Global Catastrophe: I Became the World Tree

Chapter 116 Collecting the Power of Faith

Ye Feng still remembers that in order to frighten Chen Dalong, he added layers of mystery to the mutant king cobra, and even used so-called minor magical powers.

Although in Chen Dalong's view, those things are incredible, but in fact they are just some blind tricks, and there is no magical power.

but now……

"When Chen Dalong comes next time, you can show him how he can really fly in the clouds and control the wind and rain." Ye Feng couldn't help but laugh.

He tried it again. The various applications of faith skills. Apart from being able to blow the wind, the most practical one for him now, and the one he can afford now, is probably to create mist.

He can create a thick fog to cover himself and avoid being seen by the outside world.

If used at night, the effect will be better.

"The ability to create thick fog can also be used during battle, so that others cannot see clearly, but I can use my mental power to perceive it without being affected at all." Ye Feng analyzed the changes in his own strength. It can be said that More and more satisfied.

He immediately tried it and created a large thick fog, covering the entire tree and hundreds of meters around it. As the ability was activated, the fog became thicker and thicker, and soon it reached the point where you couldn't even see your fingers. situation.

"This effect is enough, but the consumption is a bit high." Ye Feng couldn't help but muttered.

In less than a minute, he only had five points of faith left.

"Although faith skills are good, everything requires the power of faith!" Thinking of this, he couldn't help but have a headache.

His 10 points of faith power were collected when all the mutated animals in the Sunset Valley came together to worship him when he first broke through.

But now, where can he collect it?


Just when he was having a headache, he suddenly felt wisps of special energy floating into his tree body.

This is the second time he has absorbed this kind of energy. Ye Feng certainly knows that this is the power of faith.

His eyes were amazed, and after careful observation, he soon discovered that these powers of faith were actually provided by his own subordinates.

Almost every once in a while, traces of the power of faith will float out from their bodies.

Ye Feng observed carefully for 10 minutes and found that the power of these beliefs was related to their strength on the one hand, and loyalty on the other hand.

Take the mutant king cobra as an example. The opponent can probably provide him with 3 points of faith power in an hour, but the same third-level mutant wolf king can only provide 1 point.

As for the remaining second-level mutated animals, such as the big yellow dog, those with 100% loyalty can probably provide 2 points of faith power per hour.

It is worth mentioning that his subordinates can also provide the power of faith.

Of course, the power of faith they provide will be even less.

Take the mutant bat as an example. The mutant bat king is making a breakthrough. It can provide 2 points of faith power per hour.

The first-order mutated bats under it can only provide 0.1 points of power of faith per hour. However, due to their large number, 100 of them can provide 10 points of power of faith.

Ye Feng roughly calculated that the mutant creatures and their subordinates in his contract, all added up, can provide about 80 points of faith power in one hour.

Among them, most of the power of faith was provided by his subordinates.

"It seems that quantity is more important than quality!" Ye Feng couldn't help but muttered.

After all, he can only subdue a maximum of 40 mutant creatures. Even with his strength, this number is limited.


His attention couldn't help but fall on those mutated insects.

In the Sunset Valley, there are two mutant insects that Ye Feng had considered conquering before, but had been hesitant.

One is a mutant ant, and the other is a mutant bee.

As long as he subdues the queen ants and queen bees, he can control a large swarm.

The reason why I hesitated before was because I felt that their combat effectiveness was a bit low.

Take mutant ants as an example. Even if a whole nest of mutant ants is used by him, their combat effectiveness is actually very limited.

As long as the mutant king cobra goes over and releases its own pressure, it can directly knock them out.

He conquered the queen ant and cultivated only the queen, not the entire ant colony.

If he wanted to increase the combat effectiveness of the ant colony, he would have to cultivate thousands of ants. Just thinking about that kind of consumption would make his scalp numb.

After all, if a mutant ant absorbs 0.1 points of spiritual energy per hour, then 10,000 ants will absorb 1,000 points of spiritual energy per hour, which is simply not something he can afford.

But that's different now.

He doesn't have to cultivate ant colonies at all, just conquer them, and simply use them as a tool to provide the power of faith.

And now that all the trees have advanced, the amount of spiritual energy they can provide every hour will definitely increase greatly. Maybe he can't cultivate the entire ant colony, but if he has extra spiritual energy, he can cultivate part of it.

In addition, there is a final benefit to conquering an ant colony and bee colony, that is, these mutated organisms are small in size and can enter the city silently.

In the future, if Yangcheng City encounters this kind of situation again, he will have more means to influence the situation of the battle.

Just do what comes to mind.

Ye Feng possessed the big yellow dog and searched throughout the Sunset Valley.

There are a total of 7 ant nests and 13 beehives in the entire Sunset Valley.

After some comparisons, in terms of ant nests, he chose the largest red fire ant nest.

As for the bees, he chose a bumblebee nest.

The process of catching the queen is very simple, because the hive is only 1,200 meters away from Ye Feng, which is completely within the reach of Ye Feng's main root.

He directly released his fourth-level terrifying aura and stunned all the bees in the hive.

Then, after the tree root made direct contact with the hornet, it activated its capture ability and subdued it in less than a minute.

As for the fire ant queen, it is a little troublesome to capture it because it is not within Ye Feng's "territory".

Moreover, there are about 20% of the mutated fire ants in the fire ant nest that have broken through to the second level. Even if the King Cobra releases its breath in the past, it will not be able to stun the second level fire ants.

Of course, although it was a bit troublesome, it was not impossible. Under his order, the mutant king cobra, mutant wolf king, and big yellow dog set out for the fire ant nest together.

The red imported fire ant nest that Ye Feng chose only covers an area of ​​100 square meters and is two stories high. It looks a little numb.

Seeing this scene, even the King Cobra and the Mutated Wolf King showed a hint of vigilance in their eyes.

However, following Ye Feng's order, the mutant wolf king had no choice but to take the lead in attacking.

It roared and rushed forward, its feet digging into the soil crazily, and quickly burrowed inside.

Such a move directly caused the mutated fire ants in the ant nest to burst out.

The first-level fire ants are the size of billiard balls, and at the second-level, their size has increased to the size of a fist.

Thousands of mutant fire ants, like red waves, swarmed towards the mutant wolf king.

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