Global Cataclysm: Start a 100 Billion Refuge!

155 This is a sci-fi small society! (2/5, please subscribe]

"You stay outside the base and wait, I'll go in with Yaoyao!

"Without my orders, you are not allowed to clash with people casually.

In front of the base gate

Zhou Mulan sternly instructed her bodyguard.

Now she is very curious about everything in Shenzhou Refuge.

Since she is only allowed to go in alone, she has nothing to say. She can only walk into the base with Su Yao.

And the scene inside the base made her stunned.

She is like Grandma Liu walking into the Grand View Garden. With Su Yao wandering around, every place is full of science fiction.

The entire base is made of steel!

The vast space leads to the ground floor by floor.

Hundreds of elevators are busy going up and down, and people are rushing around, making people feel like they have come to another civilization.

"How is this, this base built?" Zhou Mulan exclaimed: "This is too incredible, right? Just digging more than 100 meters deep is a huge project. It can't be built within a few years. Heard that there is such a base in Dongjiang City?"

"I don't know!" Su Yao shook her head and said with a smile: "actually this is an absolute secret. Everyone guesses that Ji Yan has many black technologies of alien civilizations, and they don't know if it's true. In short, the two bases A2A3 are both Appeared out of nowhere.

"Appearing out of thin air?" Zhou Mulan was dumbfounded again.

"Yes!" Su Yao said with a serious face: "after the last zombie outbreak, two more bases suddenly appeared in his hands, and they appeared overnight. No one ever knew why.


Zhou Mulan is even more confused!

What kind of power is this? Is it really the means of an alien civilization?

This time, Zhou Mulan came to inquire about the truth of the Shenzhou Refuge.

But why the more she looked at the bottom of her heart, the more shocked, the more she looked at the bottom of her heart, the more hairy she became.

Now the six major forces in the provincial capital are also facing a lot of trouble. With the increase of population and the expansion of forces, the food crisis and material crisis are inevitable.

The huge export volume of materials from the Shenzhou Refuge is exactly what they are in short supply.

Zhou Mulan came to explore the way this time, but it actually contained a lot of selfishness.

But she never imagined that this city-level force would be so terrifying.

"Auntie, are you hungry~"?" Su Yao said with a smile, "let's go shopping in the living area, and then let's have a meal.


Zhou Mulan can't wait to see more at the moment!

So she was not in a hurry, but let Su Yao take her around.

The two walked all the way to the living area. First, they visited the major factories, and then went to the planting area and the breeding area to have a look. Zhou Mulan's eyes were red with envy again.

Everything here is simply unimaginable to outsiders.

The living area on the first floor of the base can live for 5,000 people, and there are a large number of factories. In the planting area, countless green vegetables are industrially grown layer by layer, and there are countless chickens, ducks, fish, cattle and sheep in the breeding area.

This is a sci-fi small society.

In a precarious apocalypse, it almost amounts to heaven.

The residents in the base performed their respective duties. After a busy day, the cafeteria where Meizizi came to queue up for meals. The various fragrant delicacies were simply intoxicating.

"Auntie, eat quickly, this is your favorite braised fish!"

"It's sweet and sour pork ribs, hot and sour shredded potatoes, and the best Buddha Jumps Over the Wall!"

"Wow! There are still drinks here, but unfortunately there is no red wine, so let's use Coke instead.

Su Yao queued up to order a table of good dishes, and happily took Zhou Mulan to eat and drink together.

Sitting in this lively and colorful cafeteria, Zhou Mulan once again felt that she was dreaming, as if she had returned to her college days.

Is this the kind of treatment that can be had in the last days?

The few simple dishes on the table were already the ultimate delicacies that she had never eaten since the disaster broke out, and she secretly had no idea how long she had been stupid.

I thought I would never have the chance to eat it again in my life.

But she didn't expect that she could easily eat it here.

"These are all expensive, right?" Zhou Mulan pondered silently.

"It's not expensive!" Su Yao said proudly: "25 points for braised fish, 28 points for sweet and sour pork ribs, 15 points for hot and sour shredded potatoes, 85 points for the best Buddha Jumps over the Wall, and 3 points for a can of cola, all of which are produced by the base. food.”

"Most of the residents here are working in factories. After the assembly line is completed in a month, there are more than 3,000 points for less, and four or five thousand points for more. It's enough for everyone to eat and be happy!"

Zhou Mulan was speechless again!

She ate these home-cooked dishes silently, but a trace of envy filled her heart.

If she is just an ordinary survivor, her greatest wish in the apocalypse is to join this base and become a female worker on the assembly line.

[Hourly timekeeping starts: Xiaomei, a broadcaster under the neighborhood committee, reminds you that it is currently 12:00 noon on November 27th, today's outside temperature is 31.1 degrees Celsius, the air pollution index is 117, and it is heavily polluted. Please wear a mask when you go out!"

[At 10:25 this morning, a small fire broke out in the food factory of No. A3 base. The fire has been extinguished. No casualties were caused in this accident. The neighborhood committee reminds all residents to pay attention to fire safety.

[At 11:14 this morning, two male residents of Base A2 got into a fight because of a quarrel. The management committee has intervened in the investigation and has given both of them 1,000 points punishment. The neighborhood committee reminds all residents to pay attention to unity and friendship, and to create a new trend of harmonious base. !】

【Today evening at 7:15, the neighborhood committee will organize a large-scale blind date party once a week (good king's) in major entertainment venues. All unmarried residents are invited to actively participate!"

[Finally, an emergency announcement is inserted: Recently, there have been many reselling activities of gene-enhanced medicinal liquids in the base, which have led to the forcible expulsion of 7 people. The neighborhood committee reminds all residents that they do not know the law and break the law, and regret for life!)

Inside and outside the cafeteria, there were bursts of sweet announcements!

Zhou Mulan ate the food silently and listened to the radio sound coming from her ear. This novel experience made her a little dazed.

Ding Yaoyao, what is the gene-enhanced medicine?" Zhou Mulan asked knowingly, "Is it also a special product of your base?"

"Of course!" Su Yao said proudly: "it's a good thing that can make people have no side effects for a month and become a genetically strong person!"

Zhou Mulan was heartbroken again.

【Ask for a flower evaluation ticket】

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