The dazzling and bright Milky Way lies in front of the eyes, illuminating almost the entire space of the universe.

The stealthy fleet could not help but slow down because of this.

"Master, if we put our Energy Heart in that star field, it would be really cool!"

The Iron and Blood King smiled, touched his chin and said to Li Chen.

Meanwhile, King Maxim licked his lips greedily.

Both of them saw clearly just now, the powerful characteristics of Energy Heart.

If this is thrown into the central region of the Milky Way, such a dense star system, wouldn't it be able to absorb countless energies in an instant?

Li Chen was also very excited at this time, but he was much more rational than King Maxim and the King of Iron and Blood.

Such a prosperous and prosperous star area, with such dense energy resources, is definitely not something that ordinary civilizations can occupy.

A civilization without any strength is meat on the cutting board.

So if you want to plunder those energy resources over there, you have to face the ruler civilization there first.

Now even the civilization of the seventh district has not been solved, Li Chen has no time to think about such long-term things.

He didn't want to provoke the powerful civilizations in the sixth district, the fifth district, or even those in front of him. At that time, the current strength of the earth's civilization might not be able to handle it.

Just when Li Chen was thinking about it with a smile, suddenly the alarm sounded in the command room.

[Didi Didi! warn! warn! It is currently close to the target space coordinate area! Gravity is abnormal! 】

【warn! warn! It is currently close to the target space coordinate area! Gravity is abnormal! 】


At the same time as the sound of warning sounded, Li Chen, King Maxim, King of Iron and Blood, and others also clearly felt that something was wrong with their bodies.

It felt as if the battle clothes and skin on his body were being pulled by some force.

Even the blood in Li Chen's body seemed to be a little out of control and unable to flow normally.

This sudden feeling made Li Chen raise his eyebrows slightly.

"Our spacecraft has a fully automatic attitude balance system, which can automatically adjust the force inside the spacecraft, coupled with the strong power provided by the spacecraft's own propulsion system, even if it is close to a huge star, it will not be captured by their gravity

! "

"I didn't expect... to be affected by the gravitational force of a black hole from such a distance... and the feeling is so clear and strong!"

Li Chen couldn't help being amazed.

Immediately afterwards, he raised his head to look at the Iron and Blood King and King Maxim.

"You immediately order your fleet to stop following!"

"Just conduct a security patrol in this area!"

This is already a public channel, approaching the middle area of ​​the channel.

Usually there will be interstellar merchant ships from civilizations of other spiral arms.

There is also the possibility of encountering Star Destroyer fleets of other civilizations.

It's even possible to meet interstellar pirates.

So in order to avoid unnecessary troubles, vigilance is a must.

At this moment, King Maxim, the Iron-Blooded King and others also clearly and strongly felt the influence of that terrible gravitational force.

Hearing Li Chen's order, they did not dare to neglect, and immediately started to act.

Each issued an order to his subordinates, so that the large army should not move forward.

On the other hand, Li Chen called the rest of the commanders and informed the Star Destroyer Command Ship that his troops were ready for battle.

"Activate the anti-stealth radar and energy heart immediately!"

"This is already where the enemy is trapped. The enemy is from the seventh civilization and is powerful. Don't take it lightly!"

"Report immediately if you find the target!"

Li Chen decisively issued combat orders.

The following large interstellar mining transport ship and the battle group of Star Destroyer motherships immediately opened the energy heart.

But it was only half a minute after Li Chen gave the order.

Suddenly, in the dark and deep space ahead, an extremely dazzling beam of light suddenly appeared, shooting straight towards one of the leading Star Destroyer motherships on their right.

Immediately afterwards, the Galaxy Overlord that Li Chen himself was driving also made a muffled "boom" and trembled suddenly.

[Didididi... Enemy attack! Enemy attack! ! 】

[The Galaxy Overlord is currently under attack! The energy barrier is damaged, and the shield value drops by 8%! ! 】

The warning sound on the spaceship sounded hurriedly.

The commanders on the spaceship reacted one after another and immediately issued various instructions.

And Li Chen frowned tightly, staring out of the porthole.

"There is a black hole ahead!"

"Where is the enemy? Is it locked?"

Li Chen

Shen Sheng asked the radar soldier.

Right in front of them is a dark and deep space, which looks no different from the surrounding universe.

Looking at the past with the naked eye, there is no abnormality at all.

But the body can clearly and strongly feel that terrible gravitational change.

And the sudden beams of light just now were actually huge energy cannons fired by the enemy.

The enemy can attack them accurately, which means that the position of their fleet has been exposed.

"Master, the location of the target is locked!"

"There are a total of three Star Destroyer Motherships, which are directly in front of us and on the left and right sides, and they are rushing directly towards us!!"

The clone of s2k quickly obtained the relevant radar data.

And report to Li Chen as soon as possible.

"Rushing directly towards us? Are they planning to die together?"

Li Chen frowned and asked in doubt.

Of course, he also gave orders at the same time to directly destroy the enemy's Star Destroyer Mothership when necessary.

"No master, their spaceship has lost power, the energy cannon just now was their last insistence..."

"After the release, their energy was completely exhausted."

The s2k clone explained.

Hearing this, Li Chen suddenly realized.

Similar to the news they received before, the evil king said that there is only one way for the enemy to come out of the super-giant black hole.

That is to use up all the stored energy and turn on the fourth-generation curvature engine at the maximum speed.

But after they came out, they could only catch them without a fight.

"So it wasn't the enemy who discovered us inside the black hole just now, but they were just about to break through the barrier, and they just met us and arrived here?"

Li Chen narrowed his eyes and realized the problem.

Then he gave the order decisively. Biqu library

"Catch these guys alive! Don't let any one go!"

Just as he finished speaking, at this moment, the three huge Star Destroyer Motherships in front of them lost their stealth ability and were rushing towards them.

Suddenly began to disintegrate at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Immediately afterwards, it turned into groups of physically visible energy, flying towards the Star Destroyer Motherships in all directions.

Moreover, they were finally completely absorbed by the Energy Heart on Li Chen's Star Destroyer Mothership.

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