Of course, Li Chen is not blindly arrogant. He actually insisted on leading a large army to that huge black hole in order to verify one thing.

He has a guess in his heart, a guess about how to get rid of the gravity of the black hole, and even use the energy of the black hole!

As we all know, the black hole itself is also a kind of celestial body.

They have super mass, so they will produce super terrifying gravity. m.x.com

Super mass, super terrifying gravitational force means super large energy...

And how to use energy, even recover energy.

Li Chen thought about the current Orion spiral arm, those civilizations that are already known.

There should be no one who dares to say that he can compare with the earth civilization in terms of energy recovery.

The reason is simple, the earth civilization has a mass-produced energy heart!

In the past few months, the technological development of the Energy Center has also achieved new breakthroughs.

Today, the energy heart of earth civilization has developed to the third generation.

Not only are they smaller, they are also more portable.

Moreover, the energy storage limit of a single energy center is not known to be much higher than that of the second generation.

As for the comparison with the first generation, it is even more so than a hundred and eight thousand miles away.

In addition to the greatly increased energy storage limit, they also have more humane control options and so on.

The Galaxy Overlord that Li Chen is currently driving is inlaid with 50 million latest-generation energy hearts.

That's right, fifty million.

Of course, in order to prevent the Energy Center from absorbing too much energy, causing the mass to become larger and become a black hole.

The scientists of the earth civilization also spent a lot of effort to study, and finally solved this problem.

Through the special limiter, the balance gravitational system, can perfectly restrict the energy center from becoming a black hole because of the supermassive mass.

The 50 million heart of energy is one of Li Chen's trump cards.

Except for his Galaxy Overlord.

Before Li Chen set off this time, he also brought a million large-scale interstellar mining ship formations from the headquarters of the earth civilization.

As well as the large Star Destroyer battle group that is also embedded with a large number of third-generation energy centers, etc.

These are the existences that can share the energy pressure for Li Chen.

It can also prevent a single energy center from absorbing too much energy, causing the mass to collapse inward

One way to be a black hole. Biqu library

The idea that Li Chen wanted to test.

It is just using the heart of energy to fight against the gravitational force of the black hole.

Even, the energy that the black hole can only completely plunder!

Generally, because people have limited understanding of black holes, they tend to think that black holes only plunder and do not share.

They just keep devouring the surrounding celestial bodies, plundering endless energy.

But in fact, black holes are releasing energy every moment, every minute and every second.

They can even explode, rapidly evaporating energy until they disappear on their own.

Yes, what Li Chen learned from s2k, King Maxim and even the King of Evil Gods is that.

Black holes will disappear on their own.

They are like the sun, once the energy is exhausted they will completely "die" and disappear.

Because a black hole cannot absorb energy endlessly forever.

They can only plunder celestial bodies within a certain range of themselves.

Once beyond that range, the gravitational effect decreases, and the energy absorbed cannot offset the energy they release outward.

At that time, it will enter a consumption period.

The energy of the black hole itself begins to decline, and the volume begins to decrease, and finally until the last bit of energy evaporates, they will die out completely.

Just because he knew these things, Li Chen came up with a whim.

Is it possible to use the energy core to absorb the energy of black holes and accelerate their demise?

If this guess holds true.

From now on, earth civilization can create black holes not only by themselves.

They can even destroy black holes too!

This is an important reason why Li Chen intends to personally lead a large army to the battlefield this time.

However, he never explained this to anyone.


The Cthulhu King received Li Chen's order and returned with his main force in person to support the guards in the Cthulhu Domain.

Although he was worried about Li Chen's decision to take risks in his heart.

But after deducing his calculation power, the evil king suddenly calmed down a lot.

"The universe is so big, there are so many wonders, it's really unexpected that the master still has such a powerful ability..."

"Judging from all the current signs, the civilization of the earth will be the ultimate hope of Orion's spiral arm..."


As for whether it is the overlord of the galaxy, I am afraid it is still too early to say. "

The evil god king consumed about one tenth of his own energy.

A computing power deduction was carried out.

I saw all the details of Li Chen's action this time, including some follow-up effects, etc., completely and clearly.

When he saw the better results among the 39.5 million results through the calculation results.

He already knew that his master Li Chen would definitely solve the problem successfully this time.

Because Li Chen's decision at this moment is almost exactly the same as what he saw in the calculation results.

"Although I got peace of mind in exchange, it really hurts to lose one-tenth of the energy all of a sudden..."

"Never be so willful next time!"

The evil god king thought silently in his heart.

Although they have powerful computing power, they seem to be omnipotent, and they can see many things that others cannot see.

Know a lot of things in advance that others don't know.

It looks like it's really awesome.

In reality, however, this ability has both advantages and disadvantages.

The disadvantage is that it is impossible for you to know in advance how many outcomes of the thing you want to calculate will have.

Between different results, will there be various results derived?

It's like an ever-split dendrogram...

Every time a result is calculated, energy needs to be consumed separately.

Calculations with exponential growth are very dangerous.

If there are too many calculations, and one's own energy is exhausted or over-consumed, then it is often fatal to an energy life form.

So even a powerful existence like the evil god king.

Unless it is absolutely necessary, it is impossible for him to use this ability easily.

Just now, one tenth of the energy was consumed all of a sudden, which made the evil god king even more vigilant.

"Master Cthulhu King, we have arrived at our border! Enter the battle zone immediately!"

When the evil god king was thinking about the problem in his heart, he heard reminders from his subordinates.

He came back to himself immediately.

Immediately issue orders to everyone.

"All alert! Prepare for battle at any time!"

"Once you cross the black hole ring, you will immediately annihilate the enemy! Don't hold back!!"

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