Global Catastrophe: I Became the World Tree

Chapter 139 Reaching Consensus

"Okay, don't worry about the mutated animals. We will arrange to help collect them as soon as possible." Zhang Ji quickly expressed his position.

The information given by the mutant parrot is too important. If it is confirmed to be true, then the value of this ally will be greatly increased.

"Okay! That's the preliminary cooperation agreement. After you determine the territory for us, we will start in-depth cooperation later. If nothing happens, I'll leave first." The mutant parrot said.

Everything that needs to be discussed has been discussed, and Ye Feng is not willing to stay here and continue to quarrel with the other party.

"This..." Zhang Ji didn't know what to say for a moment. It only lasted 20 minutes. Is the negotiation over?

If it is a formal diplomatic occasion, the opening ceremony is probably not over yet, right?

"What? Is there anything else?" the mutant parrot asked.

"Uh... no, how can I contact you after we finish discussing it?" Zhang Ji asked

"When the time comes, you can just find the giant panda. He will stay here and be regarded as an image ambassador! Cooperate with your publicity work." The mutated parrot directly gave the giant panda a new identity.

"Okay! No problem, we will discuss the results as soon as possible and then notify you." Zhang Ji said quickly.

The mutant parrot nodded, and flew up together with the mutant goshawk, heading towards the Sunset Valley.

Only the mutated giant panda was left in the field.

Seeing this scene, Du Gulan, who was staying far away, immediately ran over.

"Sir Zhang, how's the negotiation going? Is it going well?" Du Gulan asked anxiously.

Because under normal circumstances, it is normal for negotiations to last a day or two.

But now it was over in just 20 minutes, so her first thought was that the conversation was over and the other party would fly away.

But when she saw the giant pandas staying here, she felt a sense of expectation rising in her heart.

"The negotiation went relatively smoothly. The two parties have reached a preliminary consensus. The follow-up is just detailed discussions on the details. It can basically be regarded as a success."

"You will announce the success of the negotiation according to the previously decided plan later, and guide public opinion on this matter." Zhang Ji warned.

"Yes!" Du Gulan breathed a sigh of relief. Although he was surprised that a result could be reached so quickly, as long as it goes well, it is undoubtedly a good thing.

"By the way, the name of their organization is Dragon King Hall, and this mutant giant panda is their ambassador. You can bring it with you during the live broadcast." Zhang Ji pointed to the side of the giant panda, which was still minding its own business eating bamboo. .

"Uh... Well, it can't bite!" Du Gulan looked at the giant panda, which was three meters high, sitting on the ground, with a slightly frightened expression on his face.

The opponent's arms were thicker than her waist, and if she was slapped, the bones would be broken.

"Put away your previous thoughts and don't treat them as animals. How do you know if it is pretending to be like this? Maybe it is just to confuse us to collect intelligence!" Zhang Ji said in a low voice.

The giant panda that Du Gulan looked at did not seem to be smart no matter how he looked at it.

But at this moment, the giant panda, which was gnawing on bamboo, suddenly gave Zhang Ji a thumbs up.

At the same time, he whined, seeming to express his affirmation.

At this moment, let alone Du Gulan, even Zhang Ji was a little dumbfounded. He swore to God that what he just said was half speculation and half deception.

In other words, even he himself doesn't believe it.

But this scene before me...

what happened? Could it be that giant pandas are also reincarnated from ancient times?

Thoughts appeared in Zhang Ji's mind one after another, but this did not prevent him from reacting immediately. He quickly walked over and said, "I'm sorry! Ambassador Panda, I didn't mean what I just said."

At this time, Zhang Ji was really embarrassed, as if he was saying bad things about others behind their backs but was caught in front of them.

However, the giant panda waved his paws to show that he didn't care.

At this time, it stood up. It was 5 meters tall and felt very oppressive. It took a few steps and walked to Du Gulan with the bamboo in hand.

Then it stretched out its hand, pointed at itself, and then pointed at the camera in the distance.

"Why are you still standing there? The Panda Ambassador signaled to you that you can take him over for an interview." Zhang Ji's somewhat stern scolding sounded, instantly making Du Gulan wake up.

Ye Feng looked at this scene and couldn't help but feel a little funny.

Yes, Ye Feng has already possessed the giant panda at this time.

Perhaps the giant panda has been domesticated and is not very wild. As Ye Feng continued to add points to it, after breaking through to the second level, its loyalty reached 100% smoothly.

If this were not the case, Ye Feng would not have allowed the giant panda to stay here alone, otherwise it would be doomed if it was stimulated and its animalistic nature aroused.

If you start to rush, you can kill a group of people casually.

Of course, it is impossible for Ye Feng to possess the giant panda at any time. After all, he has other things to do.

And when it comes to this, we have to mention the wonderful use of mental power.

With mental power, he can multi-task. He only needs to allocate part of his energy to pay attention to the giant panda. Under normal circumstances, he does not need to pay attention to it. If he finds any special situation, he can immediately possess him and take over the other person's body.

After Du Gulan came back to his senses, he adjusted his emotions, then walked towards the camera in the distance with the giant panda with a smile on his face.

But soon Du Gulan discovered that the giant panda seemed to have returned to its previous silly appearance. It sat down in front of the camera and gnawed bamboo on its own without paying any attention to anyone.

Although the giant panda didn't give face, the news Du Gulan brought back was shocking.

After she announced the news of the cooperation, the live broadcast room instantly became lively.

Gao Yifeng: "Great, the cooperation has finally been reached, and we can also invite mutant creatures to fight in the form of employment. Then we will never have to face the crisis of the previous two days! I don't want to be attacked by mutant creatures anymore. He was chased and ran away in all directions."

Shangshan Ruoshui: "I think it's better not to be happy too early. It's just a superficial agreement now. Who knows when we really face a crisis, those mutated creatures will come out to help, or they will add insult to injury. We should continue to be vigilant."

Sickness: "Doesn't anyone pay attention to the name of the mutant animal force? Dragon King Palace, this name is a bit too cool!"

In the live broadcast room, dense barrage went up.

Although there are some irrelevant comments, the vast majority of people only care about two things.

The first is what kind of benefits this cooperation can bring to Yangcheng City.

The second is whether the opponent will backstab at the critical moment.

However, the officials had already prepared for these things, and soon some professionals came out to comment, analyzing the pros and cons of cooperation, as well as various things that might happen.

Gradually guide public opinion in a good direction.

In addition, the official also officially announced at this time that a defensive wall would be built.

The response caused by this kind of thing is naturally very enthusiastic.

After experiencing the mutant biological crisis, all people actually have a strong sense of uneasiness.

Reaching cooperation with mutated animals can alleviate some of the worries, but the concerns are not without them.

The city wall construction plan is completely different. This is something that can make everyone feel at ease.

The only disadvantage may be that it is expensive, but to ordinary people, this does not matter much, after all, it is not their money.

On this day, the people were excited and jubilant, and many people spontaneously held celebrations. Many businesses even seized this opportunity and launched various discounts to stimulate consumption.

However, compared with the public, the senior officials were not so excited.

Half an hour later, the team of negotiators returned.

Zhang Ji went directly to the military's highest conference room.

When he entered, a group of military generals were already waiting here.

"Now that everyone is here, let's start the meeting!" said the division commander Bai Yinghui, who was sitting at the head.

The chief of staff, Yi Jian, nodded, "Okay, let's move on to the first topic. How reliable do you think the information the mutant parrots gave us is?"

"I think the credibility of this information is over 90%."

Zhang Ji was the first to speak: "Actually, we have been wondering why these mutated creatures don't fight on their own."

"Before, I wondered whether leaders were born among these mutated creatures. Under their restraint, this kind of thing did not happen."

"But even if a leader is really born to restrain them, it is impossible to restrain every mutant creature. During the past two days of clearing out, I did an investigation, but I didn't find any trace of them attacking each other."

"Now, everything is explained."

After Zhang Ji finished speaking, there was a sudden silence in the conference room.

It's not that they don't agree with Zhang Ji's analysis, but...

"I want to know why this is the case? Based on the instinct of living things, shouldn't the target of attack be judged according to its strength? Why should it be judged according to its evolutionary level?" Gao Duguang, who was sitting on the other side, asked what everyone was thinking. Confuse.

"I don't know." Zhang Ji shook his head, "Just like we don't know why spiritual energy causes these animals to mutate, instead of that, we might as well think about how to deal with this problem."

"That's right!" Bai Yinghui spoke at this time, diverting everyone's attention and said: "Since everyone has judged that this information is accurate, then there will be considerable deviations in some of our previous deductions. , for example, when mutated creatures attack our time.”

"According to the previous estimation of the staff, we should still have half a month to a month to prepare, but now the time left for us is probably less than 10 days. The construction plan of the defensive wall must continue to be advanced."

"This little time is not even enough for us to make a simplified version of the city wall. It is estimated that we can only make a simplified version of the simplified version. So the next topic is to what extent this simplified version of the city wall should be built. , to be considered as meeting the minimum standard.”

At this time, Chief of Staff Yi Jian took out a stack of documents and distributed them. At the same time, he said: "This is the estimated data made by the intelligence department after exploring the surrounding environment of the city."

"In the Dongling Mountains alone, in this area within 30 kilometers of our Yangcheng City, the number of mutated insects that live there is hundreds of times that in our previous city. If you include the mutated insects in the surrounding area, you must be prepared to face it 200 times the enemy’s preparation.”

"The good news is that there are no mutant mice among these mutant creatures. The bad news is that the attack capabilities of many mutant insects far exceed those of mutant mosquitoes, mutant flies, and mutant cockroaches."

When Yi Jian said this, he looked at Zhang Ji and said, "Captain Zhang, you have the right to speak in this regard, why don't you say something."

"Okay! I won't say any more. I'll just give you some data. When my Sixth Regiment went to clean up the Dongling Mountain Highway, a total of 456 soldiers were injured, 75 of whom were seriously injured and 13 died." Zhang Ji said.

His words immediately made all the generals present look serious.

They really didn't know that Zhang Ji led his team to clear the Yunyang Highway and suffered such heavy casualties.

"But you were doing a sweep at that time. If you fought a defensive battle, and with this experience, the level of casualties should be greatly reduced!" Gao Duguang couldn't help but say.

"You are right. If we fight a defensive battle and give me enough equipment, I can be sure to reduce the casualties to less than 40 people if we try again."

At this point, Zhang Ji sighed and continued: "But don't forget, the mutated insects I killed at that time were only first-order!"

After hearing this, the atmosphere in the venue was more than twice as solemn as before.

Everyone knows how big the gap is between the first level and the second level.

Take mutant mosquitoes as an example. The first-level mutant mosquitoes are actually terrifying. If you are bitten by one, a big bump will swell up.

But even so, anyone can slap it to death.

However, when these mutant mosquitoes reach the second level, things are different. The institute has given data that 50 second-level mutant mosquitoes may bite an adult to death.

Therefore, between the first level and the second level, their combat effectiveness is directly increased by an order of magnitude.

Seeing the silence in the venue, Zhang Ji continued: "So my suggestion is that no matter how simplified the defensive city wall is, the height should not be less than three meters, and the supporting defensive weapons should not be less than 30%. Otherwise, the casualties of our soldiers may be It’s going to be catastrophic.”

Hearing this, Bai Yinghui turned his attention to Yi Jian.

However, Yi Jian shook his head, "I'm afraid it's too late. In 10 days, we can only build about two meters at most. After all, this is a city wall of more than 150 kilometers."

"If we don't have enough manpower, we can mobilize volunteers. I believe it won't be a problem to mobilize tens of thousands more laborers." Bai Yinghui said with a slight frown.

"Labor is not the biggest problem, the biggest problem is materials, especially rock."

"After all, what we are building is not a wall, but a city wall that must be at least 5 meters wide. The consumption of rocks is the largest and most terrifying."

"But the wilderness is too dangerous now. Just defending the force requires a lot of manpower. Under such circumstances, it is difficult to collect rocks quickly." Yi Jian directly stated the difficulty.

However, after Bai Yinghui heard this, there was no disappointment on his face. Instead, he turned his attention to Zhang Ji and asked, "Do you think it is feasible for us to hand over the security work directly to the Dragon King Palace?"

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