Global Bloodline, Fuse Saiyan Bloodline at the Start!

039 Heading To Mangu Planet (Second Update!!!)


is it strong


But in the eyes of many people, even including Qin Feng, there is a perception.

That is.

The strength of technology lies in its integrity.

At the individual level, to what level can technology strengthen a person?

But the battle that followed shocked everyone.

The moment the battle started.

Cassis moved very quickly, pulling out four full darts in an instant, with a flick of his wrist.

The four flying knives rushed towards the magic Luo Xing powerhouse with a special arc.

After the dart, Cassis held four other throwing knives on his left fingertips, and a scimitar in his right hand, and quickly followed behind the flying knives.

This is his normal way of fighting.

Once the enemy's attention is distracted by the flying knife, what they will receive is a fatal blow.

Even blocking the first round of flying knives.

Then there will be a second round of flying knife attacks.

It can be said that it is impossible to guard against.

However, this time.

But it failed.

The powerful Mo Luo Xing was wearing battle armor. The moment the flying knife flew out, a circular energy shield about the size of a palm suddenly appeared on his body.

Extremely accurate, it predicted the path of the flying knife and directly intercepted it.

Then, at the moment when Cassis was not close.

A huge cannon barrel appeared in the left hand of the armor.

"Antimatter can annihilate!"

A mechanical sound resounded through the room.

In the cannon barrel, a dark beam of light shot out suddenly.

With just one shot, the void in front of him collapsed.

Under the terrifying energy fluctuations, Cassis retreated more than a thousand meters, his eyes full of horror.

He can sense it.

If he had dodged just now, he would have slowed down a little bit.

I may be..... gone.

It is the room of horror.

Behind the battle armor, eight gun barrels of different sizes appeared in unison.

Immediately, all kinds of laser beams and tracking bullets attacked Cassis.

The dense strike net, and the power of each attack is also extremely terrifying.

The strength of the energy bomb is not weaker than that of the warrior.

The key is that there are almost no interval CDs, and there are no problems such as breath adjustment.

And finally.

Under a series of bombardments.

At this time, the battle armor suddenly accelerated, but an energy lightsaber emerged from the right arm, beheading Cassis directly.

The battle is over.

Cassis, who reappeared under the ring, was still a little pale at this time.

The whole process did not exceed 1 minute.

This is a very different victory from the previous battle.

If it was the last game.

What stands out in the immortal way is a miracle.

So now, the power of science and technology is completely crushed by force.

But Qin Feng also saw it at this time. After the battle, the man's armor immediately chose to go to recharge.


The power of technology is indeed very powerful.

But compared with warriors or immortal cultivators, energy supply is a problem.

But accordingly.

During the period of its energy existence.

Its explosive ability is extremely terrifying.

Everyone was silent.

And Cang Yunzi still smiled at this time and said: "So, is there anyone else who wants to challenge?"

"The last thirty seconds."

No response.


Thirty seconds over.

At this time, Cang Yunzi smiled and said: "It seems that there should be no doubts."

"Next, I will divide the team."

"The method of detachment is also very simple."

"The top six people, come out!"

The words fell.

On the side of the warriors, they walked out in six strides.

And Cang Yunzi said at this time: "You six, join the first queue."

"Afterwards, every six people will join the second and third cohorts respectively, and so on. Is there any problem?"

Everyone nodded.

As for Qin Feng, as the fifty, the last team to join is naturally the ninth team.

However, what let the wind did not expect is that......

In the team, they were actually assigned to Lilia and even Alice again.

These two girls. (aifb)

Lilia's ranking is 52nd.

And Alice happens to be 54th.

However, besides this, there was another person that Qin Feng did not expect.

That is.


That is, the snake man Tianjiao.

He is 53rd.

With the distribution of warriors.

Soon, the arrogance of the two emperor stars also completed their team assignments respectively.

Just as Qin Feng guessed.

Among the remaining four people, two are strong men from Moluo Xing, and two are Tianjiao from Xianlingxing.

The leader is a strong man from Xianling Star, a young man with a huge sword on his back, wearing a blue robe, with a rather cold expression.

After glancing at Qin Feng and his group, he said: "My name is "Xuanjian", the captain of the ninth team, I am too lazy to say anything unnecessary.

"Just follow my command."

"If there are unauthorized persons, then I will not be polite to you!"

"do you understand!"

After finishing speaking, Xuan Jian didn't care whether Qin Feng and the others responded or not, he just crossed his knees and closed his eyes in the air.

And then the rest.

It is very simple.

After the respective teams were assigned, an old man from the fairy star directly tore apart the space channel.

Opened the road to Manguxing.

Wait until you pass through space.

In the vast universe, in front of everyone's eyes, there is only one huge planet that looks a little dark.

And on the outer layer of this giant planet, an extremely thick energy barrier can be clearly seen.


This is the final destination of this trip: Mangu Planet.

At this time, the old man also said directly: "There is an ancient restriction on Mangu Planet, but I can no longer approach it."

"The rest is up to you."

"You just enter it, and when you come out, I will perceive it."

"But remember, the universe tide time is only about three months. If you can't leave during this time, then you can't leave."

"You guys wait here, according to the deduction, there will be at most three days before the universe tide will come!"

After finishing speaking, the figure of the old man dissipated.

But in this void.

Three days of waiting flashed by.

this day.

In the entire universe, colorful streamers suddenly appeared.

Accompanied by the emergence of colorful streamers, the thick barrier on Mangu Planet has become much thinner at this moment.

And at this time, Cang Yunzi, who had been closing his eyes all this time, finally stood up and said coldly: "It's now!"

"The words fell."

Cang Yunzi suddenly took out a small boat-like model from his embroidered robe.

And the model swelled up in an instant, and in an instant, it swelled to a length of 100 meters.

"Everyone, enter the Liuyun airship!"

PS: The second update!!.

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