Global Catastrophe: I Became the World Tree

Chapter 230 Recovery completed, huge benefits

To be honest, this change was something Ye Feng had not expected before.

He just wanted to revive the spiritual energy and increase the concentration of spiritual energy so that more mutated creatures could survive.

But I didn’t expect it to be able to weaken the power of the cold disaster. This is a big surprise!

Whether the spiritual energy is revived or the cold disaster is weakened, it is a big event.

Although the other countries responded a little slowly, they also noticed this one hour later.

While they were overjoyed, they were also frightened. It was hard to imagine what would happen if the cold continued.

As for the people of various countries, they actually don’t know that they have passed through the gate of hell.

Because all countries have a tacit understanding not to publish real data in order not to cause panic among the people.

Even many countries, especially those small countries that are on the verge of collapse, are telling people in order to reassure the people that the cold is temporary and the temperature will rise soon.

Now that things have finally turned around, they feel extremely lucky.

But at this time, China released a piece of information about selling intelligence to the world.

"Do you want to know why the cold disaster is weakening? Do you want to know why the fourth spiritual energy recovery suddenly appeared? Do you want to know how long it will take for the next spiritual energy recovery?"

"Then use technology or resources in exchange."

The release of this news undoubtedly caused a stir among the top leaders of various countries, and they all called China one after another and started bargaining.

Ye Feng didn't know much about these things, and even if he knew, he wouldn't be interested.

He is only concerned about one thing now: to what extent can the fourth spiritual energy recovery be achieved?

For this reason, he stopped cultivating his mental power. In addition to his own observation, he also possessed a mutated goshawk and flew around the country to observe the situation everywhere.

As time went by, the spiritual energy continued to increase. In just one afternoon, the concentration of spiritual energy increased by about 30%.

In addition, the cold currents released from the north and south poles have further weakened.

The temperature did not continue to drop.

Now the temperature in the south is basically around minus 30 degrees, while in the north it is minus 40 degrees.

Although the temperature is very low, as the concentration of spiritual energy increases, the animals and plants have a tendency to come back to life.

Not to mention the human side, more than two days have passed, and with the country almost using the army, the coal mined out in one day can reach the terrifying level of 50 million tons.

The produced briquettes can not only be supplied to the whole country, but can even be sold directly.

And in this cold weather, this thing is simply hard currency, even more valuable than oil because of its burning durability.

It is no exaggeration to say that China can amass a lot of wealth just by selling briquettes.

But at this time, no one would be stupid to accept money. If other countries want to buy, they will either exchange materials or technology.

With the revival of spiritual energy, a large number of mutated animals and plants have research value, and many new materials have been developed, so even some small countries have several good technologies on hand.

And these are what China needs.

Of course, it’s not that wealth is not harvested, it’s just in a different way.

Nowadays, many of the rich people from abroad want to settle here in Yangcheng City.

Because Yangcheng City has been praised as one of the safest cities in the world.

What is most important to those rich people with tens of billions of dollars?

That is of course life safety.

Before the country did not allow it, no matter how envious they were, they could only stare.

But now this gap has finally been opened, allowing wealthy foreigners to immigrate in, but there are conditions. The other party must invest domestically, and the amount must be at least tens of billions.

In addition, if the place where they invest is in other cities in the country, it will just follow the normal investment promotion process.

But if you want to invest in Yangcheng City, the land here is very expensive and is not for sale yet.

If they want to invest and build a factory here, they must let Yangcheng City officials invest in the land and take the majority share to achieve absolute control.

It has to be said that such conditions are very harsh, but rich people all over the world still flock to it.

In almost one day, Huaguo received hundreds of applications.

It is conceivable that it won't take long for wealthy people from all over the world to come to Yangcheng City with their assets to inject new vitality into the city.

In addition to the rich, the country has also opened up plans to introduce scientific researchers.

As long as you have a certain status in world academic circles, you can come and settle here in Yangcheng City unconditionally.

Even experts with high enough academic status may have the opportunity to apply for funding and be qualified to lead research teams.

As long as you really develop useful technology for China, not only will your welfare benefits be full, but you will also be able to obtain permanent residency.

However, compared with opening up immigration channels for wealthy people, foreign countries will not let go of these scientists so easily.

But China is not in a hurry. After all, this can be discussed slowly!

What's more, such invitations are not only issued to these famous scientists, but also doctoral students and graduate students from various universities are also in the invited industry.

After these people come over, although they are not qualified to lead the team, they can be assigned to different research projects according to their fields of study. If they can make contributions, they can also get promotion opportunities.

As China opened up its talent introduction plan, this matter quickly spread in the international news, and even caused quite a stir in the research fields of various countries.

When Ye Feng saw this information on the Internet the next day, he couldn't help but be amazed.

Of course, compared to these, what he is more concerned about is actually the process of spiritual energy recovery.

Another night has passed, and now the intensity of the spiritual energy has increased by 70%, and is still rising.

Such a substantial improvement was really beyond Ye Feng's expectation.

However, the richer the spiritual energy, the better.

Moistened by this rich spiritual energy, basically all animals and plants that had not been frozen to death before were able to survive in this severe cold environment.

In addition, with the further recovery of spiritual energy, the cold current released from the north and south poles continues to weaken.

One night has passed, and now the global temperature has not dropped, but has shown slight signs of warming.

In the southern region, the temperature rose from minus 30 degrees to minus 28 degrees. As for the northern region, the temperature rose from minus 40 degrees to minus 35 degrees.

It can be said that everything is developing in a good direction.

Finally, when the time came to 12 noon, it was exactly one day since the spiritual energy was revived.

And the fourth spiritual energy recovery was finally over.

At this time, Ye Feng sensed that the concentration of spiritual energy between heaven and earth had doubled.

Before Ye Feng had time to realize the benefits brought to him by the change in spiritual energy concentration, he felt that there seemed to be a power from somewhere in the world that was integrated into his body.

With the integration of this strange energy, he instantly felt that his affinity with this world had increased to a higher level, and it was permanent.

A clear understanding arose in Ye Feng's heart. He should have been recognized by the will of the world.

As for what are the benefits?

Ye Feng sensed it a little, and the first thing was the change in his ability to control the world.

He himself currently maintains the temperature around Yangcheng City, and his consumption has been reduced from the initial 2 million Faith Power per hour to 1 million Faith Power, and the consumption has been directly reduced by half.

Not only that, if he uses the ability to control the world to attack, the power will be doubled.

For example, when he performs a thunder and lightning attack, the power that comes out after consuming 50,000 points of faith power is completely equivalent to the power that he used to expend 100,000 points of faith power.

In addition, the range that he can control the world has also doubled, from the original diameter of 65 kilometers to a diameter of 130 kilometers.

Now the scope that he can control the world is no longer limited to the surrounding areas of Yangcheng City.

Even Yonghe City, Pingjin City and Jiangpu City are within the scope of his control of the world.

"That's great!" Ye Feng felt the changes in himself and couldn't help but praise.

And he discovered that these were only changes on the surface. In fact, they were recognized by the will of the world, and there were many invisible benefits.

For example, when he exerts his ability to control the world and perceives the world, he gets much more feedback information than before, and it is also much more detailed.

From the feedback information, he already knows that the current low temperature is already the limit of the cold disaster, and the temperature will not drop anymore.

And the cold disaster will officially end in 36 days.

After getting the accurate time, Ye Feng couldn't help but let out a long sigh of relief.

If the cold disaster only lasts for more than a month, although it will be difficult to endure, it will not be fatal.

After all, the state has grain reserves. If it only lasts for more than a month, it won't be a problem.

In addition, there is now a lot of coal, and the spiritual energy is much richer, so it is completely possible to do indoor planting and the like.

Therefore, the threat of this cold disaster has basically passed, and now we just need to survive until it is over.

In addition, with the ability to control the world, he can also accurately perceive the location of other fifth-level creatures.

He can even locate the dragons that escaped from the restricted area in Europe.

However, after locking on them, Ye Feng was slightly stunned, because the auras of these giant dragons had all soared to the sixth level.

He quickly realized that the giant dragons coming out of the restricted area should be at the sixth level, but they had been suppressed by this world before.

Now that the fourth spiritual energy recovery has completely ended, they have been able to break through to the sixth level. Their realm has naturally returned to the peak of the sixth level.

Ye Feng confirmed that there were actually 53 of these sixth-order dragons.

Previously, these giant dragons were frightened by human fighter jets and hid.

But now that they have returned to level six, the threat level has definitely increased to a large level. If they come out to cause damage, I am afraid that not many cities can withstand it.

"Aren't you in Europe always hoping that I, the Dragon King, will appear? Does the precise positioning now count as a manifestation? You can give it a try, and maybe you can reap a wave of power of faith." Ye Feng whispered softly.

These creatures coming out of the restricted area were not something that could be dealt with before, but now that they are known, they must be eliminated.

"Hey! This area." Ye Feng closed his eyes, felt it carefully, and then made a comparison.

He finally confirmed that there was indeed a restricted area that had not been discovered.

There are nine restricted areas in the world.

There are three in China, one in America, one in Europe, one in Australia, one in Africa, one in the Arctic, and the last one is actually in the deep sea of ​​the Pacific Ocean.

"At a depth of more than 3,000 meters on the seabed, there is nothing we can do. There is no way to target it at this stage."

Ye Feng shook his head and stopped thinking about it, because now that the spiritual energy recovery was over, he still had one crucial thing to do, which was to break through to the sixth level.

When he reaches the sixth level, his strength will reach a higher level, and he will be more confident when facing the penalty area.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng no longer hesitated, opened the system panel, took one last look, and then chose to break through.

In an instant, the 2,000 evolution points were cleared on the system panel, and then turned into a majestic energy, integrating into every part of his body along the trunk.


The entire Sunset Valley was trembling slightly, and this was under the condition of exerting the earthquake ability in reverse and deliberately controlling it.

Otherwise, with his current body shape, after the drastic changes in his body, at least the Sunset Valley will definitely shake the earth.

At the same time, white mist filled the entire Sunset Valley again, covering his figure.

You must know that the height of Ye Feng has reached 2585 meters. It is extremely conspicuous wherever it is placed. At this time, when the Sunset Valley was shrouded in thick fog, it instantly attracted the attention of all parties.

Even now, the people paying attention to him are no longer just from Yangcheng City, but from all over the country, and even from satellites in various countries around the world.

But the official side was very unusual and did not take any action.

It wasn't until a mutant parrot flew out of the thick fog and headed towards Yangcheng City that Bai Yinghui and Liu Zaoxin walked out of the government affairs building.

"Parrot Messenger, let me guess, this should be good news!" Liu Zaoxin said with a smile.

"Well, that's right! I came here to tell you three things."

"First, the Dragon King has made an accurate prediction that the cold disaster will end in 36 days."

"Second, there is a ninth restricted area on earth, located 3,000 meters below the Pacific Ocean."

"Third, the Lord Dragon King has felt the prayers of the European people and knows that they are in dire straits. Although he has no time to go and solve the dragons, he is still willing to use his magical powers to help them locate the dragons."

"By the way, the strength of those giant dragons that came out of the restricted area has returned to the peak of the sixth level with the recovery of spiritual energy."

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