Chapter 70 Anti-personnel grenades!

“Meow !!!”

After feeling | scorn from a beautiful girl, the tiger rises.

He roared bitterly, thinking that he |wanted to re-prove his majesty as a male |, a tiger, and a tiger!

The king-shaped lines on the forehead twisted, and the tiger pounced on the licker!

Tiger secret technique, one pounce, two lifts, three tail flicks!

As a mutant tiger man, the tiger’s pounce is also not bad!

But he forgot that he now only has one palm….


Throwing itself in midair, the imposing tiger was slapped down by the licker.

During the long | fight, the licker’s laser-cut arm has grown!

So, after being slapped by the licker again, the tiger suddenly sobered up.

Let me back off, I’ll see what you women can do!”

I hope you won’t be licked by the licker’s crying daddy and call your mother, and then call you Tiger Uncle to rescue!

Anyway, this is what you told me to withdraw!

With such a dark mind, the tiger retreats when a new pounce from the licker arrives.

Moreover, he was scheming and used himself to block the gun line of the gun lady in advance, so that the licker’s pounce passed him and reached the gun lady’s eyes!

The licker successfully bursts out of the face!

With a smug dark smile, the tiger raised his eyes.

At the same time, looking at the uninterrupted enlarged targets in |the air, the gun ladies fired!

“Fire Command!”

“Firepower focus!”

“Charge shot!”

Around Coke, the five gun ladies stood in a | standard cross ascension array, and after the skill of Coke was turned on, the gun ladies gathered fire on the lickers with the strongest firepower!

A 7.62 bullet wrapped around a strong mental power streaked through the air and struck the | of the licker’s naked | brain.

Suddenly, the licker’s brain exploded, and it itself was even more stunned by this blow, losing its reaction to the gunmen’s next actions.

Mrs. Springfield then continued to charge while the other gunmen continued to fire.

5.56, 7.45, and Magnum’s | caliber bullets bombarded the licker’s muscular body |.

On the chest of the huge licker, countless blood flowers bloomed | begin to bloom!

The licker who gathered the fire flew in the air, motionless because of the heavy damage to the brain of the |.

Seeing this |, the tiger has sensed that something is wrong.

How is this licker different from when I hit?

Move, licker!

Move fast!

Feel the strength you beat me up!

The tiger | heart calling.

However, no matter how he cheered up the licker in his heart, he also reversed the status quo that the licker in the air was a | target.

In the set fire, the gunmen switched | | magazines without stopping |.

The clanging of cartridge casings flew softly, and the sound was not |broken.

Soon, the ground where everyone was standing was filled with various orange and yellow shells.

And countless shells in exchange for the entire rotten body | surface of the licker!

However, in this |, the licker is still only a flesh wound, at most a little more flesh and skin wound.

Normal gunslingers’ bullets can suppress it, but they can’t kill it.

The random gathering of fire at this time is because the licker is knocked out at the beginning of | and takes off.

Therefore, Springfield, which has been charging for a long time, has |!

Mrs. Haruta’s slender white fingers gently pulled | trigger.

In the | of the Void, a | mighty force gathered at the muzzle of the Springfield rifle!

Then, the trigger was drawn, the striker hammer hit the | of the primer of the bullet, and a narrow 7.62 mm blasted out from the muzzle!

With the blessing of Nian Power, this 7.62mm bullet was like a heavy cannon, and the air was slashed by it like water, and it bombarded the licker’s bloody and blurry heart!


The licker’s heart was already eroded by the gunmen’s fire.

At this time, a bullet wrapped in Nian Power came, and the licker’s heart exploded | huge hole!

Most of the heart, as well as the original chest flesh and blood rib bones were all shattered!

Seizing the opportunity, the gun ladies are like wolves that smell blood, staring at the licker’s wounds and biting!

For a time, licking the heart of the eater, countless minced meat and blood splashed!

Severe pain wakes up lickers.

Repeatedly roaring, it hurriedly thought | use its arms to block the bullets of the gunmen!

But right now.

“Take it away, you!”

UMP45’s eyes froze |, and some kind of jerky power cast | through her imagination!

A pair of invisible hands pulled away the licker’s defensive hands!

“HK416!” UMP45 called out at the same time.

“I know!”

A HK416 with a gun straight | forward.

“Anti-personnel grenades!”

With a | of screams, a heavy grenade was fired from under the HK416 gun!

Black grenades cut through a graceful parabola.

Under the precise control of HK416, the licker has turned into a chest with | huge blood holes!

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immediately preemptive (Event Period: October 1st to October 7th)

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