status and income of the beast masters, some beast masters began to marry two or three concubines (bfdh).

The fierce beasts raged, cut off the traffic, and the autonomy of the city lord was enhanced.

The city lords from all over the world turned a blind eye to this phenomenon.

After all, if they want to protect the city, they need the power emperor of the beast master!

In the last hundred years, some city lords even issued decrees directly, allowing beast masters to marry two or three more concubines.

In this regard, the military departments of various places and the Federation also turned a blind eye.

In addition to giving preferential treatment to the beast masters, even if the beast masters are combined with civilians, the probability of their descendants awakening the beast master talents will also increase!

This will allow the human world to obtain more beast masters.

This is a very real problem.

But families with a little bit of status are unwilling to let their daughters be children.

"Don't talk nonsense!" Liu Mengyun said, "It's too early to think about these things now."

When Su Yang was on vacation at home, the senior officials of the Southwest Military Department gathered together again.

After discussing several topics, Yao Xing brought up Su Yang's return to Changwu City.

"In just half a year, Su Yang led a team to sweep the forty-one strongholds that the Beast Cult secretly established in the north of our southwest, and killed the members of the Beast God Cult. Among the 1,153 main members of the Beast God Cult, Including thirteen platinum-level beast masters and one star-level beast master, they have almost completely wiped out the invading forces of the Beast God Sect and "stabilized the situation in the north!"

Hearing Yao Xing's narration, the top military officials in the Southwest all became serious.

Of course they know how difficult Su Yang's task is! Where is the difficulty!

The main difficulty is how to find the forty-one strongholds of the Beast God Sect.

You must know that these forty-one strongholds are extremely well hidden, and none of them were noticed or found by the local city lords.

But Su Yang dug out all the Beast God Cults by virtue of his personal ability!

It only took half a year, and he only stayed in each city for one day on average!

Just one day!

More time is spent on the road.

This kind of terrorist detection ability made the entire Southwest military high-level dumbfounded at that time!

They sent Su Yang to lead the team, it was Yao Xing's suggestion "because Su Yang is good at tracking!

They originally thought that Su Yang would probably not be able to complete this difficult task, and there was still a great possibility of failure!

Because even if they lead the team in person, there is a high probability of failure!

But as long as it can suppress the Beast God Sect and suppress the development of the Beast God Sect, it will be considered good!

As a result, only half a year later, Su Yang uprooted the Beast God Sect....

This is definitely the biggest surprise of the Southwest Military Department this year!

Beast God Cult is too disgusting!

The Western Military Headquarters was devastated by the Beast God Cult!

Qin Pengcheng asked: "How about the battle damage?"

"The special operations team, within half a year, died... seven members, and three members were seriously injured and disabled!"

In the process of exterminating the Beast God Sect, the seven members who died in the battle were all unlucky.

Su Yang is already doing his best to ensure the safety of the emergency team members.

But he's not a nanny after all!

When it’s time to use them, use them!

Hearing the number of casualties, the Southwest military executives couldn't help but be moved!

A high-level person asked: "Brigade Yao, are you kidding me? Really only seven members were killed?"

Yao Xing nodded seriously: "I'm not joking, they are all numbers that have been confirmed repeatedly, and my subordinates can still count the numbers within one hundred."

"Squad Yao, don't be angry, I don't mean anything else, it's just that the casualty rate... is really too small!"

"Yes, the casualty rate is too small, so small that it's scary!"

"There are now 14 emergency teams, and the one with the lowest casualty rate is the 14th emergency team... but the one they accept is the most difficult task!"

"Our problem now is how to reward Su Yang. If it is really counted by military exploits, his rank should be raised!" Yao Xing scratched his hair and said, "The problem is that he is a bit young now. .”

"Fifteen years old, damn it!"

A high-ranking military officer directly swears.

"This age is indeed a bit too young!"

"If you increase your military rank, you will soon be graded with us!"

"It doesn't matter if you don't reward them, you can't make people feel cold!" A high-level military officer said helplessly, "Many people in the military department know about Su Yang's mission, and the entire northern city master knows it well. We have to express it."

"Age is indeed a problem...but why should we worry about age?" A senior military officer laughed, "Anyway, we can't appoint officers at the rank of lieutenant colonel. Approved, we will truthfully report Su Yang’s achievements, apply to Su Yang, and let the General Military Headquarters judge, if the General Military Headquarters thinks it’s okay, then it’s fine!”.

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