Dongjiang Wetland Park!

At this time, the military negotiation team has arrived here for 10 minutes, and now there are only the last 5 minutes left before the agreed 8:30.

"What's going on? They won't stop coming!" Secretary-General Cao Guangzhi, the government representative, glanced at his watch and said with a frown.

"Not very likely."

Xiao Hua on the side said, "According to the research and summary of our Superpower Management Bureau, the mutant king cobra has a very accurate grasp of the situation. The previous raid on Yangcheng City Zoo was to seize the opportunity when our troops were empty."

"And this negotiation will definitely be beneficial to it without any harm. Even if it can't come by itself, it will definitely send one of its men over. After all, it's just a negotiation, not a fight."

Hearing what Xiao Hua said, Cao Guangzhi took a deep breath and said, "I'm a little impatient."

At this moment, a sound suddenly sounded from the center console.

"Sir, the radar unit searched to the northwest and found a flock of mutated birds heading towards the Dongjiang Wetland Park. They are suspected to be the subordinates of the mutated King Cobra."

"Okay, got it." Zhang Ji responded and hung up the communication.

Then he picked up the walkie-talkie and ordered: "Attention all troops, the mutated King Cobra's men are about to appear, so be prepared."

After finishing speaking, he took the lead to get out of the armored vehicle.

Other negotiators also quickly followed suit.

At this time, some people also got off the other armored vehicles, but the number was not large, and the total number was only a hundred people.

After they got off the bus, these armored vehicles slowly drove away, heading towards various parts of the Dongjiang Wetland Park.

These more than 50 armored vehicles formed a vague encirclement of the entire wetland park.

These armored vehicles don't look like much on the outside, but the insides have been renovated in the past two days.

Each armored vehicle has 10 new machine gun firing holes and 30 rocket launching holes inside.

Coupled with sufficient ammunition, they are completely mobile fortresses. If a conflict occurs, they will definitely explode with terrifying combat power.

As for the people who stayed there, they gathered together with solemn expressions and waited silently.

Of course, there are exceptions.

"Hello everyone, I am frontline reporter Du Gulan, and I have arrived at Dongjiang Wetland Park now."

"We received a notification from the radar team and have discovered that the mutant King Cobra's men are coming. They will arrive in about five minutes."

"I don't know if you who are watching the video are in the same mood as me. You are looking forward to it with a hint of uneasiness. The next step may very well be a historic scene!" Du Gulan wore a white T-shirt on her upper body and a one-step skirt on her lower body today. The figure is perfectly outlined.

She was responsible for the live broadcast of Chen Dalong before, and she gained a lot of fans and was very popular. This time, the TV station sent her out again.

Joy in this life: "We haven't negotiated yet, is it really good to start advocating now? If we can't reach an agreement and break up, wouldn't it be very embarrassing?"

Tian Family No. 2: "I saw Chen Dalong and the others! What are they here for? Is there another battle between humans and mutated creatures later?"

Fox King: "Compared to all this mess, what I want to know more is how to talk to those mutated creatures later? Is it possible to directly write and talk? If that's the case, it's a bit funny to think about it."

Du Gulan is the host, not an Internet celebrity anchor, so she doesn't even look at what everyone is saying. Instead, she follows the prepared draft and talks about the benefits if the cooperation is achieved.

Obviously, she got the order from above and is starting to lay the groundwork now. If she succeeds, then the next step will be publicity.

Du Gulan was talking in front of the camera, and suddenly she felt the light dim. When she raised her head in confusion, her beautiful eyes widened instantly.

It was a flock of mutated birds that completely enveloped the entire Dongjiang Wetland Park.

At this time, above Du Gulan's head was a formation of mutant black crows.

Looking at the huge figure with a wingspan of 5 meters, and the bird's claws that are dozens of centimeters long and shining with cold light, Du Gulan has no doubt that if these black crows claw down, she will disembowel her.

Although she had been mentally prepared before coming, when she saw this scene with her own eyes, her legs couldn't help but tremble.

Not to mention her, even the guards who stayed here had nervous expressions, and some of them raised their guns and aimed almost subconsciously.

"Put down your guns, we are here to negotiate." Zhang Ji's voice reached everyone's ears through the headset.

Listening to Zhang Ji's calm and calm voice, many people were relieved of their nervousness, put down their guns, and looked up.

The huge flock of birds overhead circled around the wetland park before starting to land one after another.

They did not land directly in the wetland park, but in a nearby dense forest.

As the flock of birds left, the huge figure of the mutated goshawk appeared in everyone's eyes, and then slowly landed from high altitude in front of Zhang Ji and others.

If the big yellow dog mutated and became extremely small, then the mutated goshawk is exactly the opposite.

Its size is the largest among Ye Feng's men.

The wingspan is 50 meters, and even when it lands on the ground, it is as high as a 6-story building.

So when everyone below them looked up at the huge thing in front of them, they all felt like they were about to be suffocated.

This is not only visual, but also suppression on a life level.

Nebula: "When I took a direct shot of the mutated birds, I didn't have any reference objects. I didn't feel how huge they were, but now I find that I was wrong, and very wrong. Damn, if I were at the scene, I would probably stand I can’t even stand still.”

Jingtingshan: "In the previous video of the attack on Yangcheng Zoo, there seemed to be this mutated goshawk, but the wingspan of the opponent before was probably 15 meters at most! How could it have grown like this in just a few days?"

"If these mutated creatures continue to grow like this, won't they all turn into Godzilla? Then how can we survive?"

Comments on the Internet immediately exploded. In fact, many people thought that there was no need for humans to cooperate with mutant creatures.

In their opinion, no matter how strong these mutated creatures are, can they still be worth bullets?

But when they saw the mutated goshawk, they realized how ridiculous their previous perceptions were.

The mutated goshawk in front of me could probably block small missiles, let alone bullets.

And such mutated creatures are not like there are only a few in the movie Godzilla. With the revival of spiritual energy, there may be thousands of them.

Just thinking about such a scene can make one's scalp numb.

At this moment, let alone others, even Zhang Ji, the military representative, was a little confused and didn't know what to do next.

How can we communicate when the other party is so tall?

At this time, Chen Dalong stood out from the crowd, raised his hands in the shape of trumpets, put them in front of his mouth and shouted loudly: "Hello, we are the negotiators of Yangcheng City."

Chen Dalong's shout instantly pulled everyone back from the shock.

At this moment, Zhang Ji couldn't help but look at Chen Dalong with admiration.

The other party's actions undoubtedly gave him a wake-up call, and he quickly shouted to the guard on the side: "Go get me a loudspeaker."

"Yes!" the guard immediately responded.

But before he could take action, a voice came from the mutant goshawk's back, "No need to bother."

The sudden appearance of a human voice instantly attracted everyone's attention. Only then did they discover that there was a giant panda and a mutant parrot on the back of the mutated goshawk.

They all quickly got off the eagle's back.

"Let me introduce myself. This is the Panda Messenger, our negotiating representative, and I am the Parrot Messenger, a part-time translator." The mutant parrot flew directly over and said.

Looking at the mutated parrot in front of them, which was over 5 meters tall and could speak human words, everyone was no less shocked than when they saw the mutated goshawk.

At this moment in the live broadcast room, the situation exploded.

Fox King: "It's because I have limited knowledge. I was thinking about how to communicate before, so I dare to have a mutated parrot that can talk."

Zhuge Tiandeng: "Is this as simple as just being able to talk? With such a clear introduction, the intelligence of this mutant parrot is obviously no worse than that of us humans!"

Xiao Zhanyan: "Didn't anyone pay attention to that mutated panda? Although it's so big, it's still so cute."

At this time, Zhang Ji recovered from the initial shock.

He immediately adjusted his facial expression and said with a smile: "Hello, Panda Messenger, hello Parrot Messenger, I am Zhang Ji, the person in charge of this negotiation. I am very happy to meet you. I hope we can cooperate smoothly this time."

While speaking, he waved his hand towards Du Gulan and others behind him, indicating that they could retreat.

The process can be broadcast live, but the negotiation content cannot be broadcast live.

"Yes, I also hope that this cooperation can go smoothly. This time, the Dragon King specially sent a panda messenger as a representative. This is actually part of our sincerity." The mutant parrot said.

At this time, the giant panda, which had already come down from the eagle's back, sat down on the ground, raised its right hand, and swung it left and right in the direction of the camera, as if greeting everyone in the live broadcast room.

Seeing such a scene, the smile on Zhang Ji's face suddenly became much more sincere. Although the conversation lasted only two sentences, both parties had already shown their desire to cooperate.

This is an excellent start. Since both parties are willing, the next step is to negotiate the price.

Zhang Ji quickly looked at the giant panda, then at the mutant parrot, and quickly determined that the mutant parrot in front of him was the core.

After all, according to the information they obtained, the mutant king cobra had no giant panda subordinates before.

Obviously, the giant panda in front of me left the zoo three days ago.

It is probably unlikely that giant pandas would become a core member of a force in such a short period of time.

Moreover, the giant panda, looking around and gnawing on bamboo, does not seem to have much intelligence at all.

"Parrot Messenger, I wonder where you want to go with this cooperation?" Zhang Ji asked after sorting out his thoughts.

"Before discussing cooperation, I have two conditions." The mutant parrot said directly.


Zhang Ji thought to himself, and all the negotiators behind him also cheered up.

Everyone knows that whether or not we can talk next depends on the conditions proposed by the other party.

"Please tell us and we will seriously consider it." Zhang Ji said with a solemn expression.

"The first condition is that in order to avoid unnecessary trouble and friction, you humans cannot enter our territory at will." The mutant parrot said.

Zhang Ji breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this. In fact, they had expected that the other party would propose such a condition.

However, the expression on his face remained unchanged and he asked, "Excuse me, where is your territory?"

Hearing this question, the mutated parrot said nothing. Just when Zhang Ji was confused, he suddenly noticed a thick fog rising around him.

He was startled, but soon discovered that the thick fog did not cover a wide area. It was only about a circle with a diameter of 5 meters, and the thick fog only reached his knees.

At this time, everyone, let alone Zhang Ji, looked at each other, not quite sure what the other person meant.

"Hey, these thick fog seem to form a map." Xiao Hua said, standing behind.

After being reminded, everyone quickly reacted. If they looked carefully, they could indeed identify the dense fog, which gradually formed mountains, rivers, and roads.

It's just that all of this is displayed in the form of thick fog, which is really not easy to identify.

Just when everyone had this idea, suddenly everyone shuddered and felt that the temperature was dropping sharply.

Then they watched helplessly as the dense fog in front of them gradually turned into an ice sculpture.

The "map" in front of me became clear in an instant.

This method once again shocked everyone in the field.

Zhang Ji and the others looked at each other and saw a look of caution in each other's eyes.

The methods shown by the mutated King Cobra before are not all. The opponent also has the ability to turn thick fog into ice. If used on the battlefield, this is absolutely terrifying.

For example, if their soldiers are hiding in the defense line, the opponent can use this trick to directly turn people into ice sculptures.

More importantly, neither the soldiers on guard at the perimeter nor the radar team found any sign of the mutated king cobra.

In other words, the opponent can use this ability remotely, and the threat level directly rises by two levels.

"Everyone can look at the map. This area enclosed by the wall is our territory." At this time, the mutated parrot's voice attracted everyone's attention.

The territory circled by Ye Feng was directly centered on the Sunset Valley and expanded outwards in a large circle, even including Xiaofeng Mountain.

Zhang Ji and others looked at the ice sculpture map in front of them seriously, their brows furrowed slightly.

Because the territory circled by the other party is a bit too large, it is directly equivalent to half of Yangcheng City.

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