Han Xiaowu is quietly looking at the information,

Wu Di is not in a hurry,

Open the properties panel of “Biology Lab” and look at it.


【Biological Laboratory】

Function: Crude research, isolation of sanitary environment.


Introduction: This is not worthy of being called a laboratory.


“Mechanical brain, what direction can this laboratory take?”

Wu Di hesitated,

He asked.

Mechanical Brain: “From the perspective of host selection, it is recommended to upgrade to [Pharmacy Laboratory]. ”



Upgrade direction:【Pharmacy Laboratory】

Branches: Area expansion (300), laboratory equipment (300), cutting-edge instruments (1500), sanitary environment (100), isolation system (100).


“It’s not expensive!”

Wu Di glanced at it and knew it in his heart.

Judging by the warehouse,

This lab expansion actually requires 300 points, and it will definitely become a large room in the end!

And then the big head is cutting-edge instruments,

It is estimated that because the level of science and technology is beyond the times, the upgrade point requirements are far beyond other branches by one level.

“What is the function of the pharmacy laboratory?”

Wu Di’s heart moved,

Although I am not ready to upgrade now, I always don’t want points.

Mechanical Brain: “It can make various potions, such as shortening the growth time of plants, such as shortening the maturation time of animals, such as enhancing the human body, and some special products, such as anti-flame potions, applied to the body, can walk in the sea of fire, and are not harmed by burns and heat.” ”

“So good!”

Wu Di’s eyes lit up,

“So I can also grow vegetables, fruits, pigs, cattle and sheep in the shelter?”

Vegetables, fruits need to be carefully cared for,

Wu Di was originally troublesome, and the maturity period was not short, not to mention pigs, cattle and sheep, which required a lot of time and energy to take care of,

And pigs, cattle and sheep also consume food.

In general shelters, pigs, cattle and sheep were abandoned.

Mechanical Brain: “Host, you can do these things very easily, as long as the points are enough.” ”

“…… As long as the points are enough! ”

Wu Di complained, closed the attribute panel, and was too lazy to read it.


Come one by one,

He has more important goals than the enjoyment of eating.

After a while,

Han Xiaowu finished reading it, thoughtful, and a little shocked.

“Wu Di, what is said above is true? Cell Enhancer… Unheard of, does Daming really have this biological fluid? ”

“Could it be a foreign country? It’s not right, Daming technology has always been the highest in the world, even if the pen is powerful, it is impossible to exceed too much, this cell strengthening liquid is terrifying! ”

“If there was this thing before, I am afraid it would have been famous all over the world long ago!”

Unlike the girl without clothes, Han Xiaowu has a wider range of knowledge, so he has some doubts.

Wu Di was too lazy to explain, so he directly slapped her forehead and said fiercely: “Don’t waste time, hurry up!” ”


Han Xiaowu nodded helplessly.

She naturally did not suspect that Wu Di had bad intentions, after all, she was originally a knife and fish,

What Wu Di wanted to do, she couldn’t resist at all, and there was no need to mess around in this regard.

Test tubes, dissolved solutions, openings…

When Han Xiaowu became serious, his temperament changed, and he was very serious.

Her every move is very attentive, which is completely different from Wu Di’s careless style!

Seeing this scene,

Only then did Wu Di understand what the mechanical brain meant by “ingenuity”.


A test tube was held in Han Xiaowu’s hand,

Inside is a colorless liquid with mysterious ripples.

“That’s it?”

Han Xiaowu was a little confused.

Wu Di nodded and took a disposable syringe over.

Han Xiaowu gritted his teeth and injected the cell enhancement liquid into his body with a syringe.

But for a moment,

The feeling of drowsiness hit, her eyelids fell deafly, and her body fell.

Wu Di hugged her along the way to prevent her from falling to the ground.

“It’s so weak that I can’t hold on for a few seconds.”

Wu Di shook his head, picked her up and came to her room,

Put it on the bed and cover it with a quilt.

Han Xiaowu’s room is not so fancy and whistle, it is that simple style, things are squarely arranged, and it seems to be a bit obsessive.

Wu Di glanced around, and suddenly found that there was a notebook on the bedside table!

He picked it up and looked at it, which recorded Han Xiaowu’s daily plan.

“On January 1st, the New Year arrived, but unfortunately there are no New Year’s gifts! Today’s plan is as follows: take care of the plants in the cultivation room, turn the soil regularly, check the drainage …”

The notebook is full of words.

You can see that

She was planning her work for the day early in the morning.

“So hard…”

Wu Di was suddenly a little embarrassed,

Since Han Xiaowu came to the shelter, he has had a lot less work,

It’s not him who oppresses people,

It was Han Xiaowu who took the initiative to help, and as a result, Wu Di salted fish every day…

“New Year’s gift?”

Wu Di’s eyes moved, smiled, and walked out.

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