Global Catastrophe: I Became the World Tree

Chapter 240 Mutated sparrows are also powerful

After understanding what Liu Zaoxin meant, Ye Feng nodded, "I think your idea is a good one. Are there any difficulties in coming to see me?"

Hearing the mutated parrot ask this question, Liu Zaoxin didn't have any embarrassed thoughts. He nodded directly and said: "Yes, this matter does have a lot of risks. My superiors asked me to ask your Dragon King Palace if they can help. Of course. The price is negotiable.”

Ye Feng thought for a moment, and if it had been before, he would have definitely refused. After all, these fourth-level contracted animals under his command would probably fall down if they faced a sixth-level dragon.

But now that you have the ability to transfer attributes, it's different.

Although the fourth-level subordinates can only withstand 80% of the power of his lateral roots, it is still enough.

So, after thinking for a while, he nodded and said, "Yes, the price is 5 billion."

"Is this... so expensive?" Liu Zaoxin said a little surprised and confused.

Because according to his understanding of the mutated parrot, the other party is not the character of a lion.

In his mind, his psychological value for inviting flying animals like the Dragon King Palace to come over to help was around 500 million.

After all, they had cooperated before when dealing with the fifth-level mutated golden eagle. The animals in the Dragon King Palace could only play a supporting role at best.

How could Ye Feng not know what the other party was thinking and said directly: "We are dealing with a sixth-order dragon this time. It would be too dangerous for our envoys to go there."

"So this time, the Dragon King will give us the power to fight against the sixth-order dragon."

"Don't you want to show your strength? This time is just enough for other countries to see the strength of the alliance."

After hearing this, Liu Zaoxin's eyes suddenly lit up.

Without any hesitation, he nodded and said: "Okay, no problem, just 5 billion. When can you start here?"

"You can do it at any time, it's up to you." Ye Feng said.

Liu Zaoxin immediately reported the matter to his superiors, and the top officials of the country quickly responded.

5 billion is no problem, and if the Dragon King has such means, then they can indeed make good use of this opportunity to expand their influence.

Originally, the military only planned to send 10 fighter jets there, just to express its attitude.

But now, if the Dragon King will give other envoys the power to make them as strong as the sixth-order dragon, their tactics can be adjusted.

You can send more fighters over to show your strength without worrying too much about damage.

After all, when fighting the sixth-order dragon, the fighter jets shoot from long range.

The reason why it was damaged was because the dragon used its speed to get close and was unable to get away, so it was destroyed.

When being chased, as long as the envoys from the Dragon King Palace take action and entangle the opponent a little, their fighters can quickly get rid of them.

After the military made a decision, this time Bai Yinghui came forward to discuss with the mutated parrot.

"We mainly want to determine how many fighter jets the Dragon King Palace can protect?" Bai Yinghui asked.

Ye Feng did not answer immediately, but asked first. Knowing that the other party planned to use a long-range combat method, he thought about it for a while and then said.

"If you adopt this fighting method, then it shouldn't be a big problem for one of our envoys to protect 10 fighter jets. Of course, the smaller the number, the easier it will be to protect them."

Bai Yinghui's eyes lit up slightly after hearing this, and he quickly asked: "How many envoys can you send in total to the Dragon King Palace?"

"If you count me, 6." Ye Feng replied.

After all, there are only so many mutant animals he has contracted with, and even fewer flying ones.

Mutated goshawk, mutated bat, mutated black crow, mutated parrot, and two mutated sparrows.

"Okay, I understand." Bai Yinghui nodded and said, "I will contact my superiors again. It is estimated that fighter jets will be sent here soon, and then we will set off together. It will not take more than half an hour. Please prepare here."

The mutated parrot nodded and returned directly to Sunset Valley.

Soon, 6 mutant birds preparing to go to Europe for support gathered under the maple tree.

Ye Feng looked at them with a feeling of anticipation.

This is also the first time he has used the ability of attribute transfer.

Ye Feng took a deep breath, then pulled out a side root and placed it on the mutated sparrow's body.

The next moment, the attribute transfer ability is activated!

Almost instantly, Ye Feng felt that his tree root had become soft and weak. Even normal movement became a little difficult, let alone used for attacks.

The mutant sparrow that was injected with power, with a wingspan of only more than 20 meters, suddenly expanded in a circle at this moment, and it also exuded a dangerous aura.

Feeling the sudden change in the mutant sparrow's aura, several mutant creatures beside it, including the strongest mutant goshawk, all looked at the mutant sparrow with a hint of vigilance.

Ye Feng carefully observed the changes in the mutated sparrow, and then issued an order.

The next moment, both the mutated sparrow and the mutated goshawk flew into the air. The two sides looked at each other from a distance and took an attack stance.

Under normal circumstances, the combat effectiveness of the two of them is not at the same level at all.

But at this time, the mutated goshawk became quite vigilant, and even released the hurricane power from the beginning.

Seeing that both parties were ready, Ye Feng directly gave the order to start.

The mutant goshawk was the first to move. With the blessing of the hurricane's superpower, its speed instantly reached twice the speed of sound, and it was close to the mutant sparrow in an instant.

Perhaps in the mind of the mutant sparrow, the power of the mutant goshawk has been deeply ingrained, so when it saw the opponent attacking first, it subconsciously dodged away.

However, the instantaneous burst of speed it made shocked all the mutated animals watching the battle.

4 times the speed of sound!

That's right, it has reached the terrifying 4 times the speed of sound.

When Ye Feng broke through to the late sixth level, he chose to strengthen the flexibility of the roots, so the movement speed of Ye Feng's roots changed from 2 times the speed of sound to 4 times the speed of sound.

Of course, when Ye Feng transfers his own attributes, there will be an 80% reduction, which is only about 3.2 times the speed of sound.

But you must know that this attribute transfer is actually a bonus.

3.2 times the speed of sound, coupled with the original speed of the mutant sparrow, the mutant sparrow at this moment has barely reached 4 times the speed of sound.

At this speed, it can completely crush the mutated goshawk.

After easily dodging the opponent's attack, the mutant sparrow also reacted.

After it felt its majestic power, the next moment it turned around and rushed towards the mutated goshawk without showing any signs of weakness.


In mid-air, sparks flew everywhere, and the sharp claws of both sides collided fiercely.

However, when the mutated goshawk's several-meter-long sharp talons collided with those several sizes smaller than its own, it turned out to be the one who suffered.

The terrifying power was transmitted to the body through the sharp claws, making its claws numb.

What's more important is that a crack has appeared on its extremely hard claws.

The mutated goshawk's eyes were full of incredulity. You must know that after breaking through to the middle stage of the fourth level, its power has reached 30 tons.

But this collision was absolutely suppressed in terms of power.

This is normal. After all, Ye Feng's root power is 100 tons. Even after it is reduced, it is still 80 tons transmitted to the mutated sparrow.

Coupled with the opponent's own strength bonus, this blow will not be easy for even a fifth-level mutant creature, let alone a fourth-level mutated goshawk.

The mutated sparrow, seeing that it was able to suppress the mutated goshawk in a head-on collision, suddenly became excited and continued to attack, this time with its beak.

As long as it pecks it, the mutant goshawk will definitely be seriously injured.

The mutated goshawk obviously knew this, so it tried its best to dodge.

However, its speed is simply not comparable to the opponent.

Just as it was about to be pecked, at the last moment, its superpowers burst out instantly, and the hurricane swirling around it turned into thousands of sharp blades, sweeping towards the mutated sparrow.

Facing the mutant goshawk's killing move, the mutant sparrow was frightened at first. At such a close distance, it couldn't even dodge.

However, after the first wind blade fell on it, it found that it didn't need to hide at all.

Because of these wind blade attacks, they could only barely cut through its feathers, and couldn't even break through the skin and flesh inside.


It directly faced thousands of wind blades, increased its speed to the maximum, and caught up with the mutated goshawk that retreated in panic.

Then the bird's beak pecked hard, opening a large hole more than three meters wide in the opponent's body, and blood suddenly gurgled out.

Seeing that the outcome was decided, Ye Feng immediately issued a stop order to both parties.

Soon they all fell down again. Ye Feng looked at the bloody hole on the mutated goshawk and immediately stretched out a tree root to heal the opponent, but he was quite satisfied in his heart.

The ability to transfer attributes was as powerful as he expected.

The weakest mutated sparrow can easily suppress the mutated goshawk after getting its own boost.

And this is just his normal state.

As long as he uses aura possession, the attribute bonus obtained by the mutant sparrow will be directly increased three times.

300 tons of power, 12 times the speed of sound, six levels of defense and recovery capabilities.

Although after these transfers are over, they will be weakened to only 80%, but it is definitely no problem to use it to deal with ordinary sixth-level creatures, at least to contain the opponent.

As for whether he could win the fight, Ye Feng didn't know yet. After all, he had never really seen the strength of those sixth-order dragons.

Soon, after treating the mutated goshawk's injuries, he used his attribute transfer ability to directly increase the combat effectiveness of several other mutated birds.

Then he possessed the mutated parrot and led the team back to Yangcheng City.

When Ye Feng led his team back here, he found that there were already 20 fifth-generation fighter jets parked at the airport.

As soon as he landed, he saw Bai Yinghui walking towards him quickly and said: "Parrot Messenger, do you have anything else to prepare? If not, let's set off now! The European side is urging us Tight, their cities are being devastated."

Ye Feng nodded obediently, but looked at the planes at the airport and asked, "Are these all the fighter jets you sent over?"

Bai Yinghui shook his head, "No, we plan to send 50 fighter jets this time, plus 2 aerial tankers to ensure long endurance."

"But the remaining planes are a bit far from Yangcheng City, so we won't gather here. We will fly to the border first, fill up the tank at the airport there, and then fly directly to Europe."

Ye Feng nodded thoughtfully. He had said before that on his side, one envoy could protect 10 fighter jets, and the other party could theoretically send 60 fighter jets.

But now only 50 are dispatched, which is obviously a sure hand, and he can understand this.

He was just about to set off, but then he seemed to notice something. He took a serious look at the fifth-generation fighters in front of him, and couldn't help but ask: "Why do I feel that these fighters are a little different from the previous ones?"

Bai Yinghui nodded, without hiding anything, and said directly: "It is indeed different. Since the revival of spiritual energy, the evolution of living things has also greatly promoted the development of science."

"In fact, our sixth-generation fighter aircraft has entered the final testing phase. However, after the testing is completed, it will take a long time to be fully installed."

"So many things have happened during this period, and we simply can't wait that long, so we use the technology of the sixth-generation fighter to transform the fifth-generation fighter as much as possible."

"Now, it is more appropriate to call these fifth-generation and a half fighter jets."

After listening to the other party's explanation, Ye Feng nodded. At the same time, he also understood another aspect of the other party's meaning, which was to show off his muscles without any scruples!

Of course, it's also a good thing for him. The stronger the fighter, the easier this mission will naturally be.

After he said "Let's go" to Bai Yinghui, he responded directly and then flapped his wings and flew high into the sky.

These fifth-generation fighter jets, which had been on standby for a long time, soared into the sky instantly.

Ye Feng wanted to see the performance of these modified fighter jets, so the speed quickly exceeded one time the speed of sound, and then two, three, and four times.

The fighter jets behind them also began to speed up, and soon reached 4 times the speed of sound. However, when Ye Feng wanted to continue to speed up, the opponent actively slowed down, and finally only maintained at twice the speed of sound. about.

At this time, Ye Feng finally understood the opponent's ultimate speed.

Of course, this is not bad. After all, the average fifth-generation fighter jet is only 2 times the speed of sound. Now these modified fighter jets have doubled the speed.

At the same time, at the joint force headquarters of European countries, Marshal Smith looked at the battle situation reported back from the front line, his face turned livid.

Just three minutes ago, five more fighter jets were destroyed on their side.

All told, nearly 30 fighter jets have been shot down.

What's more important is that the dragons are becoming more and more unscrupulous. Two cities have been severely damaged, and now they are heading to the third city.

And that city is a first-tier metropolis!

"Damn it, we have sent out so many signals for help, but no country has sent fighter jets to support us?"

"Especially the United States. Isn't their aircraft carrier nearby?" He said angrily, even breaking the tea cup in his hand.

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