Global Cataclysm: Start a 100 Billion Refuge!

145 Humans are going to be extinct, you talk about love with me? (4/5, please subscribe]

This hypothesis put forward by Song Zhiwen!

The meeting room was dead silent, and everyone was dignified and speechless!

Even Ji Yan couldn't help frowning secretly.

As Song Zhiwen said, fertility issues really won't attract anyone's attention.

How can people nowadays care about this stuff?

Most people are still in a precarious state and only care about their own survival. How can they think about these?

But Shenzhou Refuge is different!

There are plenty of materials here, and it is a complete small society.

The experts in charge of sociology and anthropology have a duty and a duty to remind them of various reproduction plans at such times.

After all, wait until the group of minors in the base grow up!

If no more babies are born, there will really be a vacuum fault in human beings.

"Yan Ye, don't blame us for talking too much!" Song Zhiwen said with a wry smile: "I'm afraid that no one force in the world will pay attention to this issue now. If you don't pay attention to these things, you will be in trouble in a few years! On the premise of not affecting the operation of the base, some policies on fertility should be added."

"Old Song, this matter you mentioned is very precious!" Ji Yan said with a heavy expression: "At the same time, the researchers who proposed this proposal will also be rewarded heavily. You are all good!"

"Understood, thank you Yan Ye!"

Song Zhiwen smiled and breathed a sigh of relief!

He knew that his proposal would not benefit the base in a short period of time, and would even drag down the development of the base.

When the bosses of the general forces hear this kind of thing, their first reaction must be to curse the mother!

The life and death of all mankind is none of my business? Does inheritance have anything to do with me?

It is hard to say whether Laozi will survive decades from now!

Therefore, Song Zhiwen has already made plans to be reprimanded by Ji Yan!

But he never expected that Li Yan not only did not reprimand him, but praised him instead!

This naturally moved him secretly.

"Lao Song, have you studied the situation at the bottom of the fertility rate~?" Li Yan asked: "I remember that I encouraged fertility before, and all pregnant women have subsidies!"

Suzaku added: "The base does encourage fertility, and women who are confirmed to be pregnant will receive a two-year subsidy, and each person can receive a reward of 3,000 points per month."

"Yes!" Li Yan frowned and said: "Most of our bases are young people, the old, the weak, the sick and the disabled, and in the past few months, we have not worried about food or drink in the past few months, so the fertility rate should not be so high. Low, is it related to other problems?

"Huh? This is possible. Now that the radiation is so strong, the pollution is serious!"

"And most of us have embarked on the path of stronger genes. Will the genetic changes prevent us from having children?"

"My God, it's very possible, isn't there a study that says that genetically modified animals and plants are difficult to reproduce? Oops!

"Fuck, don't scare me!"

The more people think about it, the more terrifying it is!

Even Li Yan couldn't help laughing at this question!

If this is the case, it is Tianshouka!

Zombies are getting stronger and stronger, and humans can't resist zombies without changing their genes!

But if you change your genes and you can't give birth to babies, isn't this going to be extinct sooner or later?

"Everyone, don't panic!" Song Zhiwen reassured: "Environmental pollution and nuclear radiation will indeed affect the fertility rate, as will genetic improvement, but the situation may not be so serious that it is impossible to have children at all. Still have to do research!

"Yeah!" Li Yan nodded and said, "There are only 13 pregnant women in 300,000 people. This ratio is as low as 4.3 per 100,000, which seriously exceeds the warning line of the 1% birth rate. We must pay attention to it!

"Lao Song organizes scientific researchers to conduct serious and meticulous investigations as soon as possible. No matter what method you use, you must come up with a report on the root cause of the low fertility rate!"

"At the same time, we have to come up with a practical report on raising the fertility rate. This problem seems to have little impact on us at present, but it will be difficult to say in a few years!"

"Suzaku Song Qingqing, your management committee and the neighborhood committee should also come up with some plans, including not only encouraging marriage and childbirth, but if it really doesn't work, it will include allotment of forced marriage!"


People thought it was reasonable!

But when it came to the last one, he couldn't help but stunned.

What does package assignment forced marriage mean?

Really the country sends a daughter-in-law?

"Brother Ji, don't you?" Song Qingqing said with a light smile, "What time is it now? Are you still learning how to play arranged marriages in ancient times?"

"Yeah, it's not right! Su Yao advised: "Marriage and having children are important things in life. You should find a love that suits you, so you can stay committed! If you force everyone to get married, isn't it unfair to girls? "

"Fart!" Li Yan snorted angrily: "What time do you think it is now? It is the end of the world? God is so committed to love, don't use the old leftover girl's tricks to do things in the apocalypse."

"All human beings are going to be wiped out. You talk to me about love? For the reproduction of the population, the necessary means must be available. Otherwise, why would I keep so many young girls? They can't lift their hands and shoulders. Might as well raise an army of 300,000!"

Song Qingqing and Su Yao face each other!

Although the two do not agree with these remarks, they have no reason to refute them.

It's not rude, it seems to be the truth!

"Hahaha!" Li Tiezhu laughed loudly: "Yan Ye is right, the division of labor between men and women is different, there are many girls in our base who hide in factories every day, and enjoy a peaceful life. !"

"Forced marriage is a bit too much!" Chen Jianhong frowned and said: "But we have to do it when necessary. We can be a little more euphemistic, such as lowering the age of marriage and encouraging marriage and childbirth. Then men and women over the age of 18 must Participating in blind date matching, those over 25 who are unmarried and infertile, will be taxed heavily, and those women who give birth will be subsidized, etc.!"

"Old Chen is right, this is possible!"

"It's really good to be a little more polite!"

"Yes! Those who do not marry will be taxed heavily!"

Everyone agrees with all their tongues, and Song Qingqing and Su Yao have nothing to say now.

"Let's do it like this, you can study the details!" Ji Yan said solemnly: "If it really doesn't work, we can create an artificial uterus warehouse, and we can have babies without anyone!"

"This and?

Everyone was speechless again.

Is this to start the era of rice cookers giving birth to babies?

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