Global Catastrophe: I Became the World Tree

Chapter 200 Turning the tide and not falling behind

This sudden scene instantly stunned everyone present.

Although everyone knew that the Dragon King was very strong, they had no idea that the other party was so strong.

With just one blow, he killed a ferocious beast.

Even the ferocious beast flying upside down can injure the five restricted area creatures behind it, especially the skeleton creature that was hit first and suffered heavy injuries.

There is no doubt that this is an absolutely crushing force.

Suddenly, there was even silence in the field for a moment. The ferocious beasts and skeletal creatures that rushed towards them seemed to be frightened.

Of course, if anyone is the most shocked, it is undoubtedly Tianyun and Ling.

Others may not know the details of King Cobra, but as seventh-level powerhouses, with the blessing of the power of rules, they are extremely sensitive to the perception of breath.

"What the hell is this, a special ability or a magical power?"

"But that snake is only at the fourth level, how could it have such terrifying attack power? This power must have reached the seventh level, right?" Ling turned to look at Tianyun and asked in disbelief.

Even if the ferocious beasts are suppressed, they are still peak fifth-level beings, and the ferocious beasts that are qualified to follow Master Qiongqi are inherently stronger than beings of the same level.

Even if it is a whole level higher than them, it is impossible to say that it can kill them instantly, at least it can sustain a few moves.

But now not only was it killed instantly, it was even able to injure other fifth-level creatures while flying upside down. Then the power that the opponent burst out was definitely not just a sixth-level creature. Only those who reached the seventh level could achieve this.

But this was also the hardest thing for Ling to believe.

"You feel it right, that is indeed the power of the seventh level, probably at the early stage of the seventh level."

"But it shouldn't be the power of that big snake. I can feel the dragon transformed from the thick fog. There is another breath of life inside. Just wait a moment..."

Tian Yun frowned, and the horns on his forehead emitted layers of invisible ripples.

When Ling saw this scene, he knew that the other party was using his mental power to investigate, so he waited patiently and silently.

But Tian Yun's brows furrowed more and more tightly, and finally he sighed helplessly, "It still didn't work, the mental power I released was blocked again, and I couldn't detect what existed in the thick fog. "

"But if I feel it right, the existence hidden in the thick fog is the one who released his mental power to block me."

After hearing this, Ling looked a little excited, "How could there be such a perverted existence? Then wouldn't he be even more terrifying than Lord Qiongqi when he was young?"

Tianyun didn't say anything, just looked at him silently. Ling knew that he had made a mistake and quickly shut up.

"There is no need for us to be frightened by him. What the opponent's attack just showed was terrifying power. In other aspects, it should still be at the fifth level. In this case, we are not without a fight."

"After all, he couldn't take care of such a large battlefield, and he didn't show a wide range of destructive means."

"We can completely abandon part of our troops to kill the other side. The remaining army can get past him and take care of those weak reptiles."

"Without the interference of their powerful weapons, Master Qiongqi's domain can continue to expand." Tianyun quickly adjusted his tactics.

Hearing these words, Ling couldn't help but nodded.

Indeed, simply being powerful and being strong are actually two different things, and there are ways to target the former.

But just as Tian Yun finished speaking, he saw the King Cobra. The thick fog around him began to roll, and soon giant dragons composed of thick fog condensed.

One, two, three, and soon, a total of 20 giant dragons composed of dense fog appeared in the field,

Suddenly, the expression on Ling's face became strange. The speed of this slap in the face was not much slower than his own just now!

Ye Feng on the other side had no idea how much shock he had brought to the two seventh-level creatures.

He looked at the killing effect caused by his blow, and was quite satisfied with the plan he had decided on: crushing with absolute power!

In fact, it is very easy for Ye Feng to do this.

Whether they were ferocious beasts or skeletal creatures, they were all suppressed to the peak level of fifth level. Generally speaking, the power of peak level five creatures was only about 50 tons.

Of course, these ferocious beasts can use spiritual energy to possess them, increase their attributes in all directions, and can explode with 100 tons of power.

Therefore, in order to ensure that Ye Feng could kill the opponent instantly with one blow, he directly sent out 25 tree roots to intertwine each other. After each tree root is possessed by spiritual energy, it can explode with a huge force of 40 tons.

The combined attack of 25 tree roots is enough to unleash a force of 1,000 tons.

It has a full 900 tons more power than the opponent, which is enough to defeat all the defenses of the ferocious beast.

And the blow just now was just as he expected, killing a ferocious beast in an instant.

As for the opponent's body behind him, it was able to injure several enemies, which Ye Feng did not expect. It was an unexpected surprise.

Now that he was sure it could be done, Ye Feng naturally mobilized all the tree roots. The 505 tree roots could be divided into 20 groups. As for the five extra tap roots, they could deal with emergencies.

Of course, in order not to lose the originality, it is obviously not good to show it in the form of tree roots.

This is not conducive to harvesting the power of faith.

Therefore, there is a scene where the Dragon King appears and condenses the giant dragon in thick fog.

The roots of Ye Feng's tree are hidden in the giant dragon in the thick fog.

At this time, after all the soldiers and officers came to their senses after being shocked, they couldn't help but burst into excited cheers.

Especially, as the number of giant fog dragons gathered in the field increased, the cheers became even louder.

Then Ye Feng felt a steady stream of power of faith gathering towards the King Cobra.

But it's a pity that there are still a few people here. The total number of people here is only more than 90,000. Even if you include the support troops who came from behind, there are only a few hundred thousand, which is far from the millions in a city. compared to the population.

Even so, the power of faith gathered by these people can gather about 1,000 points in one minute, which is pretty good.

Even Ye Feng is considering that if the battle goes well later, he can suggest to Bai Yinghui and others to set up a live broadcast of the battlefield or something.

Bang bang bang!

Boom boom boom!

The silence in the field only lasted for a moment, and soon as the ferocious beasts and skeleton creatures launched another attack, a fierce battle began again.

But at this time, it was Ye Feng's home court. 20 giant dragons in thick fog completely blocked the space for creatures in the restricted area to move forward.

Moreover, Ye Feng's attack was crisp and swift. Everyone looked at the thick fog giant dragon's tail, sweeping and slashing vertically. The number of skeletons and ferocious beasts was decreasing sharply.

The first batch of more than 150 restricted area creatures were all killed in just ten seconds.

And basically all of them were killed by Ye Feng. The total number of them on the military side was less than 5.

But before everyone could get excited, as the sky and the earth roared in the restricted area, the army behind them did not fight towards a defensive line.

Regardless of whether they had run out of the penalty area or were still in the penalty area, they all quickly dispersed and rushed towards the rest of the defense line, no longer fighting Ye Feng's thick fog giant dragon.

Although Ye Feng condensed a total of 20 giant dragons of thick fog, which was beyond Tianyun's expectation, the previous strategy can still remain unchanged.

Even if the area of ​​the penalty area is not large, it is definitely not small. It is impossible to defend all positions with 20 giant fog dragons alone.

Don’t even say 20, even 100 would probably be enough.

Looking at the opponent's tactics, Ye Feng frowned slightly, although he could indeed increase the number of giant fog dragons to 100.

But in that case, each focus is only composed of 5 tree roots. Even if the bonus of spiritual energy possession is included, it can only explode with a huge force of 200 tons.

Although he still has an absolute advantage in terms of strength, it is impossible to achieve an instant kill with just twice the strength.

If you get entangled with the opponent, your killing speed may not be as good as it is now.

So after Ye Feng thought for a while, he decided not to change his tactics and still maintained the state of 20 giant dragons in thick fog.

After all, he is not the only one defending here, and the strength of the military cannot be ignored.

Ye Feng didn't have high requirements for them. As long as he could delay the opponent, he could quickly resolve the battle while he rushed over.

What's more, he has more than just this method. He can also use the power to control the world to carry out auxiliary attacks.

Now there is more than 5 million power of faith on his system panel! I have been saving just to cope with this situation.

After deciding on the strategy, Ye Feng directly controlled the mutant parrot, found Bai Yinghui, and explained his plan here.

"Okay, no problem. Please tell the Dragon King that as long as our soldiers are still there, the position will not be lost." Bai Yinghui immediately expressed his position. At the same time, the pressure in my heart is reduced a lot.

After all, requiring containment and requiring killing the enemy are completely different concepts.

Boom boom boom!


The battle situation quickly reached a fever pitch.

Skeleton creatures and an army of ferocious beasts attacked the defense line crazily from all directions.

The human camp is also pouring out firepower desperately.

When using this kind of diversionary tactic, even heavy machine guns and rocket launchers can actually produce good results.

As for heavy firepower such as infantry fighting vehicles, destroyer hand cannons, and main battle tanks, certain adjustments have been made when attacking. They will try their best to aim at the enemy's lower body for attack.

As long as you damage the enemy's legs, you can very well delay the opponent's movement speed.

Coupled with the 20 thick fog giant dragons on Ye Feng's side, which quickly killed the creatures in the restricted area, the situation was barely stable.

Of course, this was only temporary. Tianyun took a look at the response plan of the human camp, and he decisively increased the speed of dispatching troops.

They had been testing things before, so the utilization efficiency of the portal was not at its limit, and the transmission rate was basically maintained at 30%.

But now, following Tianyun's order, hundreds of thousands of troops in the different space, ready to go, are passing through the portal at the fastest speed and arriving here to fight.

All of a sudden, the pressure came to the human camp again.

By this time, Ye Feng didn't dare to hide his clumsiness anymore.

Soon the ability to control the world was revealed.

Ye Feng's first choice is naturally to use lightning attacks.

And he also discovered that this world seemed to be naturally hostile to creatures in the restricted area, so when he used lightning attacks, the power was almost doubled with the same consumption.

If he fully exerts his power to control the world and condenses the thunder and lightning with 50,000 points of faith power, let alone kill these fifth-level enemies, even those ferocious beasts are still at the peak of sixth-level, they will probably be killed directly.

Of course, Ye Feng couldn't really do this because the consumption was too great.

If he attacks once with 50,000 points of faith power, even if he has more than 5 million points of faith power, he can only attack 100 times.

So after several attempts, Ye Feng quickly figured out an optimal consumption ratio.

The thunder and lightning attack condensed with more than 5,000 points of faith power, with the double power bonus, can attack these forbidden creatures, not only causing them to suffer serious trauma, but also paralyzing them for more than ten seconds. Effect.

Soon, a group of soldiers and officers saw that the second ability of these giant fog dragons, the horns on their foreheads, could actually release lightning.

Those thick lightning bolts, whether they hit the mutant skeletons or ferocious beasts, can cause them serious trauma, and more importantly, they also have a paralyzing effect.

On the battlefield, if you are temporarily paralyzed and unable to move, you are a perfect target.

As long as they concentrate their firepower on the opponent's head, whether it is the main battle tank's depleted uranium armor-piercing projectile or the Destroyer hand cannon's continuous shooting, they can kill it.

Of course, even if the cost of releasing lightning once is reduced to 5,000 power of faith, Ye Feng's 5 million power of faith can only be released 1,000 times at most.

As for the creatures that the opponent can rush into the defense line, it is obviously impossible to only have as few as 1,000.

Therefore, Ye Feng basically only releases the power of thunder and lightning to attack when he sees that the situation is critical, such as when skeletons or ferocious beasts rush into the defense line and start killing, but he can't get over it. .

In this case, the soldiers on the military side will definitely die in battle, but again, how can there be no death in a war?

Therefore, when Ye Feng revealed his trump card of the power of faith, the battle situation turned into a stalemate again.

However, seeing this situation, the senior military officials were not disappointed, and even showed joy.

Because as long as they wait for their reinforcements to arrive, especially after the large forces from the provincial military region arrive, they can break the stalemate and win the war.

As for Ye Feng at this time, he was in a good mood as well.

In the past, he had always been attached to command operations. Even if he took action personally, he would do so remotely using his ability to control the world.

This is the first time that I have actually used my body to fight.

So this feeling of being crushed by absolute power is really refreshing.

And when fighting with his body, he also has a very important ability that he can use, and that is the power of devouring.

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