Global Catastrophe: I Became the World Tree

Chapter 183 The expansion of Yangcheng City again

At this time, the largest conference room in Yangcheng City was brightly lit.

The senior military officials and the leaders of the municipal departments were sitting on both sides, having a heated discussion and expressing their opinions.

Of course, most of the people who spoke were leaders of municipal departments.

Under their deliberations, they quickly came up with solutions to various people's livelihood problems that had arisen in society in the past few days, and then recorded them for implementation one by one.

Bai Yinghui sat on the edge and couldn't help but yawn. To be honest, he really didn't want to come to this kind of meeting if there wasn't a part that the military needed to participate in later.

Finally, when Bai Yinghui sat for a full hour and became a little impatient, Cao Guangzhi, the secretary-general, finally closed the notebook in his hand and said to Liu Zaoxin.

"Mayor, these are the people's livelihood problems that have arisen during this period."

Liu Zaoxin nodded, stood up and said, "Okay, then we can enter the second stage and discuss the subsequent expansion."

"I can tell you clearly that just this morning, the red-headed document has been issued. The country has re-evaluated the strategic significance, strategic positioning, and future potential of our Yangcheng City, and will further strengthen Great support.”

"In terms of construction funds, an additional 30 billion Chinese dollars will be added. The money will be gradually received in the next week. At the same time, a construction team of 50,000 people will be mobilized from all over the country."

"It can be said that in the next period of time, we will not be short of money or people, but our task is still arduous, because according to the latest instructions, our Yangcheng City needs to further expand to accommodate a population of 20 million standard."

Although many people had heard some news more or less before, they still felt excited when the news was confirmed.

This means that their future upper limit for Yangcheng will not be a first-tier city, but may become a super first-tier city.

However, the problems are many and arduous. The increase in population is not just about numbers, it will also bring about a series of people's livelihood problems.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to hold such a long meeting to discuss these issues, and what can be discussed here are basically things that cannot be handled by the grassroots below.

Of course, compared to the issue of housing, the things they discussed before were all trivial matters.

According to the original plan, Yangcheng City could only accommodate 10 million people. Even if there was a surplus when it was originally designed, one or two million more people would be the limit.

Now that the number of people has doubled, it will definitely be impossible to fit them in.

Therefore, it is inevitable to expand again.

However, the current environment does not mean that you can just circle a place and build a house there. All these require assistance from the military.

Therefore, Liu Zaoxin turned his attention to Bai Yinghui, "Mr. Bai, do you have any opinions on which direction we should expand?"

Seeing that it was finally time to talk about business, Bai Yinghui let out a long breath. He straightened the microphone in front of him, looked around and said, "Our military has already discussed this matter internally."

As he spoke, someone turned on the projector.

Soon a huge map appeared on the curtain behind him. He held a laser pen and said: "If we expand to the south, we will encounter the obstruction of the Dongjiang River. Although we can also cross the river to develop on the other side, but then We need to build bridges, and considering the population of our city, building one or two bridges may not be enough. It would consume too much manpower and time, so we won’t consider it for now.”

As he spoke, the laser pointer turned in one direction, "And to the east of us, most of them are wetlands. Building houses on them is not only difficult, but also risky."

"So, you can go west or north."

Hearing what Bai Yinghui said, many municipal department leaders frowned slightly.

They can understand the expansion to the west, but if they expand to the north, it will be blocked by the Dongling Mountains!

Liu Zaoxin even directly asked: "Isn't there the Dongling Mountains to the north? How can we expand?"

Bai Yinghui smiled and said, "In fact, I would rather expand the city to the north than to the west."

"The size of the city will almost double next. Not to mention the city walls, a huge amount of building materials for houses, especially sand and gravel, will be needed."

"And now as the city merger process advances, it is expected that there will be a wave of construction in various parts of the country in the next period of time. By then, construction materials will be really difficult to buy even if you have money."

"If we expand directly to the north, we can use local materials and just dig out the entire mountain range."

This is no longer the ancient times. It takes several generations for Foolish Old Man to move mountains.

But now, as long as there are enough excavators, this time can be shortened infinitely.

Everyone nodded after listening to a lot. If the expansion is towards the Dongling Mountains, using local materials, it is estimated that the construction progress can be increased by at least 30%.

But it’s not that the problem isn’t there, it’s that it’s huge.

"What about the security issue? How to solve it?" Liu Zaoxin asked.

Bai Yinghui smiled and said: "Everyone will think that the Dongling Mountains are dangerous when they hear it, but it is not."

"It may have been dangerous before, but now it is almost the territory of the Dragon King Palace. It is estimated that if stronger mutant animals appear, they will be subdued by them, so what we have to deal with are only weak mutant animals and those mutant insects."

"When the city wall is built, these problems will naturally be solved. Even when we train new recruits, we can directly pull them over for actual combat. It is estimated that the training efficiency can be increased by more than half."

"As for the safety issues that arise during the construction process, my consideration is to discuss it with the Dragon King Palace and let them protect our safety."

Everyone was speechless for a while, and their emotions were still the same as the old method: calling for reinforcements.

Liu Zaoxin looked at Bai Yinghui and couldn't help but ask: "Now that the number of soldiers in Yangcheng City has exceeded 50,000, is there no way to solve it independently?"

"It's possible, but the casualties will be high. Even if we can really do it easily, I don't recommend it."

Bai Yinghui said, looking around at everyone in the field and continued: "This is a matter of attitude. If you think about it, we always cooperated with the Dragon King Palace on everything before. Now that the crisis has passed, we have left each other and gone it alone. So what about the Dragon King Palace?" What do you think?"

"We'd better not let the other party have any misunderstandings, and we even need to take the initiative to send the 'handle' over, so that we can better maintain this relationship."

"Is this... necessary?" Liu Zaoxin asked.

"Of course there is." Bai Yinghui said quite firmly: "Because without knowing it, we have actually grasped the biggest advantage of the other party."

"Unless we want to take the initiative to start a war, we must not make any moves that cause misunderstanding at this time. Otherwise, it will only take a matter of minutes for us to turn from allies to enemies."

Everyone in the venue was a little stunned after hearing this, including Liu Zaoxin, but he soon came to his senses, "You mean, 13.1 billion Huaxia coins were added to the Dragon King's account?"

"That's right!" Bai Yinghui nodded directly, "If we didn't bridge the gap, the money in its account would really be just a series of numbers."

"In the past, the Dragon King might not have felt anything if the money was small, but now that the other party has been busy for several days and has saved such a large amount of money, he will definitely be a little wary."

"I even dare to say that if we do something a little out of the ordinary during this process. For example, if we find a reason to stop the other party from buying mutant animals, we will probably turn against each other directly."

"When the Dragon King takes action again and uses that magical power, how many of us here will be turned into ice sculptures?"

Bai Yinghui glanced at the officials present and said in a cold tone.

He said this just to deliberately pierce the window paper, and to worry that some people would be stupid, do something they shouldn't do, and bring down the entire Yangcheng City.

At this time, Liu Zaoxin also reacted and nodded immediately and said: "Mayor Bai is right. At this time, we should strengthen our cooperation with the Dragon King Palace to eliminate any possibility of a crisis of trust."

The rest of the people nodded after hearing this. At this time, a staff member quickly walked in from outside and whispered a few words in Liu Zaoxin's ear.

A look of surprise suddenly appeared on Liu Zaoxin's face, "Let me tell you something. The Parrot Messenger has just arrived and said that he wants to discuss matters in the restricted area with us. That's just right. Let's invite him to come over and finalize all these things together. Bar!"


The word count is a little short today, I hope you’ll forgive me, I can only recover slowly.

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