Global Catastrophe: I Became the World Tree

Chapter 165 Helping family members become evolvers

Ye Feng observed the genetic potion again, but found nothing else later.

Even though his mental power can continuously magnify things like a microscope, he doesn't understand the ingredients in the medicine at all, so he can't see anything else.

After looking at it for a moment, Ye Feng used his mental power to open the test tube directly, and a thin translucent root stretched in. At the same time, he condensed the power of evolution and injected it into it.

Soon, he injected the entire evolutionary power of the Evolution Fruit into the potion.

The genetic potion in front of me has been fundamentally changed and is equivalent to an evolutionary fruit.

He followed the same procedure and took out two other genetic potions and turned them into "evolution potions".

After doing all this, Ye Feng controlled the King Cobra and made a hissing sound from his mouth.

The mutated parrot on the side immediately translated: "Lord Dragon King said, you find an excuse to give these three bottles of potion to the three people of the Ye family, so that they can all break through to evolvers."

"Once this is done, Lord Dragon King will help you break through to the third level. This is a rare opportunity, so you must perform well."

"Yes!" Chen Dalong first agreed, and then asked with some confusion: "Lord Parrot, what do you mean by helping me break through to the third level?"

"Do you think that after reaching the peak of the second level, you can break through to the third level?" The mutated parrot said with a half-smile.

"Uh... isn't it?" Chen Dalong's head was full of questions.

"Of course not. Those with truly gifted abilities may be able to break through on their own, but the vast majority of people will be stuck at the bottleneck, just like the rest of the mutant creatures."

"Only by waiting for the fourth spiritual energy recovery can we break through." The mutant parrot explained.

Hearing this, Chen Dalong was stunned at first, but soon realized what it meant.

If everyone else would be stuck at the bottleneck, but he could break through, the situation would be completely different.

Thinking of this, he quickly said excitedly: "Please rest assured, Mr. Dragon King, I will definitely handle this matter beautifully."

"Hiss!" The mutant king cobra nodded.

The mutated parrot on the side immediately translated: "Lord Dragon King said, if nothing happens, you can leave."

However, there was a look of hesitation on Chen Dalong's face. He gritted his teeth, looked at King Cobra and said, "Lord Dragon King, can I apply for 4 more doses of this genetic medicine? I want to send my four confidants, All are trained to become evolvers.”

"Otherwise, their strength will not be able to keep up and they will not be able to hold important positions. I am afraid that their control over the company will decline."

"I am willing to use the required contribution value to deduct it from subsequent tasks."

For example, among the four people who followed him, Li Huosheng, Qin Fang, Zhao Rong, and Zhang Chenggang, Li Huosheng, who had the highest degree of genetic compatibility, only had a C-level rating, and Qin Fang, Zhao Rong, and Zhang Chenggang only had an E-level rating.

If you really need to rely on ordinary genetic potions for awakening, you don't know how many pills you need to use.

It was precisely because of this that Chen Dalong had to bite the bullet and ask.

But even so, the four of them are actually lucky, because more than half of the entire mercenary group has not even been evaluated for genetic compatibility.

For Ye Feng, this was just a piece of cake. He once again controlled four genetic potions, made them float, and then used the roots to inject the power of evolution into them.

Soon, the seven "evolution potions" were put back into the backpack, and then flew back to Chen Dalong's hands.


The mutated king cobra neighed and then turned and left.

The mutated parrot on the side translated: "Lord Dragon King said that you have performed well during this period, and the additional 4 evolution potions will be regarded as a reward for you."

"Thank you Lord Dragon King, thank you Lord Parrot!" Chen Dalong breathed a sigh of relief, with a bright smile on his face.

Soon, Chen Dalong was sent back to the road by the mutant jaguar, and his car was also moved out.

Chen Dalong first drove to the Hongyan Mine, pretended to investigate, and asked the soldiers stationed here to learn about the situation, and then returned to Yangcheng City.

This time he went straight to the company, and when he arrived, he immediately called his four confidants over.

"Boss, is there something good that comes to us in such a hurry?" Li Huosheng said with a smile after entering the office.

"Haha, I was really fooled by your boy. There is indeed a good thing, and it is a huge good thing." Chen Dalong said with a smile.

Upon hearing this, the four people's eyes lit up and they looked at Chen Dalong expectantly.

Chen Dalong didn't mean to show off, so he opened the suitcase in front of him and took out 4 marked genetic medicines.

"This is a genetic potion. You should have heard of it at some point. Come and take one for each of you." Chen Dalong said.

Li Huosheng was the first to pick up one, "Is this the rumored genetic potion that makes it possible to become a person with superpowers if you drink it?"

"Yeah!" Chen Dalong nodded.

The other people also picked up one one after another. There were expressions of wonder and emotion on their faces, but none of them moved.

"Why are you still standing there? Drink!" Chen Dalong said angrily as he saw several people holding the potions in their hands but not moving.

Li Huosheng hesitated slightly and then said: "Boss, I heard that the higher the genetic compatibility, the greater the probability of becoming a person with superpowers after taking genetic medicine."

"The inquiry is quite clear. It is true. What's wrong?" Chen Dalong asked.

"Boss, I am rated C-level. I heard that even if you drink genetic potion, the probability of becoming a superpower is only 20%." Li Huosheng said hesitantly.

"What? Are you going to give these genetic medicines to other brothers? So great?" Chen Dalong asked curiously.

"Ahem!" Li Huosheng coughed repeatedly and waved his hand in embarrassment, "That's right, my youngest son has also had a genetic assessment, and the compatibility is level A. Can I give this genetic potion to my son? ?”

According to his idea, instead of betting on the 20% luck, it is better to invest in his son. This choice will undoubtedly be safer.

At this time, Zhao Chenggang suddenly said: "Ah Huo, take my gene potion! I will give you this back when you blocked the knife for me. You still have at least a 20% chance of becoming a superpower." I definitely have to give it a try, but I only have a 5% chance, which is really slim.”

Chen Dalong was speechless. He glanced at the other two people and said with a headache: "Don't you have similar thoughts?"

Qin Fang and Zhao Rong both nodded sheepishly. Instead of gambling on the 5% chance, they might as well seek some benefits for their families or themselves.

"Okay! Let me tell you the truth. These four genetic potions are all enhanced versions that I used my connections to get. After taking them, the probability of you becoming a superpower will be at least 70%." Chen Dalong said .

If you say 100%, it would be a bit too shocking. Just say a number that is enough to make them excited.

Sure enough, after hearing what Chen Dalong said, the three of them had incredible expressions on their faces.

The success rate of 70% is already very high, enough for them to abandon other ideas and try it themselves.

After all, whether it's giving your family members a boost in strength or selling these genetic medicines for money, it's not worth becoming a superpower yourself.

As long as they become superpowers, whether it is power or money, they can easily obtain it.

"Thank you, boss!" The four people bowed almost in unison and said thanks.

"Big men, please stop expressing your emotions here. All you have to do is become a superpower and help me manage the company properly." Chen Dalong waved his hand and said.

Next, the four of them drank the genetic potion one after another without saying anything else.

Then they found that their bodies began to heat up and their consciousness became drowsy.

Normal genetic medicines do not transform so drastically, but the results of evolution are different. This kind of thorough transformation cannot be supported by the consciousness of ordinary people.

The four-seater chairs were leaning against the sofa and they fell asleep quickly.

And this sleep lasted for half an hour.

When they woke up, they suddenly found that they were completely different from before.

"I feel like my strength has become much stronger." Li Huosheng clenched his fists. Now he was full of energy and wanted to find something to hit.

"I still have eyesight, I can see things so clearly." Zhao Rong, who walked to the window on the other side, said excitedly.

He has mild myopia, about 50 degrees. He usually doesn't wear glasses. He can see things close up without problems, but it's a bit difficult to see things far away.

But now through the window, he could see quite clearly even the faces of pedestrians on the street next door.

"Is this a superpower? I feel like I can beat the previous three now." Zhang Chenggang clenched his fists and said with excitement on his face.

"Haha! Me too, it seems we are so lucky, all four of them have successfully awakened." Qin Fang also changed from his usual calmness, and his face almost turned into a flower with a smile.

But after the excitement wore off, they soon discovered something.

"Boss, why are the powers we awakened like yours to strengthen the body?" Li Huosheng asked with curiosity on his face.

"Because these genetic medicines are made with reference to my genetic fragments." Chen Dalong said boldly.

The other people were a little stunned, and then Chen Dalong told Zhang Ji the news he heard.

Li Huosheng and others couldn't help but marvel after hearing this. At the same time, they also automatically figured out where Chen Dalong got these enhanced genetic medicines.

After making such a big contribution, it’s normal to receive some special rewards!

After helping four people successfully awaken, Chen Dalong immediately went to carry out the tasks assigned by the Dragon King without any delay.

He first arranged for Qin Fang and Zhang Chenggang to gather members of the company whose genetic compatibility reached A level.

Then he took Li Huosheng and Zhao Rong to Ye Feng's house in person.

In the past 10 days, Kuanglong Security Company has developed extremely rapidly, mainly because of the money.

Not only did he rent a new office building, but Chen Dalong also bought a business car with a starting price of one million yuan. His suit was customized and paired with a brand-name watch, he really looked like a big boss.

The business car soon arrived at the door of Ye Feng's house. Li Huosheng was the first to jump out of the car and then knocked on the door.

Soon the door opened, and Ye Xiangfeng came out. The company happened to be on holiday today, so he stayed at home.

When Ye Xiangfeng opened the door and saw Chen Dalong, he was slightly startled.

Although more than ten days have passed, their family is definitely impressed by Chen Dalong.

After all, when there was a mutant biological crisis before, the boss in front of him sent an entire heavily armed security team over, and there was even a military team stationed behind.

Not to mention, when the ranking of superpowers was broadcast live, Chen Dalong reached the top of the list and can be said to have become a household name.

So as soon as Ye Xiangfeng opened the door, he immediately recognized Chen Dalong, "Boss Chen, I didn't even have time to thank you last time. Please come in. It's really great that you can come to our house!"

"Don't take it seriously, don't take it seriously." Chen Dalong waved his hands repeatedly and got down to business, "I came here this time because of the entrustment of your son Ye Feng."

"The previous commission we received was that if your home encounters a mutant biological crisis, we will take action to protect it three times."

"But now that the defensive city wall has been built, even if there is a mutant biological crisis in the future, it will not threaten the city here, so I plan to use other things as compensation for the remaining two protection tasks. How do you feel?" Chen Dalong laughed. said.

"No, no! Thank you very much for your help last time. Just treat that mission as if you have protected us three times." Ye Xiangfeng waved his hands repeatedly.

After what happened last time, he also had a certain understanding of the security company. It was clear that the protective force dispatched by the other party at that time was worth millions.

If you have to ask the other party to protect you three times, that would be a bit disrespectful.

"How can this be done! Our company's reputation is worth thousands of gold. If we say it three times, it will be three times, not once less." Chen Dalong immediately said with a serious expression.

"Uh..." Ye Xiangfeng didn't know how to answer the question for a moment.

Chen Dalong paused and continued: "I wonder if you have heard of genetic potions. They are the kind of potions that can make people become superpowers."

"Our company has some connections with the military, so we got a batch of medicines in advance and plan to give each of your family members a genetic medicine. What do you think of this compensation?"

Hearing what Chen Dalong said, Ye Xiangfeng's words of rejection suddenly got stuck in his throat and he couldn't speak.

Of course he understands what it means to be a superpower.

Even if he doesn't think about himself, he still has to think about his family.

So he finally nodded, "Okay, thank you very much, but none of our family has done genetic compatibility testing. Is this okay?"

"Of course there is no problem." Chen Dalong explained with a smile: "The test is just to screen out those people who should be given priority for the genetic medicine. After all, the production of this thing is limited. Now you can just go back to the company with me and take it directly."

The reason why it was so troublesome to bring them to the company was that he was worried that the other family would be in a situation like Li Huo got angry with them.

If they sell one or two of the genetic potions, or give them to relatives, does that mean he has completed his mission?

Therefore, he had to watch this family with his own eyes, drink the genetic potion and become evolved, so that he could report to Lord Parrot.

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