Global Catastrophe: I Became the World Tree

Chapter 185 Three days have passed, ready to take action

Hearing what Ye Feng said, Cao Guangzhi nodded excitedly. A 10% increase was quite a lot, especially with such a huge purchase volume.

The original 11.5 billion, a 10% increase would be 1.15 billion. In this case, he would have ample room for negotiation.

When the time comes to negotiate and purchase mutant animals, he feels that he can improve it by two or three times.

With the two most important things being said, Ye Feng had nothing to say. If Liu Zaoxin and others hadn't warmly invited him to stay and provide some advice on the construction of Yangcheng City, he would have planned to leave.

But despite this, Ye Feng seldom spoke next and generally listened more. After all, he was not a professional in these matters.

Only in terms of security and defense, he made some suggestions. The meeting ended after an hour. Ye Feng did not stay here longer and quickly controlled the mutated parrot to fly away.

He spent the next few days quite leisurely, and even took some time to sort out the entire Dongling Mountains.

Under Ye Feng's search, the required animals were found one after another, such as mutant bats and mutant black crows, the number of which was no less than 3,000.

There are even more mutated sparrows. Ye Feng has not carefully counted them, but they are definitely not less than 10,000.

Of course, the most numerous mutated rats are definitely indispensable.

Rats are everywhere in the wild, not to mention the hundreds of thousands of mutated rats in Yangcheng City, all of which he drove here.

This also caused the number of mutant animals under Ye Feng's contract to quickly increase to 1,000.

Although the mutant creatures found are not very strong, and most of them have broken through the second level not long ago, the overall strength of the Dragon King Palace has also improved to a certain extent.

And Ye Feng didn't need them to fight, but to act as his spies and conduct a deeper search of the entire mountain range.

After three full days of sorting out, Ye Feng already had a general understanding of the environment of the entire Dongling Mountains.

At this time, the new ecological chain has been rebuilt, and the lowest level is naturally the mutant plants. Except for a very few, the vast majority are still used as food.

Then there are those mutated insects that eat plants but also become food for animals.

Especially for mutant mice, their main food source is these mutant insects, and it also curbs the reproduction of these mutant insects to a certain extent.

Mutated rats will become the main food source for predators. Of course, in addition to mutated rats, there are also mutated hares.

Although the mutant hares are not very effective in combat, they can jump quickly and have the ability to dig holes. They have not been eliminated in the cruel wave of evolution, but have survived tenaciously.

Moreover, the fertility of mutant hares is not generally strong. They can give birth to more than a dozen in a litter, and they grow very fast.

After the spiritual energy is revived, it only takes more than a month to grow to adult size.

Without lack of food, the number of mutant hares has gradually increased, and has become one of the main food sources for predators.

In addition, there are other animal groups in the Dongling Mountains, such as mutated antelope herds, mutated bison herds, mutated deer herds, mutated sheep herds, mutated wild horse herds, mutated wild boar herds, mutated pheasant herds, and mutated wild duck herds. , a flock of mutated wild geese, and more.

However, there are not many of them, and Ye Feng has listed them as temporarily protected animals. They have even specially designated some suitable living areas for them, and sent mutant sparrows to patrol 24 hours a day.

When their number does not reach a certain level, Ye Feng does not allow other animals to eat them.

And even if the quantity reaches the requirement in the future, cubs and pregnant animals cannot be eaten, following the principle of sustainable development.

Ye Feng had conducted an exploration of the Dongling Mountains in three days, so it was impossible for Yangcheng City to do nothing.

It can even be said that they were more diligent. In just three days, they had carved out a large territory within the Dongling Mountains.

All the trees at the edge of the circled area have been cut down. Thousands of excavators are spread over more than 20 kilometers of mountain forests to begin digging and leveling the land.

It is worth mentioning that in order to send these excavators into the mountains, the Dragon King Palace helped a lot.

Some insurmountable places are directly transported by flocks of birds, mainly mutated goshawks, to grab these excavators and send them directly to their destinations.

Because of this, hundreds of construction sites can be opened in Yangcheng City at the same time without having to gather people together, which is more efficient.

If you look down from a high altitude, you can even see a gravel road more than 20 kilometers long and nearly 10 meters wide in the Dongling Mountains.

This gravel road is the foundation of the city wall.

Next, we just need to build a city wall on top of it.

As for the enclosed area, the mutated animals inside have been driven out. After the city wall is built, it will be slowly transformed and residential buildings built.

At this time, Bai Yinghui and Liu Zaoxin were sitting on the armed helicopter, looking at the construction site in full swing after get off work, and they couldn't help but feel a little emotional.

"This construction speed is much faster than we expected!" Liu Zaoxin said.

"Yes, I originally expected that it would take at least five days to complete the construction of the foundation, but now it has been shortened to three days."

"Of course what surprises me the most is that the two days lost were not due to the help of the Dragon King Palace, but because of our own efforts." When mentioning this matter, Bai Yinghui's face was full of smiles.

You must know that the place they entered this time is the Dongling Mountains. The number of mutant insect attacks they suffered while working here is simply not comparable to what they encountered in the Hongyan Mine.

The frequency of being attacked by mutated insects is more than 10 times higher.

Under this situation, even if the number of troops dispatched by the Dragon King Palace was more than three times that of the last time, it was still impossible to protect them intact.

Even if they were able to protect the Dragon King Palace 9 out of 10 times, the last loss would have been fatal to their workers, at least they would have suffered serious trauma.

This is because the rescue from the Dragon King Palace can arrive within 3 seconds. Otherwise, any attack by mutated insects may cause serious injury or even death.

When working under such conditions, emotions such as tension and anxiety are inevitable, but these situations must be experienced.

However, the nervous and anxious mood of those workers completely disappeared within less than two hours.

Because workers who are carried away for treatment can usually come back intact within an hour or two and continue working.

Then the news about the life liquid spread.

When he got the news, even Bai Yinghui was surprised. When did this thing become luxurious enough for workers to use?

As he went to inquire, he found out that the medical camp had unknowingly prepared 10,000 bottles of life essence.

Then when he asked Chen Dalong for questioning, he learned that the other company, Jinlong Pharmaceutical, was frantically expanding its production lines in the past few days.

Now the other party is able to produce 10,000 bottles of life essence per day, and there is still room for improvement in production capacity.

This news was naturally overjoyed for him, as it represented many things.

Not only does it mean that their overall combat capabilities are stronger, but they can even sell the life liquid to other cities to further enhance the status of Yangcheng City.

As no one was afraid of being injured, efficiency was once again improved, and this was the result.

The two were sighing with emotion when they suddenly saw a huge panda nearly 10 meters high, slowly crawling out from the side of the dense forest, then sitting on the hillside, gnawing on a nearly 20-meter-long bamboo. With.

The coercion that it invisibly radiates is enough to make all the mutated insects around it faint when they want to get close.

Looking at the huge panda, which was several times larger than the previous days, Bai Yinghui and Liu Zaoxin looked at each other, and they both saw the solemn look in each other's eyes.

In the past few days, they have discovered one after another that the size of these "messengers" suddenly soared. There is no doubt that they have made another breakthrough, and it is a breakthrough in a large realm.

Neither of them even had an accurate idea of ​​how powerful the fourth-level mutant creatures were.

"The Dragon King Palace is getting stronger and stronger, and it is becoming more and more difficult to check and balance! Fortunately, we have the country behind us, otherwise I don't know what to do." Liu Zaoxin couldn't help but said.

Bai Yinghui stared at the mutated giant panda for a while and said, "Don't think too much. Since you made the decision, you shouldn't regret it now or in the future."

"Let's go back! The latest batch of earth-penetrating warheads have been airlifted to our Yangcheng City. I hope they can exert their due effect tomorrow."

Liu Zaoxin nodded, "The problem of restricted areas must be solved quickly. I heard that the restricted areas discovered abroad can no longer be contained. The largest restricted area has actually expanded to 20 kilometers in diameter."

"It's really unimaginable. It's only been more than half a month and it has actually expanded to such an extent. If the Xiaofengshan restricted area expands on this scale, it is estimated that half of our small Yangcheng City will be swallowed up by it."

The mutated giant panda gnawing on bamboo below twitched its ears and looked up at the departing armed helicopter with an indescribable sense of urgency in its heart.

"Has the restricted area actually been expanded to 20 kilometers? No wonder the sense of crisis is getting stronger and stronger."

"No matter what is hidden in the restricted area, I will definitely find out tomorrow." Ye Feng's gaze towards the sky became increasingly sharp, as if he could penetrate all obstacles and see the deepest part of the restricted area.


Thank you for your concern. I'm almost recovered now. I only have a cough and a runny nose.

My wife managed it for a few days, but finally got positive. She started having a fever last night. Fortunately, her symptoms were milder than mine.

Alas~ I hope I can get over this day soon.

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