Global Catastrophe: I Became the World Tree

Chapter 204 Gathering of Ancient Gods

Seeing the other party's last explosion, Ye Feng felt a lingering fear.

If the opponent really found his true body and used this move directly, he would not be able to survive.

But fortunately, even if the other party can come out, it is restricted. At least this kind of destructive power cannot be exerted at will.

Otherwise, when fighting against his own tree roots, the opponent would not be so constrained and directly use such a move. No matter how many roots he had, it would not be enough.

But soon Ye Feng became excited.

On the one hand, it's because the other party retreated, and judging from the state the other party was in just now, it's probably difficult to come out again, otherwise he wouldn't have vented his anger before leaving.

On the other hand, he sensed that the last power exerted by the other party and the special power it swallowed came from the same source.

If he could thoroughly study this special power, he might be able to perform such a devastating attack.

The battle ended and the thick fog gradually dissipated.

It was only then that the senior military officials let out a long sigh of relief after seeing the situation clearly.

At this time, the thick fog giant dragon was still on the field, but the seventh-level strongman who had just come out retreated. It was obvious that the Dragon King won this battle.

Although they felt this was a bit unbelievable, after all, in their understanding, the Dragon King's strength was only at the fourth level, but considering the identity of the other party's true dragon reincarnation, they quickly accepted this reality.

Excitement followed immediately, and cheers after cheers rang out on the battlefield.

Of course, even so, not many people will really relax. After all, no one knows whether strong men will continue to be sent out of the restricted area. There is another seventh-level strong man inside!

If the two of them come out together, no one knows whether the Dragon King can continue to support it.

But no matter what, they won this round.

Compared with the smiling faces of the military side, Tianyun and Ling were not in such a wonderful mood. At this time, their expressions were solemn, but they were both silent.

This situation was something they had never expected before.

"What's going on?" Finally, Tianyun asked.

Since Ye Feng has always been well hidden, even the broken tree roots will be covered by thick fog.

Therefore, in the eyes of others, Ling kept breaking the tail of the giant dragon in the thick fog, but the other party quickly grew out of it, and the details were unclear.

Of course, during this process, Tianyun also released his mental power to go out and investigate.

But it is a pity that his mental power was blocked again. When the opponent was fighting Ling, he was able to focus on two things to resist his mental power. This was outrageous.

"The person I'm fighting with is a tree that has grown into a spirit." Ling said in a muffled voice.

"Tree?" Tianyun wondered if he heard wrongly.

"Yes, it's a tree. What's hidden inside those giant dragons in thick fog are actually tree roots."

"What's even more terrifying is that each tree root can emit 40 tons of huge force, and the opponent has more than 500 tree roots. Using only half of them can erupt 10,000 tons of huge force to suppress me."

"And it also shows the abilities of lightning and dense fog." Ling became more solemn as he spoke.

These circumstances seemed outrageous to him when he heard them.

"You have underestimated one thing, and that is his mental power." Tianyun added.

Next, the two of them were silent for a while.

In the end, Tianyun was the first to speak: "Let's go back first. The situation here is beyond what we can handle. We can only report back to Master Qiongqi."

"This..." Ling hesitated.

He knew very well what the consequences would be if he went back now, not to mention that he was the one who ended up fighting the rhombus crystal, so he would probably be punished even more in the end.

"Unless you can think of a better way now, if you drag it on for no reason, you may receive a heavier punishment."

"You know that although Master Qiongqi's domain can cover our aura, this cover is not permanent."

"As time goes by, the probability of us being discovered by the will of the world will become greater and greater. By then, it will not only be us who are unlucky, I am afraid that even this area that Master Qiongqi finally opened up will be affected."

"If something like that really happened, the punishment is not mine. I can bear it." After Tian Yun finished speaking, he walked to the portal in one step and walked in without hesitation.

Ling sighed and could only follow her in as if resigned to her fate.

The disappearance of the two people was of course noticed immediately, and Ye Feng even used his mental power to investigate.

After confirming that the two people had really left, he quickly stretched out the tree roots and entered the restricted area, trying to drag out all the beast corpses and skeleton creatures inside.

These are all treasures!

However, when Ye Feng's tree roots touched them, both the corpses of the ferocious beasts and the skeletal creatures turned into a thick black mist, and then disappeared into the ground.

"Corrosive energy? Damn, why don't you even let your subordinates go? They are such beasts." Ye Feng cursed with some sadness.

But when he thought for a moment, he realized that the other party seemed to be a beast, so he stopped cursing and quickly pulled back the roots of the tree, quickly absorbing the spoils on his side.

He was really afraid that the other party had some unknown means to absorb the corpses outside the penalty area.

While Ye Feng was cleaning the battlefield, Bai Yinghui quickly ran over and found the mutated parrot, "Parrot Messenger, can you contact the Dragon King and leave some corpses for us to study."

At this time, Ye Feng's tree roots had transformed into the image of a giant dragon in thick fog, with its tail resting on the body, and would basically disappear completely in a few seconds.

This unabashed approach also instantly let the military know that the shriveled corpses just now were not caused by venom, but by the Dragon King's special means.

Seeing that there were fewer and fewer corpses, Bai Yinghui hurried over.

"Okay, how much do you want?" Ye Feng said casually.

"Is it okay to have five beast corpses and five skeleton creatures each?" Bai Yinghui asked.

Ye Feng was about to say that it was okay, but after he looked around with his mental energy, he found with some embarrassment that he seemed... unable to take it out.

"It's okay for the skeletons, let alone five. Even if you take away 50, it's okay, but there are only three and a half corpses of the ferocious beasts left." Ye Feng coughed lightly and said.

Or three and a half pieces cobbled together from here and there.

After all, he devoured the corpses of ferocious beasts while fighting, and most likely he had already devoured them after the battle.

And he was devouring them desperately just now. If the other party had been more than ten seconds late, there would probably be no more left.

Bai Yinghui was a little stunned when he heard this, but he looked around the battlefield. The corpses of ferocious beasts that could be seen everywhere before seemed to be gone now.

"Well, let's take the corpses of three semi-ferocious beasts! I'm sorry to trouble you." Bai Yinghui said quickly.

There were no corpses, so what else could he say? What's more, with the strength shown by the Dragon King, even if they didn't give him anything, he wouldn't dare to turn against him!

But when Bai Yinghui saw the corpse of the beast in front of him a few minutes later, he was still a little silent.

None of these corpses were complete at all, and few even had half of them left. Some only had a head, and some had only an arm or a leg. These three half corpses were scraped together from 10 ferocious beasts.

However, many of those skeletal creatures were relatively complete, and Ye Feng was indeed generous. He said he actually dragged 50 corpses over with a giant dragon in thick fog.

After all, this thing has no spiritual energy at all and can only be swallowed into biological energy, but he does not lack this thing at all.

What else can Bai Yinghui say about this! I can only say thank you.

And even fifth-level skeleton creatures are of great research value to them.

"By the way, how are your casualties?" Ye Feng asked casually.

Hearing this question, Bai Yinghui's mood became less pleasant.

"The casualties are indeed quite heavy. The total number of casualties is as high as 25,300, of which 4,253 were killed and 8,593 were seriously injured." Bai Yinghui said with a heavy heart.

Ye Feng nodded silently after hearing this. In fact, this was considered good. If not, he spent nearly 4 million points of the power of faith on rescue, it would not be surprising if the number of deaths increased by 10 times.

"Parrot Messenger, did you say this battle is over?" Bai Yinghui couldn't help but ask after a slight silence.

"I guess it's over. The opponent's seventh-level creatures were able to come out, and they must have paid a heavy price. There is a possibility that they can still come out."

"But you still have to be prepared." Ye Feng stared in the direction of the restricted area and said in a serious tone.

The opponent's attacks will only become stronger with each wave. There have been seventh-level creatures before, and if they continue to attack, there will definitely be more than one seventh-level creature.

If that time came, even he wasn't sure he could win.

Bai Yinghui just nodded solemnly, said nothing more, and quickly returned to the command vehicle.

At this time, the military was not idle either. It was rapidly treating the wounded and building positions.

There's nothing much to say about treating the wounded. It's all a routine process. The only difference is that they now have the life essence.

Many people who were in critical condition can now be saved. This is definitely good news. Basically, they do not die on the spot, but they can slowly recover after the war.

As for building positions, the military has invested a lot of energy this time.

After truly seeing the power of the restricted area, the military immediately raised the danger level of the restricted area by two levels, and it will be built as a semi-permanent fortification.

In the future, more than 10 divisions of troops will be permanently stationed here in the provincial military region.

Of course, no matter what they were doing, they would glance in the direction of the restricted area from time to time, worried that there would be terrifying monsters rushing out from inside.

Different space.

Tianyun and Ling knelt on one knee in front of Qiongqi's stone sculpture, not daring to breathe.

Just now, Tianyun had told the whole story, but a full minute passed and Qiongqi didn't give any reply, but the aura on the other party became stronger and stronger.

Click, click, click!

The stone on Qiongqi's body fell off, and it released the seal again, staring at the two of them with its angry eyes.

It really wanted to slap them all to death, but thinking about its few seventh-level subordinates, it endured it and slowly uttered two words in its mouth.


The next moment, a thick black mist shot out from his body, directly covering Tianyun and Ling.

Both of them had a look of horror on their faces, but neither of them dared to resist.

Soon, their uncontrollable screams of pain were heard in the black mist.

The black mist enveloped the two of them for nearly a minute before slowly dissipating.

At this time, their bodies had been corroded by the black mist to the point of being riddled with holes, and their auras were sluggish.

"If you are such a waste next time, you will bring your head to me and go back." It said, the formation below was activated, and soon two crystal coffins emerged.

Seeing this scene, Tian Yun and Ling looked at each other and let out a long sigh of relief.

This matter is finally over.

Soon the two of them entered the crystal coffin, and then disappeared into the void with the formation.

At this time, Qiongqi raised his right paw, and there was a mass of black mist, which was wrapped in rich power of rules and vitality.

This was just taken away from Tianyun and Ling.

"It's still not enough!"

Qiongqi's eyes fell on the skeleton army, and then the black mist broke out on it. Soon, the injured skeleton creatures were wrapped in the black mist, and then screamed in pain.

This scene scared the ferocious beasts and other skeletal creatures to the ground and trembled.

Finally, the black mist stopped after devouring nearly 10,000 injured skeletons.

"This should be almost done!" He whispered softly, and then let these skeleton creatures and ferocious beasts continue to sleep.

And he himself came to an edge of the different space.

Here, there is also a special formation hidden.

Qiongqi poured almost all the collected energy into it, and then this special formation slowly started.

Seeing this scene, Qiongqi immediately devoted his mental power to the formation.

At the same time, in the different spaces around the world, the powerful beings hidden inside, whether they were self-proclaimed or awakened, slowly opened their eyes at this time.

In a void of space, figures suddenly appeared out of thin air.

There are giants made of lava, pure white seraphs, and humanoid creatures composed of countless tentacles.

Here, Qiongqi's image of a tiger-like figure with wings on his back does not look out of place at all.

Soon, nine powerful creatures appeared in the field, and after they appeared, their eyes involuntarily fell on Qiongqi.

"Qiongqi, I didn't expect that you were the first to initiate the party." Seraphim said with emotion.

"Don't be pretentious with those false politenesses. It costs a lot to activate a void formation. What do you want from Qiongqi?" The lava giant seemed to have the most irritable temper and asked directly.

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